Writ of Habeas Corpus for Colorado State Nationals that have declared their political status

Habeas corpus ad faciendum et recipiendum is a directive to take the prisoner to a superior court. If you are a declared living man or woman and the inferior court is a fiction, this directive would ultimately take you to the Principals. Since the Lord Mayor of London, King, and Pope are the Principals for all the corporate fictions and government service providers operating in breach of trust and water/air jurisdictions, the expectation is that this request will take you before these Principals where the Land, Air, and Water treaties following the Revolutionary War and our grandfathered status as gods [not The God] in air jurisdiction by the prior work of James Clinton Belcher and Anna Maria Reizinger will provide standing and provenance to stand above the fictions of the corporations.

Peace Proclamation and notice to Governor Polis of the State of Colorado [incorporated]

Default and schedules on notice above

Service to:

El Paso District 4:

Chief Justice Bain

Magistrate Nafziger

Federal District Court


Washington DC record sealed. No jurisdiction for a Colorado habitant. This is in error as the MUNICIPAL Federal Service Provider extends to all State of States as acts of Piracy.

Supreme Court

Returned of Service Letter

Resubmitted with Letter addressing clerks and Justices as USA Citizens

Updated unsigned draft 03/25/2024 draft


1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 opened up the Kansas Territory including what would become the Colorado Territory in a blood bath for settlement between opposing Union and Southern interests.

1861: Colorado Territory was formed from the Kansas Territory in 1861.Civil War [mercenary conflict] begins. President Lincoln suspends writ of Habeas Corpus for States of States [incorporated states as Lincoln is head of the Territorial Corporation DBA the corporate United States providing Foreign Services to develop territories into organic states] . Lincoln’s suspension challenged by Supreme Court.

1865: Writ of Habeas Corpus suspension lifted by Proclamation of President Johnson [southern states excepted]. Writ is thus lifted for Colorado Territory.

1876: Colorado became a State of State [corporation DUNS 76438621]