Check Date Post Load International Public Notice: The End of the Deceit 5201 Load Checked International Public Notice: More Proof of Usurpation by Corporations 01/04/25 5200 Load Checked International Public Notice: "Eternal War" 01/04/25 5199 Load Checked International Public Notice: Concerning Beneficial Ownership Interest of All US Corporations 01/04/25 5198 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dr. Richard Cordero, Doctor of Law 01/04/25 5197 Load Checked Beloved Countrymen - New Year's Thoughts from James Belcher 01/04/25 5196 Load Checked To Everyone in All Our Assemblies 01/04/25 5195 Load Checked International Public Notice: Besides the Fraud, There's the Murder 01/04/25 5194 Load Checked International Public Notice: A Short Reply to "King Charles III" 01/04/25 5193 Load Checked International Public Notice: No Cold War 01/04/25 5192 Load Checked The Broken Cookies Plate 01/04/25 5191 Load Checked International Public Notice: The End of All Hysteria 01/04/25 5190 Load Checked International Public Notice: 31 Million 01/04/25 5189 Load Checked All International Jurisdictions Are Realms of the Dead 01/04/25 5188 Load Checked International Public Notice: A Different Point of View 01/04/25 5187 Load Checked International Public Notice: Succinct Bad News on Christmas Day 01/04/25 5186 Load Checked The civil war proof of peace 01/04/25 5185 Load Checked International Public Note: Ireland and Israel 01/04/25 5184 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Three False Gods 01/04/25 5183 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Limits of Artificial Intelligence 01/04/25 5182 Load Checked International Public Notice: Attention President-Elect Trump 12/22/20 5181 Load Checked International Public Notice: No Drones Policy for The United States, Ending the FBI, the UN, Inc., and Illegal Mercenary Occupation 12/18/24 5180 Load Checked International Public Notice: End the Madness 12/18/24 5179 Load Checked A Short History of Corporations 12/18/24 5178 Load Checked International Public Notice: Citizenship v Nationality 12/18/24 5177 Load Checked International Public Notice: To the Bone 12/18/24 5176 Load Checked International Public Notice: "Fatigued By Anti-Semitism" 12/18/24 5175 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Nature of Our Bilateral Banking System 12/18/24 5174 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Question Brought Under Ecclesiastical Law 12/18/24 5173 Load Checked International Public Notice: Common Sources of Misunderstanding, e.g., Ron Vrooman 12/18/24 5172 Load Checked International Public Notice: Defund and Disband the United Nations 12/18/24 5171 Load Checked Dear Nathan.... 12/18/24 5170 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dual Federal Citizenship v. State Citizenship v. State Nationality 12/18/24 5169 Load Checked International Public Notice: Natural Law 12/18/24 5168 Load Checked Reposting For Your Outraged Information 12/18/24 5167 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Role of the Pilgrim's Society 12/18/24 5166 Load Checked International Public Notice: High Crimes and Misdemeanors 12/18/24 5165 Load Checked International Public Notice: Mr. Trump -- The One Issue of the Age 12/18/24 5164 Load Checked International Public Notice: A Most Profound and Useful Summation 12/18/24 5163 Load Checked International Public Notice: United Nations Agenda 12/18/24 5162 Load Checked Dear Jeremy 12/18/24 5161 Load Checked International Public Notice: Powerful Ignorances 12/18/24 5160 Load Checked The Two Gods 12/18/24 5159 Load Checked Planned Vatican Bankruptcy Fraud 12/18/24 5158 Load Checked So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good-Night.... 12/18/24 5157 Load Checked Deliver Us -- A Special Prayer 12/18/24 5156 Load Checked International Public Notice: To Ben Fulford, White Hats, Et Alia 12/18/24 5155 Load Checked International Public Notice: Information of Criminal Fraud and Trespass 12/18/24 5154 Load Checked What Has Been Endured: For North Carolina and Tennessee 12/08/24 5153 Load Checked International Public Notice: More Illegal and Immoral "Impositions" Based on Fraud 12/08/24 5152 Load Checked International Public Notice: Forms of Governments 12/08/24 5151 Load Checked A Footnote About Evil 12/08/24 5150 Load Checked International Public Notice: We Are Sorry 12/08/24 5149 Load Checked International Public Notice: In Case You Missed It 12/08/24 5148 Load Checked International Public Notice: Nationalization and Criminal Corporate Activities 12/08/24 5147 Load Checked Assembly Email Lists 12/08/24 5146 Load Checked Just When You Thought.... Things Couldn't Get Any Worse 12/08/24 5145 Load Checked International Public Notice: Egregious Harm 12/08/24 5144 Load Checked About North Carolina 12/08/24 5143 Load Checked The Sheep and the Goats 12/08/24 5142 Load Checked International Public Notice: Monopoly Inducement is a Crime 12/08/24 5141 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Federal Reserve and QFS 12/08/24 5140 Load Checked There Are Honorable Brits 12/08/24 5139 Load Checked Elon and I 12/02/24 5138 Load Checked Why You Need Us and We Need You 12/02/24 5137 Load Checked International Public Notice: We Called It 12/02/24 5136 Load Checked International Public Notice: Cosmic Night 12/02/24 5135 Load Checked International Public Notice: Gaza Genocide 12/02/24 5134 Load Checked International Public Notice: Destroying Corporations 12/02/24 5133 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Confusion About Federation v Confederation 12/02/24 5132 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dear Mr. Trump: Regarding QFS 11/22/20 5131 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dear Mr. Trump 11/22/20 5130 Load Checked International Public Notice: It's a Stage and They Are the Players 11/22/20 5129 Load Checked About the Use of Time Outs and the Value of Our Differences 11/22/20 5128 Load Checked International Public Notice: Justice Comes to the DOJ 11/22/20 5127 Load Checked Two Women 11/22/20 5126 Load Checked International Public Notice: A Simple But Pernicious Misunderstanding 11/22/20 5125 Load Checked Re-Posting for Educational Purposes 11/22/20 5124 Load Checked International Public Notice: A Brutal But Honest Answer About "British" Justice 11/22/20 5123 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Problem of Sync 11/22/20 5122 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Brits "At It" Again 11/22/20 5121 Load Checked Sharing On 11/22/20 5120 Load Checked The Beginning is the End 11/22/20 5119 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Federal Republic v Their "Federal Republic" 11/22/20 5118 Load Checked International Public Notice: Real World Helene Recovery 11/22/20 5117 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Reason America is Hated 11/19/20 5116 Load Checked International Public Notice: There Is No Doubt 11/19/20 5115 Load Checked International Public Notice: The "News" From 1946 11/19/20 5114 Load Checked International Public Notice: Pandemic Was a NATO Operation 11/19/20 5113 Load Checked International Public Notice: Two Thieves 11/19/20 5112 Load Checked It's All Over, Now the Shouting 11/19/20 5111 Load Checked They Do Protest Too Much 11/11/20 5110 Load Checked So You Know 11/11/20 5109 Load Checked The Corporate Mind-Set 11/11/20 5108 Load Checked A Small But Very Important Distinction -- a Special Spotlight 10/28/20 5107 Load Checked The Most Devastating Report -- Four Minute Read 10/28/20 5106 Load Checked International Public Notice: The New Common Sense 10/28/20 5105 Load Checked Learn to See Again 10/28/20 5104 Load Checked No Matter WHAT "They" Tell You, Pay Attention! 10/28/20 5103 Load Checked Remember --- You Are Obligated, by Law, to Speak Up 10/28/20 5102 Load Checked The Brits Big Picture 10/28/20 5101 Load Checked On the Vaccine Front 10/28/20 5100 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Democratic Party Insurrectionists 10/28/20 5099 Load Checked The Prosperity Unions Are Here 10/28/20 5098 Load Checked Yes, We Will Share.... 