I have contacted the HIGHLINE COMMUNITY CHURCH in Greenwood Village, Colorado regarding the first Combolisk. I am excited for this opportunity yet mindful of the difficulties of getting people to take the time to listen to the truth, and move away from the crimes of the last century and a half. It was easy for me to understand the problem, I believe I have received Christ and by Acts 2 have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thus I have discernment through the sharing of the Mind of Christ, yet I am not mindful of the complete plan God has for us until it is revealed.
The text of my First Notice is here highline chruch first notice.pdf (combolisk.org). I am sending out an email for a face to face meeting and have witnesses to attest to the receipt of service. Like all of us that have been deceived and plundered since birth, this church appears to be victim of being a dead asset full of dead assets in the air jurisdiction of commerce. They proudly display their DUNS registration number on the footer of their website. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to build the first Combolisk here in the tradition of the North Church of the famed ride of Paul Revere?
One if by Land. Two if by Sea. Three if by Combolisk.