The Association of Realtors were Noticed 12/14/23 regarding Union Pacific Railway Company fraud. The presentation was marked with the completion of due process as three Notices to area Title companies. The limited offer to contract with title companies was an attempt to limit the scope of fraud and its dramatic effect on land adjacent to the original rail created under the Pacific Railway Acts.
Fraud vitiates everything. Much fraud is associated with the period of time known as the Civil War in American history. We now know that the war was really a mercenary conflict between two corporations providing for profit foreign governmental services for the union of States. Although the unincorporated Federal government on the land went underground, the remaining providers acted to develop a rail from east to west. The crossing of the Rocky Mountains became the hurdle to complete a ralline from coast to coast.
At issue is that under the delegation of enumerated services for military protection and postal services, the foreign corporations doing business as the Territorial and MUNICIPAL United States authorized the development of a company, Union Pacific Railway Company to complete a ralline from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.
Much fraud was centered around the Union Pacific Railway Company that was created and became bankrupt before it received some of the land promised for completion and approval of the line. It took decades for the approval because much of the line had to be rebuilt.
We discovered that at least one major purchase of land in Arapahoe County, Colorado was made between UP before it went bankrupt and Rufus Clark. That sale and deed became the much of the parcels and subdivisions in use by residents today. Fraud occurred because UP sold the land before they owned it. And since there was no company to receive the land patents when the new UP out of bankruptcy completed the line, the land became lost at sea until we claimed it in 2023. Meanwhile the new UP filed a DISCLAIMER back in 1972 suggesting it was not owner of the Rufus Clark sections.
Fraud vitiates everything it touches as international LAW. There is no statute of limitations on fraud. In our effort to salvage and make claim on the lost sections, we tried to make public law to reduce the exposure on title companies that have provided title policiies in support of the now known fraudulent sale. By making our claims and allowing the effected Parties to make counter claim, we were able to create public LAW through acquiescence. For those on the land politically, American Common LAW are the rules between living men. Since the scams to remove the living from the land since the Civil War, we in part used last man standing to make our claim. And we attempted to contact area title companies to limit exposure to the range of claims to a a single section of the Rufus Clark Sale that was oriiginally three sections. Each section represents a square mile of land.
Our public LAW created requires the Parties to agree to the pubic LAW and our conditional offer to contract. In the alternative, the public LAW extends to all the Land that was fraudulently sold by the former UP.
Our due process is complete. We have finished Noticing the area title companies. Please see the menu for more information and to see whether the title company issuing your title insurance has contracted. If the Title company was Noticed, you will have to agree to any discounts contracted. This is because we are first in line, first in time to make claim. This claim was not challenged. All residents of the effected land are in trespass and we will begin Noticing trespassers. We do not wish to harm any living man or [wo]man. We intend to work with the living on land jurisdiction. We are also willing to consider contracts for entities and fictions on the land with the understanding that fictions are only here by the Residence Act. No fiction has treaty or LAW to own land. This is the Biblical LAW of kinds but has not been taught because the government entities stealing from us since birth do not want us to know our unalienable rights and inheritance from God preserved by the artifacts of our founders including the peace treaties following the War for Independence.
Our continued due process to bring the fraud forward includes Notice to the Colorado Association of Realtors. Now thousands of agents licenses as STATE OF COLORADO realtors have a fiduciary responsibility to Notice their clients of fraud that specifically relates to the Rufus Clark sections as well as potentially any property that was granted to the former UP.
For more information follow these links:
Anna Von Reitz has over 4000 articles related to the fraud and crimes committed by our Federal government service providers.
Union Pacific Railway Company for more information on the specific land fraud of the original company and our claims to bring the fraud forward.
Colorado Association of Realtors for copy of Notice.
Now that our process is complete