10/28/20 5097 Load Checked International Public Notice: About HAARP 10/28/20 5096 Load Checked International Public Notice: More Explicitly About "Our" Elections 10/28/20 5095 Load Checked While On Mop and Bucket Duty.... 10/28/20 5094 Load Checked The January 6th Narrative Unravelled Completely 10/28/20 5093 Load Checked For Those Behind the Curve of Technological Advances 10/28/20 5092 Load Checked International Public Notice: Nobody is a "Sovereign Citizen" 10/28/20 5091 Load Checked International Public Notice: Caught 10/28/20 5090 Load Checked Interference in Foreign Government Elections 10/28/20 5089 Load Checked Land Grab Confirmed 10/28/20 5088 Load Checked Forget About P. Diddy 10/28/20 5087 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Truth About Our Elections 10/28/20 5086 Load Checked International Public Notice: For President Xi: a Puzzle Box 10/28/20 5085 Load Checked International Public Notice: "Restoring the Federal Republic" 10/28/20 5084 Load Checked For Those Who Can't Believe It 10/28/20 5083 Load Checked International Public Notice: Reality Test for Governments 10/28/20 5082 Load Checked High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroys Woke Immigration Policies 10/28/20 5081 Load Checked High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroys Woke Immigration Policies 10/21/20 5081 Load Checked International Public Notice: All United Nations Treaties Are Fraudulent 10/21/20 5080 Load Checked International Public Notice: Reposting With Commentary 10/21/20 5079 Load Checked International Public Notice: For the Love of God and Country 10/21/20 5078 Load Checked Shifting Racial Identity -- Is Race a Choice? 10/21/20 5077 Load Checked Misinformation? -- For Max 10/21/20 5076 Load Checked International Public Notice: The End Game 10/21/20 5075 Load Checked International Public Notice: Liars to the End 10/21/20 5074 Load Checked International Public Notice: We Know 10/21/20 5073 Load Checked Time to Cheer --- and Pray 10/21/20 5072 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Bank Fraud 10/21/20 5071 Load Checked International Public Notice: Illegal Occupation 10/21/20 5070 Load Checked The Death of Civilization 10/21/20 5069 Load Checked International Public Notice: Military Use Only? What Military? 10/21/20 5068 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Source of All Rights 10/21/20 5067 Load Checked International Public Notice: Red Herrings and Green Snakes 10/21/20 5066 Load Checked International Public Notice: The "French" Revolution? 10/14/20 5065 Load Checked International Public Notice: About the Gold Standard and Current Disasters 10/14/20 5064 Load Checked Saint Germain Made Manifest 10/14/20 5063 Load Checked Still the Storm 10/14/20 5062 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Capitols and Language 10/14/20 5061 Load Checked International Public Notice: Land and Soil Jurisdiction Sheriffs 10/14/20 5060 Load Checked International Public Notice: So Far As We Are Concerned 10/14/20 5059 Load Checked International Public Notice: Land Law 10/07/24 5058 Load Checked International Public Notice: We Are the Government 10/07/24 5057 Load Checked For Immediate Distribution 10/07/24 5056 Load Checked International Public Notice: Disaster Status Update 10/07/24 5055 Load Checked International Public Notice: Black Hats and Black Rocks 10/07/24 5054 Load Checked International Public Notice: Pre-Planned Genocide Underway 10/07/24 5053 Load Checked International Public Notice: Change of Government Underway 10/07/24 5052 Load Checked Answers to Questions 10/07/24 5051 Load Checked International Public Notice: Beware False Narratives 10/07/24 5050 Load Checked Internal Memo: No "Stand Down" Orders 10/07/24 5049 Load Checked International Public Notice: Freedom -- and the Question 10/07/24 5048 Load Checked International Public Notice: Announcement 10/07/24 5047 Load Checked International Public Notice: To the Joint Chiefs of Staff 10/07/24 5046 Load Checked State statutes, codes, city ordinances are Unconstitutional 10/07/24 5045 Load Checked Hurricane Situation Update 10/07/24 5044 Load Checked International Public Notice: Objection to the "USN" 10/07/24 5043 Load Checked International Public Notice: Scalper Warning 10/07/24 5042 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Condition of India 10/07/24 5041 Load Checked International Public Notice: Ownership of the Philippine Islands 10/07/24 5040 Load Checked International Public Notice: Question About "Article III" District Courts 10/07/24 5039 Load Checked International Public Notice: Food Supplies Are Contaminated Worldwide 10/07/24 5038 Load Checked The Divine Insanity of the Days 09/29/24 5037 Load Checked Federation Presidential Elections 09/29/24 5036 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Templars, Armoricans, and Albigensians 09/29/24 5035 Load Checked International Public Notice: International Arrest Warrants Issued 09/29/24 5034 Load Checked International Public Notice: Regarding the Club of Rome and Scientism 09/29/24 5033 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Legislative History of the Great Fraud 09/29/24 5032 Load Checked International Public Notice: What We Are Owed 09/29/24 5031 Load Checked International Public Notice: Urgent Information for All 09/29/24 5030 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Name "America" Especially for the United Nations 09/29/24 5029 Load Checked International Public Notice: For the United Nations 09/29/24 5028 Load Checked International Public Notice: For the UN and Vatican Chancery Especially 09/29/24 5027 Load Checked The Long and Winding Road 09/29/24 5026 Load Checked The Night is Coming 09/23/24 5024 Load Checked Necessary Knowledge 09/23/24 5023 Load Checked International Public Notice: How the Finances Are Supposed to Work 09/23/24 5022 Load Checked Committee of the Whole Clarification for Militia 09/23/24 5021 Load Checked International Public Notice: Play by Play 09/23/24 5020 Load Checked International Public Notice: There is No "Battle" for the Constitutional Republic 09/23/24 5019 Load Checked Big Hats Off! And a Little Addition! 09/23/24 5018 Load Checked International Public Notice: Why "Notes"? 09/23/24 5017 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Treaty of the Blood 09/23/24 5016 Load Checked International Public Notice: Meddling by the Galactic Council is Prohibited 09/23/24 5015 Load Checked �Letter to the U.S. Trustees� 09/17/24 5014 Load Checked �A Go Figure Quote from RFK, Jr. and Comment on "Military Gesara"� 09/17/24 5013 Load Checked �What Christians Don't Know� 09/17/24 5012 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Red Alert -- Fraud in Motion� 09/17/24 5011 Load Checked �International Public Notice: The Phoenician Bank System� 09/17/24 5010 Load Checked �Here It Comes! --- Hegel, Hegel, Hegel� 09/17/24 5009 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Dear Mr. Putin, Yet Again� 09/17/24 5008 Load Checked International Public Notice: We Don't Do Thought Crimes in This Country 09/10/24 5007 Load Checked Dear Kids and Grandkids 09/10/24 5006 Load Checked International Public Notice: Red Herrings Swimming Upstream 09/09/24 5005 Load Checked International Public Notice: The 33 Percent 09/09/24 5004 Load Checked For All Americans to Know and Tell 09/09/24 5003 Load Checked International Public Notice: Stolen Property and Crimes of State 09/09/24 5002 Load Checked International Public Notice: States and Impersonated Confederate States (of States) 09/09/24 5001 Load Checked International Public Notice: Over the Target 09/09/24 5000 Load Checked International Public Notice: Impersonation Attempts Underway 09/09/24 4999 Load Checked Response to Janaya Titus 09/09/24 4998 Load Checked International Public Notice: The End of Human-Caused Climate Change Hysteria 09/09/24 4997 Load Checked International Public Notice: Japanese Research Links 201 Diseases to Covid Injections 09/09/24 4996 Load Checked International Public Notice: As You Have Been Informed 09/09/24 4995 Load Checked International Public Notice: Nesara or Nesara? 09/09/24 4994 Load Checked International Public Notice: It's Not Britain or America at the Top 09/09/24 4993 Load Checked Driving Versus Traveling 09/09/24 4992 Load Checked International Public Notice: NSA Implicated 09/09/24 4991 Load Checked There is No Relativism 09/09/24 4990 Load Checked Whoa! 09/09/24 4989 Load Checked International Public Notice: Evasion of Obligation 09/09/24 4988 Load Checked Good News, Bad News 09/09/24 4987 Load Checked Kitten City 09/09/24 4986 Load Checked International Public Notice -- Courts For Hire 09/02/24 4985 Load Checked International Public Notice: As You Have Been Informed 09/02/24 4995 Load Checked International Public Notice: Nesara or Nesara? 09/02/24 4994 Load Checked International Public Notice: It's Not Britain or America at the Top 09/02/24 4993 Load Checked Driving Versus Traveling 09/02/24 4992 Load Checked International Public Notice: NSA Implicated 09/02/24 4991 Load Checked There is No Relativism 09/02/24 4990 Load Checked Whoa! 09/02/24 4989 Load Checked International Public Notice: Evasion of Obligation 09/02/24 4988 Load Checked Good News, Bad News 09/02/24 4987 Load Checked Kitten City 09/02/24 4986 Load Checked No Virus -- the Invisible God Theory 08/26/24 4984 Load Checked International Public Notice: The British Raj in America and Elsewhere 08/26/24 4983 Load Checked International Public Notice: Impersonation 08/26/24 4982 Load Checked International Public Notice: Writ of Error and Notice of Liability 08/26/24 4981 Load Checked A Note to American Catholics 08/26/24 4980 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Great "Mischief" 08/26/24 4979 Load Checked Thoughts on Administration 08/26/24 4978 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Dutch, the IRS, and Us 08/26/24 4977 Load Checked International Public Notice: IRS Masterfiles 08/26/24 4976 Load Checked International Public Notice: "My Fellow Americans...." 