Writ of Habeas Corpus for Colorado State Nationals that have declared their political status
Habeas corpus ad faciendum et recipiendum is a directive to take the prisoner to a superior court. If you are a declared living man or woman and the inferior court is a fiction, this directive would ultimately take you to the Principals. Since the Lord Mayor of London, King, and Pope are the Principals for all the corporate fictions and government service providers operating in breach of trust and water/air jurisdictions, the expectation is that this request will take you before these Principals where the Land, Air, and Water treaties following the Revolutionary War and our grandfathered status as gods [not The God] in air jurisdiction by the prior work of James Clinton Belcher and Anna Maria Reizinger will provide standing and provenance to stand above the fictions of the corporations.
Peace Proclamation and notice to Governor Polis of the State of Colorado [incorporated]
Default and schedules on notice above
Service to:
El Paso District 4:
Chief Justice Bain
Magistrate Nafziger
Federal District Court
Washington DC record sealed. No jurisdiction for a Colorado habitant. This is in error as the MUNICIPAL Federal Service Provider extends to all State of States as acts of Piracy.
Resubmitted with Letter addressing clerks and Justices as USA Citizens
Updated unsigned draft 03/25/2024 draft
1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 opened up the Kansas Territory including what would become the Colorado Territory in a blood bath for settlement between opposing Union and Southern interests.
1861: Colorado Territory was formed from the Kansas Territory in 1861.Civil War [mercenary conflict] begins. President Lincoln suspends writ of Habeas Corpus for States of States [incorporated states as Lincoln is head of the Territorial Corporation DBA the corporate United States providing Foreign Services to develop territories into organic states] . Lincoln’s suspension challenged by Supreme Court.
1865: Writ of Habeas Corpus suspension lifted by Proclamation of President Johnson [southern states excepted]. Writ is thus lifted for Colorado Territory.
1876: Colorado became a State of State [corporation DUNS 76438621]
Here is an update regarding an error in the Writ document. Although Anna Von Reitz has written on numerous occasions that the writ of Habeas Corpus has not been lifted following Lincoln’s suspension, I documented his successors’ lift that includes the then territory of Colorado. Since Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson as VP took office, the presumption is that the lift was under the same service provider as was Lincoln. The Northern State of States represented the Territorial British Subcontractor and so it follows the lift is for the Territorial and is applicable. Anna does note that the Writ may still be suspended by reference to Trump in http://annavonreitz/dualcitizenshipdavidstraight.pdf.
Another error exists in the writ. I started the file based on a one-page document received from a declared Colorado State Citizen. State citizens are a step removed from being sovereign in that they have put the needs of the State in this case Colorado, above their own. The first premise was claim of being a National under USC 8 separate from dual citizenship. Anna is in http://annavonreitz.com/dualcitizenshipdavidstraight.pdf that a Colorado or other State National cannot claim this as the Federal code is for Federal employees. Federal employees enjoy dual citizenship or more as Citizens under both the Territorial and Municipal subcontractors. Since USC 8 is part of their code, the National is referring to an American State National for territories such as Guam. Thus you may be removed from a Municipal Citizenship but retain Citizenship under the Crown in a Territory. I claim to be a Colorado State National with by nationality being Minnesotan because I was born as a living baby in Minnesota by my Mother and Father.
Explain more to me. Why not claim to be “one of the people” or “one of the people of New Jersey Jersey” that’s my state. The way I know it is that we have two states the company and the land. Can you help me with this writ?
You have more authority as a sovereign as per the Definitive Treaty of Paris which ensures we are sovereign in our own right which makes us kings of our own castles.
If you become a State Citizen in service to other living men, you put the needs of others in front of yourself. The State Citizens are the People in uppercase which are the employers of the Federal contractors.
Both State Citizens and American State Nationals are without the defacto corporations.
In Colorado as well as the incorporated Federal US, persons are considered nonliving entities. See 2-4-401 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. This goes back to the treaties that were set up by our founders to preserve the LAW ie Land/Soil, Air, and Water jurisdictions as the LAW of Kinds from the Biblical principles found in Genesis. Soil is the living 5″ of Land where man lives. Air is a dead jurisdiction of the birds and spirits. It is dead because Man falls off cliff and dies with no Land. Satan is the Prince of the Air. Corporate entities are found as fictions created by the living. Ultimately the Pope is responsible for all incorporations as it was the Holy See that created all variations of corporations [Satan is also the father of all lies]. They can be dissolved through the Uniform Commercial Corporation agreement that all chartered and sub-corporations are formed from. Similarly, Satan is King of the Sea or Water jurisdiction. This is also a dead jurisdiction as man cannot breath water like fish.
This was all discovered by Anna Von Reitz and her living LAW firm [annavonreitz.com/twojurisdictions.pdf]. Using Last Man Standing and finding heirs to the Land/Soil in all fifty states, she and her husband began the process to reestablish the status of the living on the real soil. In essence we have the corporate veil separating us as dead entities from the soil. There has been no standing since many criminal acts following the Revolutionary War led to a systematic process of personage against the living. Part of this begins with a clearing house receipt issued as a birth certificate in a name similar to our living man. This continues with a contract to obtain a social security registration in further proof of our agreement to be taken off the Land. Then every contract we sign confirms our agreement to stay in dead international jurisdictions. Meanwhile after seven years, we get another BIRTH CERTIFICATE and are added to another trust as we are presumed lost at sea.
Now that a team of living men and [wo]men have standing to speak to the Vatican Chancery Court, we can restore the wealth, assets, and status of the living for the whole world as many other nations have been made victims of a pattern of crimes. We haven’t had standing like this for over a century and a half. The sovereigns in control of world banking and assets finally have to listen to our claims!!!!!!!!!
The corporations have run amuck.
From http://annavonreitz.com/twojurisdictions.pdf
The UNITED STATES has a franchise called the STATE OF NEW YORK and it has a
franchise called the CITY OF NEW YORK and it has a franchise called the BOROUGH
OF QUEENS which has a franchise called “PAUL ANDREAS MOREAU”.
So on January 6 of this year, we pulled the plug in the jurisdiction of the air and
issued the Payment Bond. Anyone on Earth can read it and understand what it says
and make their claim upon it. The Kingdom of Heaven has redeemed the Kingdom of
And on June 29 of this year, we pulled the plug in the jurisdiction of the sea, and
recorded our claim as the Paramount Security Interest Holders in the bankruptcy of
all the Municipal and Territorial Governments and all their fictitious “citizens”. The
Kingdom of Heaven holds all the debts of the Kingdom of God.
It’s over. The Truth has won.