What is a State National?
Summary Borrowed...An American State National is either: (1) naturally born on the land and soil of an American State such as Wisconsin, or (2) after being naturalized as a United States Citizen, is a foreign-born man or woman who voluntarily accepts and publishes their adoption of a specific American State as their permanent home and domicile. A State National is not acting as a citizen of any government and owes no obligations to government beyond keeping the peace and reporting crimes. As a completely unincorporated Person, a State National is sovereign and private and generally immune from prosecution until and unless they take some action that causes actual physical harm to someone else or someone else’s property, whereupon they are subject to the Common Law of the County and State where they live or where the alleged crime is committed. A State National can be arrested for cause by peacekeeping officials but is not generally subject to private courts or to arrest by private law enforcement officers. By definition, a State National is a civilian and an Internationally Protected Person and is owed The Law of Peace. A State National may be elected to Public Office, whereupon they become subject to their Affirmation of Office. State Nationals are the “people” of each State and populate the National Soil Jurisdiction.