08/26/24 4975 Load Checked Network Spikes and Taxation by Banks 08/26/24 4974 Load Checked International Public Notice: Three Branches of Government? 08/26/24 4973 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Dutch and the Bank of England 08/26/24 4972 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Donald Trump Revealed� 08/17/24 4971 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Shiva� 08/17/24 4970 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Which "Public" Must Be Served?� 08/17/24 4969 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Arrest Warrant� 08/17/24 4968 Load Checked �International Public Notice: About "Space" and Aliens� 08/17/24 4967 Load Checked �International Public Notice: A Game of Who Is The Creditor? Insurance Claim.� 08/17/24 4966 Load Checked International Public Notice: Military Darkness Indeed 08/11/24 4965 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Most Important Page 08/11/24 4964 Load Checked International Public Notice: For Everyone's Information 08/05/24 4963 Load Checked International Public Notice: International Craziness 08/05/24 4962 Load Checked Thank You All and Head's Up 08/05/24 4961 Load Checked International Public Notice: No More "Bait and Switch" 08/05/24 4960 Load Checked International Public Notice: Hahahaha! 08/05/24 4959 Load Checked International Public Notice: In the Absence of Other Evidence 08/05/24 4958 Load Checked A Little Reminder 08/05/24 4957 Load Checked Spiritual White Boy 08/05/24 4956 Load Checked International Public Notice: Impersonation of an Officer 08/05/24 4955 Load Checked International Public Notice --- Judy Buying Time 07/28/24 4954 Load Checked Public International Notice: The Peculiar Portion of Virginia 7/28/24 4953 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Missing Pieces and a Theft in Progress 7/28/24 4952 Load Checked International Public Notice: Call to End "Fifth Generational Warfare" 7/28/24 4951 Load Checked Ancient Hebrew in Louisiana 7/28/24 4950 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Election Shuffle 7/21/24 4949 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Problem and the Pathway 7/21/24 4948 Load Checked International Public Notice: Call Off Castlerock 7/21/24 4947 Load Checked International Public Notice: Vaccines That Aren't Vaccines 7/21/24 4946 Load Checked International Public Notice: AI is Limited as It's Programmers Are Limited 7/21/24 4945 Load Checked International Public Notice: There. We Said It. 7/21/24 4944 Load Checked I Can, ICAN, I Can, Can, Can! 7/21/24 4943 Load Checked International Public Notice: Modus Operandi 7/21/24 4942 Load Checked International Public Notice: the Vice President -- Literally 7/21/24 4941 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Philippines Joins the Riot 7/21/24 4940 Load Checked International Public Notice: So What? 7/21/24 4939 Load Checked The French Foreign Legion 7/21/24 4938 Load Checked An Example of the Idiocy 7/14/24 4937 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Position 7/14/24 4936 Load Checked Note: 130 Yards, 390 Feet, is Nothing for a Sniper 7/14/24 4935 Load Checked International Public Notice: Trump's Close Call 7/14/24 4934 Load Checked International Public Notice: Over the Target 7/14/24 4933 Load Checked International Public Notice: Use the ILRPS 7/14/24 4932 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Other Alternative 7/14/24 4931 Load Checked International Public Notice: Getting It Straight 7/14/24 4930 Load Checked International Public Notice: About Language 7/14/24 4929 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Bear in the China Shop 7/14/24 4928 Load Checked International Public Notice: Regarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts" 7/14/24 4927 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Elephant in the Room 7/14/24 4926 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dear Derek Johnson, Again 7/14/24 4925 Load Checked International Public Notice: Reply to Germany 07/07/24 4924 Load Checked International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823.... 07/07/24 4923 Load Checked Public International Notice: So We Are Told 07/07/24 4922 Load Checked International Public Notice: Entrapment by Non-Disclosure 07/07/24 4921 Load Checked If You Think It's Bad Here 07/07/24 4920 Load Checked In a Few Hours.... Thoughts About July Fourth 7/1/24 4919 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Response to Overturning "Chevron Deference" 7/1/24 4918 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Identity Problem 7/1/24 4917 Load Checked On Self-Government 7/1/24 4916 Load Checked International Public Notice: Unlawful Conversion and the Only Missing Parts 7/1/24 4915 Load Checked International Public Notice: Regarding the "Hidden Hand" 7/1/24 4914 Load Checked International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers 7/1/24 4913 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Nature of Israel 7/1/24 4912 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Capitol Issues and Our Flags 7/1/24 4911 Load Checked International Public Notice: Seeing Is Believing 7/1/24 4910 Load Checked Oh, Lord, Let Them Hear Me! 7/1/24 4909 Load Checked International Public Notice: Another Failed "Legalization" Scheme 7/1/24 4908 Load Checked "You" Are a Photon Particle Matrix 7/1/24 4907 Load Checked International Public Notice: Not Us, Not Our Guys, Not Our Money 7/1/24 4906 Load Checked International Public Notice: Regulation Z as an Example of "Legalization" 7/1/24 4905 Load Checked International Public Notice: There Better Not Be Any "Boom" 06/23/24 4904 Load Checked International Public Notice: To David Rene de Rothschild 06/23/24 4903 Load Checked International Public Notice: To Derek Johnson 06/23/24 4902 Load Checked International Public Notice: Lexis-Nexis, American Bankers Association, Maritime Banks 06/23/24 4901 Load Checked Stand Up 06/23/24 4900 Load Checked International Public Notice: To Ben Fulford--- and The Generals 06/23/24 4899 Load Checked War in the Air 06/23/24 4898 Load Checked International Public Notice: For Your Awareness 06/23/24 4897 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Title IV Flag 06/23/24 4896 Load Checked International Public Notice: We Did Win the War 06/23/24 4895 Load Checked International Public Notice: Why It Must Be an American Republic 06/17/24 4894 Load Checked International Public Notice: Joe's Hamburger Shop Worldwide 06/17/24 4893 Load Checked Bless Clif High Forever, But.... 06/17/24 4892 Load Checked Look For What Isn't There 06/17/24 4891 Load Checked International Public Notice: We've Been Swindled 06/17/24 4890 Load Checked AMERICAN PATRIOT 06/17/24 4889 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Source of This Evil 06/17/24 4888 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Reason 06/17/24 4887 Load Checked International Public Notice: Fire Alarm 06/13/24 4886 Load Checked Helpful Insights for Coordinators and Members of State Assemblies 06/13/24 4885 Load Checked For All of You Who Hate What FAUCI Stands For 06/13/24 4884 Load Checked The Office of Marshals at Arms 06/13/24 4883 Load Checked International Public Notice: Arrest the Criminals 06/13/24 4882 Load Checked Comment to All Comers 06/13/24 4881 Load Checked International Public Notice: Disturbing News 06/13/24 4880 Load Checked Please, Everyone, Get This Straight? 06/13/24 4879 Load Checked International Public Notice: Say, "Yay," Saudi Arabia 06/13/24 4878 Load Checked International Public Notice: Clarification About Bankruptcies 06/13/24 4877 Load Checked Air Jurisdiction Issues 06/13/24 4876 Load Checked International Public Notice: Notification of Liability 06/13/24 4875 Load Checked International Public Notice: To the Russian Government 06/13/24 4874 Load Checked For All States and All Coordinators - About Conflicts of Interest, Licenses, and Voting Rights 06/13/24 4873 Load Checked International Public Notice: To the Government of the Philippines 06/13/24 4872 Load Checked Still More Gossip-Mongering 06/13/24 4871 Load Checked Still More Gossip-Mongering 06/08/24 4871 Load Checked International Public Notice: NESARA/GESARA 06/08/24 4870 Load Checked International Public Notice: American Everything 06/08/24 4869 Load Checked International Public Notice: Foreclosure Action 06/08/24 4868 Load Checked International Public Notice: Covid Criminals Here and Abroad 06/07/24 4867 Load Checked It's More Complex Than You Think 06/07/24 4866 Load Checked International Public Notice: Final Claim Converting Intellectual Assets 06/07/24 4865 Load Checked International Public Notice: Fill Up Your Gas Tanks 06/07/24 4864 Load Checked International Public Notice: "Sovereign" Debt 06/07/24 4863 Load Checked An Explanation for Everyone 06/07/24 4862 Load Checked It's a Mistake-- DO NOT SIGN VIRGINIA CREDIT UNION DOCUMENTS! 06/07/24 4861 Load Checked Our Problem Boiled Down to Caramels 06/07/24 4860 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Rump Congress 3 06/07/24 4859 Load Checked International Public Notice: Corporate Crime 06/02/24 4858 Load Checked Yes, the Dinar and Dong, Too 06/02/24 4857 Load Checked International Public Notice: The White and The Black 06/02/24 4856 Load Checked International Public Notice: Putting the US Debt in Perspective 06/02/24 4855 Load Checked Reply to Ben Gardner and Anyone Else 06/02/24 4854 Load Checked International Public Notice: About the Zim Answer 06/02/24 4853 Load Checked International Public Notice: Concerning Donald Trump "Conviction" 06/02/24 4852 Load Checked Urgent Economic Alert 06/02/24 4851 Load Checked International Public Notice: Two Out of Three and Counting 06/02/24 4850 Load Checked International Public Notice: Beyond 1862 06/02/24 4849 Load Checked The Darkest Part of Our Nature 06/02/24 4848 Load Checked Private Member Associations and "Nations" -- IRS Classifications 06/02/24 4847 Load Checked United United States? 06/02/24 4846 Load Checked How I Became Me 06/02/24 4843 Load Checked International Public Notice: To House Armed Services Committee 06/02/24 4841 Load Checked Ho'oponopono 05/26/24 4845 Load Checked Yes, It�s True 05/26/24 4844 Load Checked How I Became Me 05/26/24 4843 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Rump Congress Kingdom of the Dead 05/26/24 4842 Load Checked International Public Notice: To House Armed Services Committee 05/26/24 4841 Load Checked International Public Notice: For Actual White Hats 05/22/24 4840 Load Checked International Public Notice: Crashing the Federal Reserve -- and Blaming It on Us 05/22/24 4839 Load Checked Why General Amnesty? 05/22/24 4838 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Great Debate 05/22/24 4837 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Issue of Identification 05/22/24 4836 Load Checked International Public Notice: Why All the International Public Notices? 05/22/24 4835 Load Checked International Public Notice: Bloodline Claims 05/22/24 4834 Load Checked International Public Notice: "Countermeasures" 05/22/24 4833 Load Checked To All State Assemblies 05/22/24 4832 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dangerous Impersonations 05/22/24 4831 Load Checked International Public Notice: Israel, Another Incorporated Phantasm 05/22/24 4830 Load Checked International Public Notice: Lawful Conversion 05/22/24 4829 Load Checked International Public Notice: It's Not Just History 05/18/24 4828 Load Checked International Public Notice: For Hospital Administrators 05/18/24 4827 Load Checked Reply to Mattermost Posts About Hunter Aki, Etc. 05/18/24 4826 Load Checked International Public Notice: Grey Hats and Nails 05/18/24 4825 Load Checked International Public Notice: Taming the U.S. Debt -- Bretton Woods 05/18/24 4824 Load Checked International Public Notice: Taming the U.S. Debt Background 05/18/24 4823 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Crime of Unlawful Conversion 05/18/24 4822 Load Checked International Public Notice: The WHO Treaty Isn't a "Treaty" 05/18/24 4821 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Pyramid of Blame 05/18/24 4820 Load Checked Notice to All Coordinators and All State Assemblies 05/18/24 4819 Load Checked International Public Notice: This is Not Rocket Science 05/18/24 4818 Load Checked International Public Notice: This Is What They Do to Hide Their Crimes 05/18/24 4817 Load Checked International Public Notice: To NATO -- We Are Not Paying For It 05/18/24 4816 Load Checked International Public Notice: the Settlement of the Corporations 05/18/24 4815 Load Checked International Public Notice: Stop the Probate Fraud 05/18/24 4814 Load Checked Hotbed Alert 05/18/24 4813 Load Checked International Public Notice: Venom, Venom, Everywhere 05/18/24 4812 Load Checked Our View 05/18/24 4811 Load Checked Assemblies Are Not Committees 05/18/24 4810 Load Checked "Secret Meetings" 05/18/24 4809 Load Checked A Timely Repost Concerning "Insurrection" 05/12/24 4808 Load Checked Though Still a Bit Confused....Doing a Fine Job! 05/12/24 4807 Load Checked International Public Notice: A Mixed Bag of Nuts 05/12/24 4806 Load Checked International Public Notice: Sodomy as a "Tradition" 05/12/24 4805 Load Checked International Public Notice: Check the History 05/12/24 4804 Load Checked International Public Notice: Message to Pascal Najadi 05/12/24 4803 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dear Donald Trump 05/12/24 4802 Load Checked International Public Notice: The IRS Secret Sauce 05/12/24 4801 Load Checked International Public Notice: Virus Fraud 05/12/24 4800 Load Checked It Was Even Worse Than The Informer Imagined 05/12/24 4799 Load Checked Hard Times in the Roman Empire 05/12/24 4798 Load Checked Vindication Paramount 05/12/24 4797 Load Checked Make Sure Every Politician, Military Officer and Scientist in America Gets a Copy 05/12/24 4796 Load Checked International Public Notice: How It Goes Down -- Financially 05/12/24 4795 Load Checked International Public Notice: To the "White" Hats 05/12/24 4794 Load Checked International Public Notice: Exemption 21Claim 05/12/24 4793 Load Checked A Life Review 05/12/24 4792 Load Checked Don't Believe Me? Prove Me Wrong. 05/12/24 4791 Load Checked International Public Notice: More Problems For the Jews 05/04/24 4790 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Long Journey of Eduardo Rivera 2 05/04/24 4789 Load Checked International Public Notice: Freedom of Religion 05/04/24 4788 Load Checked Good News for Nebraskans - And Everyone Else 05/04/24 4787 Load Checked Told Ja So. 05/04/24 4786 Load Checked The Question Hunter Asked 05/04/24 4785 Load Checked The Long Journey of Eduardo Rivera -- The Nature of the Courts and Federal Taxes 05/04/24 4784 Load Checked "All Over The Internet...." 05/04/24 4783 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Issues Raised 05/02/24 4782 Load Checked International Public Notice: An Explanation for Everyone 05/02/24 4781 Load Checked International Public Notice: About Ukraine Billings and the Federal Republic 05/02/24 4780 Load Checked Our Peacekeepers 05/02/24 4779 Load Checked Greetings From The Frog 05/02/24 4778 Load Checked The Most Targeted Assembly in America 04/29/24 4777 Load Checked Dear Aaron -- An Overdue Letter 04/29/24 4776 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Brits Again 04/29/24 4775 Load Checked The Horns -- Usually Two of Them 04/29/24 4774 Load Checked The Michigan Assembly as Led by Paul Peterson Stands Dissolved 04/29/24 4773 Load Checked International Public Notice: I Am 04/29/24 4772 Load Checked My Personal Suggestion 04/29/24 4771 Load Checked International Public Notice: A Source of Misunderstanding 04/29/24 4770 Load Checked International Public Notice: Why There Are No State Republics at This Time 04/23/24 4769 Load Checked Danke Gott -- Finally, What We Knew to Be True 04/23/24 4768 Load Checked The Tree and Its Branches: Chapter Three 04/23/24 4767 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Government(s) 04/23/24 4766 Load Checked Touche, Matthew Tucciarone 04/23/24 4765 Load Checked The Tree and It's Branches: Chapter Two 04/23/24 4764 Load Checked A Tree and It's Branches: Chapter One 04/23/24 4763 Load Checked All Banks Are Broke 04/23/24 4762 Load Checked History of Me and MGJA and OGJA and Similar Groups 04/23/24 4761 Load Checked International Public Notice: to the Admirals, Generals, and All Others 04/23/24 4760 Load Checked International Public Notice: Notice of Liability, Etc. 04/23/24 4759 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Problem With Critics 04/21/24 4758 Load Checked International Public Notice: Reposting For the Military Lab Rats 04/21/24 4757 Load Checked This Time of Year 04/21/24 4756 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Brits, Again 04/21/24 4755 Load Checked They Have Abandoned Ship 04/21/24 4754 Load Checked Nothing for Something 04/21/24 4753 Load Checked International Public Notice: Modern Feudalism and Corporate Press Ganging 04/21/24 4752 Load Checked International Public Notice: No Authority to Conduct War 04/14/24 4751 Load Checked International Public Notice: Conflict of Interest and Our Objections 04/14/24 4750 Load Checked A Pause to Consider 04/14/24 4749 Load Checked Another One of Us Breaks the Surface 04/14/24 4748 Load Checked Visualize What You Want to See 04/14/24 4747 Load Checked New Tech Alchemy and Taboo Math 04/14/24 4746 Load Checked Enter Grandma and a Little Common Sense 04/14/24 4745 Load Checked The AFD --- Good News for Living People 04/14/24 4744 Load Checked International Public Notice: As Simple As We Can Make It 04/14/24 4743 Load Checked International Public Notice: Concerning the Original Federal Constitution and the States of America 04/14/24 4742 Load Checked Help Concerning the "Income Tax" and the Great Fraud 04/14/24 4741 Load Checked International Public Notice: About Executive Orders 04/14/24 4740 Load Checked International Public Notice: The American Federation Dollar 04/14/24 4739 Load Checked A Little Miracle 04/14/24 4738 Load Checked International Public Notice: For All of You Who Need to Know 04/14/24 4737 Load Checked We Have Been "De-Humanized", Nuked, and Hacked. What Next? 04/14/24 4736 Load Checked International Public Notice: For All State-of-State Governors 04/14/24 4735 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Greenbacks Scandal Revisited in Modern Terms 04/14/24 4734 Load Checked International Public Notice: An Open Letter to Governor Abbott 04/14/24 4733 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Black Sun 04/10/24 4732 Load Checked International Public Notice: Put On Your Waders 04/10/24 4731 Load Checked How to Think of This Situation 04/10/24 4730 Load Checked There's No Delegation of Legislative Powers 04/10/24 4729 Load Checked International Public Notice: Sorting Out State Authority 04/10/24 4728 Load Checked Orientation Help for Assemblies 04/10/24 4727 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Importance of Non-Authority 04/10/24 4726 Load Checked Tail-Chasing Remedy 04/10/24 4725 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Courts Have Been Weaponized Since 1865 04/10/24 4724 Load Checked Your Social Security Card is a Bond Issued in "YOUR" Name 04/10/24 4723 Load Checked International Public Notice: Thoughts to Keep Uppermost 04/10/24 4722 Load Checked International Public Notice: 2014 Final Judgment and Civil Orders 04/10/24 4721 Load Checked International Public Notice: Illegal and Unlawful Occupation 04/10/24 4720 Load Checked International Public Notice: Failure of Legalization 04/10/24 4719 Load Checked International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Mischief 04/10/24 4718 Load Checked More Dots and Not the Quantum Kind 04/10/24 4717 Load Checked A Favor Request from All Americans, All Assembly Members 04/10/24 4716 Load Checked Today's Happy Place Reminder 04/10/24 4715 Load Checked International Public Notice: Buyers and Creditors Beware! 04/10/24 4714 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Myth of the Sovereign Citizen 04/10/24 4713 Load Checked The American Bison 04/10/24 4712 Load Checked International Public Notice:The Situation 04/10/24 4711 Load Checked The Evaluation of The Fruits 04/10/24 4710 Load Checked A Vital Understanding About My Professionalism 04/10/24 4709 Load Checked International Public Notice -- Anchors Away 04/10/24 4708 Load Checked To Expedite Understanding 04/10/24 4707 Load Checked International Public Notice: We Do Not Live in a Constitutional Republic 04/10/24 4706 Load Checked Mountain Magic and the Ten Commandments 04/10/24 4705 Load Checked Confirmation of Truth -- Take the Anna Challenge 04/10/24 4704 Load Checked You Are Not Alone -- Just Uninformed 04/10/24 4703 Load Checked International Public Notice: Take This to Heart 04/10/24 4702 Load Checked Fluoride is a Poison 04/10/24 4701 Load Checked International Public Notice: Regarding Money and Charges 04/10/24 4700 Load Checked International Public Notice: To All Players, Air, Land, and Sea 04/10/24 4699 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Reasons 04/10/24 4698 Load Checked International Public Notice: Masters of Deceit 04/10/24 4697 Load Checked International Public Notice: Britain Again 04/10/24 4696 Load Checked International Public Notice: MAC Addresses From Graves and Vials of Blood 04/10/24 4695 Load Checked Men of Action 04/10/24 4694 Load Checked I Don't "Hate" the Pope 04/10/24 4693 Load Checked International Public Notice: Banks Can Steal Your "Money" 04/10/24 4692 Load Checked Fraudulent Tax Sales 04/10/24 4691 Load Checked The Question of Government -- Thinking It Through 04/10/24 4690 Load Checked International Public Notice: Notice to Federal Agents and Agencies 04/10/24 4689 Load Checked International Public Notice: About "January 6th" Final Copy 04/10/24 4688 Load Checked For Minnesota and Everyone Else 04/10/24 4687 Load Checked International Public Notice: Peace Plan Attached 04/10/24 4686 Load Checked International Public Notice - End of the FDA and NIH 04/10/24 4685 Load Checked International Public Notice: QE2 Fraud Continuing 04/10/24 4684 Load Checked For Declared Americans Only -- Part 3, About Money Claims 04/10/24 4683 Load Checked For Declared Americans Only -- Part 2 04/10/24 4682 Load Checked For Governor Greg Abbott 04/10/24 4681 Load Checked International Public Notice: Self-Service Denies the Change 04/10/24 4680 Load Checked International Public Notice: Both Sides Now 04/10/24 4679 Load Checked Self-Governance and the Bank 04/10/24 4678 Load Checked International Public Notice: What Trump Is Doing 04/10/24 4677 Load Checked The New World Order is Upside Down 04/10/24 4676 Load Checked Political Realism 04/10/24 4675 Load Checked More Confirmation 04/10/24 4674 Load Checked International Public Notice: Commentary on Furled and Blackened Union Jack 04/10/24 4673 Load Checked For Declared Americans Only 04/10/24 4672 Load Checked International Public Notice -- Why We Must Declare 04/10/24 4671 Load Checked International Public Notice: General MacArthur and Black Eagle Trust 04/10/24 4670 Load Checked International Public Notice: Stolen Russian Assets 04/10/24 4669 Load Checked International Public Notice: HR5404 and Why Banks Are Collapsing 04/10/24 4668 Load Checked International Public Notice: They Have No Gold 04/10/24 4667 Load Checked A Force of Habit 04/10/24 4666 Load Checked Remember -- No Act of Legislation 04/10/24 4665 Load Checked International Public Notice: Plain Speaking 04/10/24 4664 Load Checked Meat of the Subject - Money and Not Money 04/10/24 4663 Load Checked International Public Notice: Lincoln's "Nation" 04/10/24 4662 Load Checked International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution (Part 3) 04/10/24 4661 Load Checked International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution (Part 2) 04/10/24 4660 Load Checked International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution 04/10/24 4659 Load Checked International Public Notice: Federal Agencies and Proper Language 04/10/24 4658 Load Checked Settlement Letter to Bank for International Settlements - True Scale 04/10/24 4657 Load Checked International Public Notice: Regarding Quantum Financial System (QFS) 04/10/24 4656 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Bank for International Settlements 04/10/24 4655 Load Checked International Public Notice: Prince of the Air Confirmed 04/10/24 4654 Load Checked International Public Notice: Invisible Enemies, Guilting and Fear 04/10/24 4653 Load Checked The Evils of Pride, Ingratitude, and Fear 04/10/24 4652 Load Checked Progress on Hell's Gate and Delphi 04/10/24 4651 Load Checked International Public Notice: Misapplication of Law 04/10/24 4650 Load Checked International Public Notice: An Invasion by Any Other Name 04/10/24 4649 Load Checked International Public Notice: Murder and Genocide 04/10/24 4648 Load Checked International Public Notice: Damage Control Begins 04/10/24 4647 Load Checked International Public Notice: There is No "Global Monetary Authority" 04/10/24 4646 Load Checked International Public Notice: "Military" Disposal Centers 04/10/24 4645 Load Checked No Notice to the Federation is Necessary Regarding State Office Resignations 04/10/24 4644 Load Checked International Public Notice: Restitution to Wrong Parties 04/10/24 4643 Load Checked International Public Notice: Land Claim Frauds 04/10/24 4642 Load Checked International Public Notice: Essential Claims and Knowledges 04/10/24 4641 Load Checked And Just in Case of Dumb Bunny Psychosis 04/10/24 4640 Load Checked International Public Notice: Why We Say No 04/10/24 4639 Load Checked International Public Notice: Analysis for Laymen 04/10/24 4638 Load Checked International Public Notice -- It Was Not a Mistake 04/10/24 4637 Load Checked An Invisibility Blanket -- For Real 04/10/24 4636 Load Checked Even I Find This Moderately Offensive, But.... 04/10/24 4635 Load Checked International Public Notice: Concurrent General Jurisdiction 04/10/24 4634 Load Checked International Public Notice: You Ask How Did She Know? 04/10/24 4633 Load Checked Yes, There is a Public Duty 04/10/24 4632 Load Checked International Public Notice: Motives of Genocide 04/10/24 4631 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Constitutions Are in Effect 04/10/24 4630 Load Checked International Public Notice: Our Citizenship 04/10/24 4629 Load Checked International Public Notice: Regarding the New World Order 04/10/24 4628 Load Checked International Public Notice: It's a Resurgence 04/10/24 4627 Load Checked International Public Notice: Dear Vladimir Putin 04/10/24 4626 Load Checked International Public Notice: Any Fight is Not About Immigration 04/10/24 4625 Load Checked International Public Notice: Why "Britain" is a Territory 04/10/24 4624 Load Checked International Public Notice: Israel is Not a State 04/10/24 4623 Load Checked International Public Notice: Country v. Territory 04/10/24 4622 Load Checked About Cash and More 04/10/24 4621 Load Checked International Public Notice: Declaration of Intervention 04/10/24 4620 Load Checked International Public Notice: British Crown Tax Fraud in Progress 04/10/24 4619 Load Checked The Dead Baby Scam -- Update One 04/10/24 4618 Load Checked International Public Notice: Notice of Insanity 04/10/24 4617 Load Checked Horror Stories Incoming 04/10/24 4616 Load Checked So It Begins 04/10/24 4615 Load Checked International Public Notice: Concerning "US NOTES" 04/10/24 4614 Load Checked International Public Notice: Human v Man, Man v Human 04/10/24 4613 Load Checked The Role of the Continental Marshals 04/10/24 4612 Load Checked My Podcast 04/10/24 4611 Load Checked International Public Notice: My Sources 04/10/24 4610 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Final Foreclosure Notice 04/10/24 4609 Load Checked Answers to Questions About Affirmations, Etc., From Illinois 04/10/24 4608 Load Checked Britain, "At It" Again 04/10/24 4607 Load Checked News for You 04/10/24 4606 Load Checked Spider, Spider .... Zoning is a Good Example 04/10/24 4605 Load Checked International Public Notice: Step by Step Analysis 04/10/24 4604 Load Checked Cui Bono -- Come Out of Her 04/10/24 4603 Load Checked In the Interests of Preventing Mass Chaos 04/10/24 4602 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Power of the State Assemblies 04/10/24 4601 Load Checked Would You Extend Credit to Uncle Eddie? -- Mortgage Madness 04/10/24 4600 Load Checked Stop Using Old Processes 04/10/24 4599 Load Checked Your "Christian" Blood Oath 04/10/24 4598 Load Checked The Two King Problem 04/10/24 4597 Load Checked International Public Notice: Concerning the Jesuit Order 04/10/24 4596 Load Checked Ah, Gosh, the Payload Finally Revealed 04/10/24 4595 Load Checked International Public Notice: Recap 2 04/10/24 4594 Load Checked International Public Notice: The Recap 1: 04/10/24 4593 Load Checked International Public Notice -- Insurrection by Usurpation 04/10/24 4592 Load Checked My Reply to "The Ultimate Delusion" 04/10/24 4591 Load Checked A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be? 04/10/24 4590 Load Checked Answer to Australia and Everyone Else 04/10/24 4589 Load Checked International Public Notice -- The Mistaken Schism 04/10/24 4588 Load Checked �International Public Notice -- Iteration of Error Consequences� 01/04/2024 4587 Load Checked �This is So Simple� 01/03/2024 4586 Load Checked �International Public Notice - Damnation Corruption� 01/03/2024 4585 Load Checked �Response to RL --- False Claim� 01/02/2024 4584 Load Checked �Regarding the Current Military Under Trump� 01/01/2024 4583 Load Checked �International Public Notice -- The Three Crowns Final Summation� 01/01/2024 4582 Load Checked �Public International Notice: There Are Two Sets of Corporations Involved.� 12/30/2023 4581 Load Checked �International Public Notice -- Regarding Incompetence of Governments� 12/30/2023 4580 Load Checked �International Public Notice -- There Are No Confederates � 12/30/2023 4579 Load Checked �Progress on the Gates of Hell Seal and Delphi� 12/30/2023 4578 Load Checked �Retrain Your Brain� 12/29/2023 4577 Load Checked �International Public Announcement The Answer is Simple� 12/29/2023 4576 Load Checked �No Debt Expansion Equals Collapse� 12/29/2023 4575 Load Checked �Public Service Announcement: Black Swan My Rump� 12/29/2023 4574 Load Checked �International Public Notice: What About Germany � 12/29/2023 4573 Load Checked �American Public Announcement: What Applies to You ---And Doesn't � 12/28/2023 4572 Load Checked �International Public Notice: One Good Fact v A Lot of Bad Law� 12/28/2023 4571 Load Checked �Public International Notice -- The Substance of the Law� 12/27/2023 4570 Load Checked �An International Appeal for Research Assistance� 12/27/2023 4569 Load Checked �Let's See....About the RV� 12/27/2023 4568 Load Checked �The Rule of Law or the rule of law....� 12/26/2023 4567 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Receivership Claim Announcement� 12/26/2023 4566 Load Checked �International Public Notice -- APB Fraud Alert� 12/26/2023 4565 Load Checked �Reply to Fearless Floyd -- Alert to Law Enforcement� 12/26/2023 4564 Load Checked �Leaving Which United Nations � 12/25/2023 4563 Load Checked �Wonders Abound� 12/25/2023 4562 Load Checked �What Does It Mean to Foreclose on Kings � 12/24/2023 4561 Load Checked �Dave Hodges is Making a Common Mistake� 12/24/2023 4560 Load Checked �Good News!� 12/24/2023 4559 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Foreclosing His Imperial Majesty et alia.� 12/24/2023 4558 Load Checked �The Lose the Name Cult - An Answer to RL� 12/23/2023 4557 Load Checked �To All the Other Nations� 12/23/2023 4556 Load Checked �You Safety and Freedom -- A Message for Americans� 12/23/2023 4555 Load Checked �Cha-Cha-Cha-Ching!� 12/21/2023 4554 Load Checked �International Public Notice Regarding Neil Keenan� 12/20/2023 4553 Load Checked �International Public Notice from the American Fiduciary� 12/20/2023 4552 Load Checked �The Banks Were Never the Owners� 12/20/2023 4551 Load Checked �For the Assemblies - About Commercial Liens - UCC� 12/20/2023 4550 Load Checked �Progress Against the Seals of Houska and Delphi� 12/19/2023 4549 Load Checked �Liars in Michigan -- Again and Still� 12/19/2023 4548 Load Checked �The Right and Duty� 12/19/2023 4547 Load Checked �Come Sit With Me While I Explain....� 12/18/2023 4546 Load Checked �Ever Wonder How MUCH � 12/18/2023 4545 Load Checked �Notice Regarding the Dead Fed and the Government of the Philippines� 12/17/2023 4544 Load Checked �American Orientation 101� 12/17/2023 4543 Load Checked �Lies of Every Shape Sort and Kind� 12/16/2023 4542 Load Checked �Concerns Answered- Faith v. Bucks Counties v. Boroughs� 12/16/2023 4541 Load Checked �JFK's Battle in Real Time� 12/16/2023 4540 Load Checked �News Flashes for Americans� 12/16/2023 4539 Load Checked �Notice to All World Trust Trustees: December 24th 2023� 12/16/2023 4538 Load Checked �You Can Pull a Vladimir Putin in Those United States� 12/16/2023 4537 Load Checked �Artificial Stimulation� 12/15/2023 4536 Load Checked �International Public Notice of False Claims� 12/15/2023 4535 Load Checked �Stand Up the Four Pillars� 12/12/2023 4534 Load Checked �Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled� 12/12/2023 4533 Load Checked �Public Declaration Concerning Additional Unlawful Conversions� 12/10/2023 4532 Load Checked �The Whisper� 12/09/2023 4531 Load Checked �Public International Notice: The Fatal Treaties of Utrecht and the Bottomry Bonds Scandal� 12/09/2023 4530 Load Checked �Public Declaration Concerning Unlawful v Lawful Conversion� 12/09/2023 4529 Load Checked �What to Do About It� 12/09/2023 4528 Load Checked �Urgent Alert -- Situation Update for Americans� 12/09/2023 4527 Load Checked �Down on the Farm� 12/06/2023 4526 Load Checked �Introductory Training for Coordinators Series� 12/06/2023 4525 Load Checked �Public International Notice: They Are Offering Our Money for Their Debts� 12/05/2023 4524 Load Checked �In Memorium� 12/05/2023 4523 Load Checked �Please Note: We Are Not Under Any Bench� 12/04/2023 4522 Load Checked �Regarding UNITED STATES NOTES � 12/03/2023 4521 Load Checked �Java Alert -- Incoming� 12/03/2023 4520 Load Checked �Public International Notice of Protest -- Urgent Request for Assistance� 12/03/2023 4519 Load Checked �Clarifications for Assemblies� 12/02/2023 4518 Load Checked �Public International Declaration and Claim: The Siphon 101� 12/01/2023 4517 Load Checked �Yes I Question the Wisdom of God� 12/02/2023 4516 Load Checked �Don't Settle for Pennies -- Spread the Word� 11/30/2023 4515 Load Checked �Federal Reserve Notes Are Less Than Worthless� 11/30/2023 4514 Load Checked �Amnesty� 11/30/2023 4513 Load Checked �Reform or Restore --- That is The Question� 11/29/2023 4512 Load Checked �Basel III is Finally Here -- Thirty-plus Years Overdue� 11/29/2023 4511 Load Checked �And the Digit Counters Fall� 11/29/2023 4510 Load Checked �Strontium Barium Aluminum Oxide� 11/29/2023 4509 Load Checked �The Fruits of Monarchy and Empire� 11/28/2023 4508 Load Checked �International Public Notice: We Are Exiting Babylon� 11/28/2023 4507 Load Checked �Please Note: About the QFS � 11/27/2023 4506 Load Checked �Why There Has to Be a Crash --or Not� 11/27/2023 4505 Load Checked �My Work and Mission� 11/27/2023 4504 Load Checked �The Purpose of the Infant Decedent Estates-- Bona Vacantia� 11/27/2023 4503 Load Checked �Not the Great Reset -- the Great Reversal� 11/26/2023 4502 Load Checked �International Public Notice of Lawfare� 11/26/2023 4501 Load Checked �Cheating Melchizadek� 11/26/2023 4500 Load Checked �Return to Joe's Hamburger Shop 2.0� 11/26/2023 4499 Load Checked � Off-Balance Sheet Funds � 11/26/2023 4498 Load Checked �QFS -- The Brit-Chinese Trojan Pig Released by.... HSBC. Who Knew � 11/26/2023 4497 Load Checked �Which United States Are We Restoring � 11/26/2023 4496 Load Checked �Colonialism Territorialism Corporate Feudalism Terrorism� 11/26/2023 4495 Load Checked �On the Other Side of GITMO� 11/25/2023 4494 Load Checked �Have You Lost Your Minds - Fifth Generation Warfare � 11/25/2023 4493 Load Checked �My Remembrance of JFK and My Problems With Trump� 11/23/2023 4492 Load Checked �A Second Open Letter to Pope Francis the Roman Curia and the Committee of 300� 11/22/2023 4491 Load Checked �Return to Joe's Hamburger Shop� 11/22/2023 4490 Load Checked �Defective Product Recall -- Get Ready� 11/20/2023 4489 Load Checked �You Are a Foreign Sovereign Not a Sovereign Citizen � 11/20/2023 4488 Load Checked �Open Letter to Pope Francis the Roman Curia and Committee of 300� 11/19/2023 4487 Load Checked �About Global Bilateral Banks - Commerce v Maritime Commerce� 11/19/2023 4486 Load Checked �International Public Claim -- Two Sides to Every Coin� 11/18/2023 4485 Load Checked �International Public Claim -- Two Sides to Every Story� 11/17/2023 4484 Load Checked �International Public Claim -- Two Sides to Every Hamburger� 11/17/2023 4483 Load Checked �Public International Notice of Claim� 11/17/2023 4482 Load Checked �Their Language v Our Language� 11/17/2023 4481 Load Checked �No Article III Courts Either� 11/17/2023 4480 Load Checked �No National Assembly � 11/16/2023 4479 Load Checked �To The Galactic Council -- November 15th 2023� 11/15/2023 4478 Load Checked �Public International Notice Regarding U.S. Corporations and US CORPORATIONS� 11/15/2023 4477 Load Checked �The Snakes All of Them v Self-Declared Governments� 11/15/2023 4476 Load Checked �Modern Diseases� 11/15/2023 4475 Load Checked � Federal Reserve Factoids� 11/13/2023 4474 Load Checked �International Public Notice Concerning The Preferential Priority Creditors� 11/13/2023 4473 Load Checked �It Wasn't Fiction -- Ayn Rand� 11/13/2023 4472 Load Checked �What I Know -- For Sure� 11/13/2023 4471 Load Checked �The Population Collapse� 11/12/2023 4470 Load Checked �The Great Temptation for Assembly Leaders� 11/12/2023 4469 Load Checked �Dear Tanya -- About Coordinators Again� 11/12/2023 4468 Load Checked �The Evil Sock Monkey� 11/11/2023 4467 Load Checked �The Subject is Buying Power� 11/10/2023 4466 Load Checked �From 2005 Until Now -- Demand for Forfeiture of the IMF and SWIFT� 11/10/2023 4465 Load Checked �Who Am I Who Are You � 11/10/2023 4464 Load Checked �Federalism 1.0� 11/10/2023 4463 Load Checked �About Notices for State Assemblies� 11/10/2023 4462 Load Checked �Please Be Thoughtful� 11/07/2023 4461 Load Checked �Controversy Regarding FBI Presence� 11/04/2023 4460 Load Checked �Critical Unasked Questions� 11/04/2023 4459 Load Checked �Physician Heal Thyself� 11/04/2023 4458 Load Checked �To the Remaining Clueless F-Wits� 11/04/2023 4457 Load Checked �What They Never Understood and Do Not Know� 11/04/2023 4456 Load Checked �Message to the Earth� 11/04/2023 4455 Load Checked �The Haunting Past Resolved� 11/03/2023 4454 Load Checked �Slavery of the Mind� 11/03/2023 4453 Load Checked �International Public Notice Concerning Our Great Seals and Seal of Saint Peter� 11/01/2023 4452 Load Checked �Media Whores or Gagged Victims � 11/01/2023 4451 Load Checked �Population� 11/01/2023 4450 Load Checked �About the Texas Situation� 10/31/2023 4449 Load Checked �Populating Your Counties as You Populate Your States� 10/31/2023 4448 Load Checked �Lord Love Jon Rappoport� 10/31/2023 4447 Load Checked �Israel Inc. the British Territorial Corp...and So What � 10/30/2023 4446 Load Checked � Poison Package Frauds� 10/30/2023 4445 Load Checked � Better Control of My Tuesday Podcast � 10/30/2023 4444 Load Checked �Dear Teri All Coordinators and Everyone Else� 10/29/2023 4443 Load Checked �How to Process David Straight's Paperwork� 10/28/2023 4442 Load Checked �To All the Gossips About My Podcast on Tuesday:� 10/28/2023 4441 Load Checked �SV40 Monkey Protein Pollutants -- Cause Cancer But....� 10/28/2023 4440 Load Checked �What Happens If You Don't Bring Forward Your State Assembly � 10/28/2023 4439 Load Checked �Hold the Train! --- War President � 10/28/2023 4438 Load Checked �Old News Alerts� 10/26/2023 4437 Load Checked �Eugenics in America� 10/26/2023 4436 Load Checked �Told You So� 10/26/2023 4435 Load Checked �Second Motive for the Hoax� 10/26/2023 4434 Load Checked �The Problem With Hate and the Justice Paradigm� 10/24/2023 4433 Load Checked �The State of Israel Fraud� 10/23/2023 4432 Load Checked �The Motive Exposed� 10/23/2023 4431 Load Checked �How (Mostly) Dead American Veterans Own the Fortune 500� 10/23/2023 4430 Load Checked �Why No RV � 10/22/2023 4429 Load Checked �The End of Evil� 10/21/2023 4428 Load Checked �Republics Versus Republican States� 10/20/2023 4427 Load Checked �Are You Still Confused � 10/19/2023 4426 Load Checked �Why Step By Step� 10/19/2023 4425 Load Checked �Why We Need Donations� 10/17/2023 4424 Load Checked �Missing on All Cylinders But One� 10/16/2023 4423 Load Checked � Legalized Crime and Dehumanization -- How It Works� 10/15/2023 4422 Load Checked �The Truth of the Matter� 10/13/2023 4421 Load Checked �The Essence of the Problem -- Biblical Narrative� 10/13/2023 4420 Load Checked � Repeat After Me:� 10/13/2023 4419 Load Checked � Alternative Realities� 10/13/2023 4418 Load Checked �The Final Word on Climate Change� 10/11/2023 4417 Load Checked �The Insular Tariff Cases - 1900 to 1904� 10/11/2023 4416 Load Checked �The History and Limits of Executive Orders � #N/A 4415 Load Checked �Situation Report 10/8/2023� 10/08/2023 4414 Load Checked �The Opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States� 10/08/2023 4413 Load Checked �Does Mind Control Exist Call Out for Ramola D.....� 10/08/2023 4412 Load Checked �The Draft of Americans is Illegal and Always Has Been� 10/08/2023 4411 Load Checked �For Native Leaders About Sovereignty� 10/08/2023 4410 Load Checked �Our Position on Indigenous Land Claims Under Ecclesiastical Law: Pillar Three� 10/06/2023 4409 Load Checked �Our Position on Indigenous Land Claims Under Ecclesiastical Law: Pillar Two� 10/06/2023 4408 Load Checked �Our Position on Indigenous Land Claims Under Ecclesiastical Law: Pillar One� 10/06/2023 4407 Load Checked �Public International Order to Cease and Desist� 10/04/2023 4406 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Sloppy Language Kills� 10/02/2023 4405 Load Checked �Do or Not Do� 09/27/2023 4404 Load Checked �Public International Notice: No Constitutional Republic Available� 09/27/2023 4403 Load Checked �Understanding the Birth Certificate Bond� 09/26/2023 4402 Load Checked �As We Join Together -- Tribe or Nation � 09/24/2023 4401 Load Checked �Our Court System� 09/21/2023 4400 Load Checked �My Thoughts on The Wyoming Assembly and All Assemblies� 09/20/2023 4399 Load Checked �The Right Focus� 09/20/2023 4398 Load Checked �Expanding Forum� 09/19/2023 4397 Load Checked �So Often Times It Happens....� 09/16/2023 4396 Load Checked �A Call to Mankind -- Action in Vancouver� 09/10/2023 4395 Load Checked �Public Notice: Wake Up and Die Right� 09/10/2023 4394 Load Checked �Good News for Common People!� 09/10/2023 4393 Load Checked �1851: Freemasonry Postal Union and the Undermining of National Sovereignty� 09/07/2023 4392 Load Checked �SERCO and DOD at the Bottom of the Dog Pile� 09/07/2023 4391 Load Checked �People Who Constantly Complain� 09/07/2023 4390 Load Checked �Foreign Death Cult� 09/06/2023 4389 Load Checked �Unfortunately This Can Happen� 09/06/2023 4388 Load Checked �Bear Witness� 09/04/2023 4387 Load Checked �Real Angels� 09/04/2023 4386 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Regarding the Rule of Law � 09/03/2023 4385 Load Checked �Why Trump Will Be Tried Under the Law of Admiralty� 09/03/2023 4384 Load Checked �Message to All: There Are No Emergency Powers � 09/03/2023 4383 Load Checked �British Law Compilation from United Kingdom Research� 09/03/2023 4382 Load Checked �Richard Milhous Nixon v Thirteen Needed Actions� 09/02/2023 4381 Load Checked �Nationalize Google and Microsoft Now� 09/02/2023 4380 Load Checked �I Was Seven� 09/02/2023 4379 Load Checked �Done With Evil� 09/02/2023 4378 Load Checked �Hawaii� 09/02/2023 4377 Load Checked �We Don't Use PARSE SYNTAX for Any Reason� 09/02/2023 4376 Load Checked �A Hard Answer for a Simple Question� 08/31/2023 4375 Load Checked �The Natural Law We Keep Stumbling Over� #N/A 4374 Load Checked �Of Course Directed Energy Weapons Exist� 08/31/2023 4373 Load Checked �Public International Notice of Fraud by Global Sovereign Monetary One � 08/31/2023 4372 Load Checked �The Effort to End Fraudulent Misrepresentation� 08/31/2023 4371 Load Checked �Public International Charges� 08/31/2023 4370 Load Checked �What Earth Alliance � 08/30/2023 4369 Load Checked � Trust Me -- It Was Necessary � 08/29/2023 4368 Load Checked �Update on the Vatican Trip� #N/A 4367 Load Checked �Don't Trust Your Medical Doctor � 08/23/2023 4366 Load Checked � Civilian Military � 08/23/2023 4365 Load Checked �The Family of Saint Germain� 08/21/2023 4364 Load Checked �For All Recording Secretaries� 08/21/2023 4363 Load Checked �Coded Messages --- Big S or Little s � 08/21/2023 4362 Load Checked �Only the Truth Counts� 08/21/2023 4361 Load Checked �When the Paradigm Shifts� 08/21/2023 4360 Load Checked �The Biggest Lie About the Confederation and the Constitution Both� 08/17/2023 4359 Load Checked �Vandana Shiva and I -- Grandmothers Unite!� 08/16/2023 4358 Load Checked �We Bring Forth� 08/16/2023 4357 Load Checked �My Father's Birthday� 08/15/2023 4356 Load Checked �Help Comes When You Least Expect It� 08/16/2023 4355 Load Checked �The Three Federal Populations - Retrospective Details� 08/15/2023 4354 Load Checked �Fast Eddie of the Fab Five� 08/16/2023 4353 Load Checked �Americans ----Stop Citing Federal Code� 08/11/2023 4352 Load Checked �The Burning House� 08/11/2023 4351 Load Checked �For All Members and Coordinators� 08/11/2023 4350 Load Checked �About American Sign Language and Parse Syntax� 08/10/2023 4349 Load Checked �Reposting Good Old Malcolm Roberts� 08/10/2023 4348 Load Checked �Self-Sustaining.... My Laugh for the Day� 08/10/2023 4347 Load Checked �Double Meanings for Different Things� 08/09/2023 4346 Load Checked �About Your Courts� 08/08/2023 4345 Load Checked �Certain Members and Non-Members� 08/08/2023 4344 Load Checked �Answer to OSJA and Kim S.� 08/08/2023 4343 Load Checked �International Common Law Commercial Claim Notice: A Proper Reading:� 08/07/2023 4342 Load Checked �Woo-Woo Yes Virginia....We Have Two� 08/07/2023 4341 Load Checked �Dear Jack -- About Confederate States states States and STATES� 08/06/2023 4340 Load Checked �My Blood Oath --- and Yours� 08/06/2023 4339 Load Checked �United States History Versus American History� 08/06/2023 4338 Load Checked �Public International Alert for State Assemblies� 08/06/2023 4337 Load Checked �Dear Jack About the Confederation� 08/05/2023 4336 Load Checked �As Things Stand on August 5th 2023� 08/05/2023 4335 Load Checked �New Thread for Oregon Discussion - Part 2 - Banks� 08/05/2023 4334 Load Checked �Asset Pumping� 08/04/2023 4333 Load Checked � Special Admiralty Courts� 08/04/2023 4332 Load Checked �Dear Linda On Oregon - Part 2� 08/02/2023 4331 Load Checked �A comment from a new and rapidly learning person ON THE LAND OF OREGON� 08/01/2023 4330 Load Checked �Taking Stock� 08/01/2023 4329 Load Checked �Denouement� 08/01/2023 4328 Load Checked �People need to see the other side of things� 07/31/2023 4327 Load Checked �The Intended Goat� 07/31/2023 4326 Load Checked �The Bill of Goods� 07/30/2023 4325 Load Checked �Public International Notice and Demand: The American Civil War � 07/30/2023 4324 Load Checked �The Role of the Federation� 07/29/2023 4323 Load Checked �Politicization of Science Has to End� 07/27/2023 4322 Load Checked �Signed Copy of International Public Notice of Lien� 07/27/2023 4321 Load Checked �De-Construction Before Reconstruction 2� 07/24/2023 4320 Load Checked �De-Construction Before Reconstruction� 07/24/2023 4319 Load Checked �Replies About Banks� 07/23/2023 4318 Load Checked �Redefining Overpopulation � 07/23/2023 4317 Load Checked �Redefining Banks as Prosperity Institutions� 07/23/2023 4316 Load Checked �People Banks for People Corporate Banks for Corporations� 07/21/2023 4315 Load Checked �Separating Wheat and Tares� 07/21/2023 4314 Load Checked �Beware Your Own Programming � 07/20/2023 4313 Load Checked �For Posterity and Proof --� 07/20/2023 4312 Load Checked �No Ron....� 07/20/2023 4311 Load Checked �The Sale of America -- Saga Continued� 07/20/2023 4310 Load Checked �Oregonians -- A Reply to Ron� 07/20/2023 4309 Load Checked �More Questions and Answers from Oregon� 07/20/2023 4308 Load Checked �Why I Haven't Closed the Case Against Me� 07/19/2023 4307 Load Checked �Hung Cao!� 07/19/2023 4306 Load Checked �The Quiet Death of Human-Caused Global Warming Theory� 07/19/2023 4305 Load Checked �Questions from Oregon --- and Answers� 07/18/2023 4304 Load Checked �Re: *** a response to Anna's reply.***Re: An update.� 07/18/2023 4303 Load Checked �No Bobby....� 07/17/2023 4302 Load Checked �Don't Be Fooled� 07/17/2023 4301 Load Checked �Reply to Ron Vrooman --- Again and Everyone Being Misled by Him� 07/17/2023 4300 Load Checked �What Richard Discovered --- What Kind of Common Law � 07/17/2023 4299 Load Checked �International Alert -- Illegal and Unlawful Conscriptions� 07/16/2023 4298 Load Checked �International Alert -- False Real Estate Claims in The United States� 07/16/2023 4297 Load Checked �International Alert: No State Immunity Is Available for Corporations from Corporations� 07/16/2023 4296 Load Checked �Announcing Joint US CORP/ CCP Illegal War Operation� 07/15/2023 4295 Load Checked �Cease and Desist -- Regarding Ron Vrooman and His Oregon Assembly Basics:� 07/15/2023 4294 Load Checked �King David's Sin --- An Explanation to My Readers� 07/15/2023 4293 Load Checked �The Element of Heart� 07/15/2023 4292 Load Checked �Notice the Time Warp Again� 07/14/2023 4291 Load Checked �Dear Uriah -- An Open Letter Wherever You Are� 07/14/2023 4290 Load Checked �How Liars Lie 1.0 -- Incontrovertible Defense� 07/14/2023 4289 Load Checked �The First of October 2020: Important Distinctions� 07/14/2023 4288 Load Checked �A Necessary American Tradition� 07/14/2023 4287 Load Checked �More Proof That I Am Right� 07/14/2023 4286 Load Checked �About Kim Goguen� 07/13/2023 4285 Load Checked �Second Reply to Jack et Alia� 07/13/2023 4284 Load Checked �Response to Jack et Alia:� 07/12/2023 4283 Load Checked �Polluting the Blood -- Evil on Steroids� 07/12/2023 4282 Load Checked �Liars. Let's Discuss---� 07/12/2023 4281 Load Checked �The Sound of Freedom � 07/10/2023 4280 Load Checked �It's Not Shocking If You Know British History� 07/11/2023 4279 Load Checked �International Public Notice: How -- Precisely -- They Did It in Australia� 07/09/2023 4278 Load Checked �The Definition of Racism� 07/09/2023 4277 Load Checked �Public and International Notice: About Convictions of Fourteenth Amendment CITIZENS� 07/09/2023 4276 Load Checked �The BAR Code and the Beast� 07/09/2023 4275 Load Checked �Response to the Assemblies and Public International Notice to Everyone Else� 07/08/2023 4274 Load Checked �Land Grants Within the Global Trust� 07/08/2023 4273 Load Checked �The Condition of the Damned� 07/08/2023 4272 Load Checked �On Sovereignty� 07/08/2023 4271 Load Checked �Closure Plus Biophotonic Biology� 07/07/2023 4270 Load Checked �To the Pennsylvania Assembly -- You Are Sovereign � 07/07/2023 4269 Load Checked �Why We Got Rid of Edward Kennedy� 07/07/2023 4268 Load Checked �For Rudy Sidney and Lin� 07/06/2023 4267 Load Checked �Photonic Biology -- Things You Need to Know� 07/06/2023 4266 Load Checked �The Framework Under Consideration -- Final Summation� 07/05/2023 4265 Load Checked �The Public Oaths of Office Fraud and Licensing of Privateers Fraud� 07/05/2023 4264 Load Checked �Closure -- Powerful Insight into Why I Bring This Forward� 07/05/2023 4263 Load Checked �The Illegal and Unlawful Securitization Fraud� 07/05/2023 4262 Load Checked �The Corporate Trust Fraud� 07/04/2023 4261 Load Checked �The Substitution Schemes - Reviewed Impacts� 07/04/2023 4260 Load Checked �The Crux of the Matter� 07/03/2023 4259 Load Checked �The Municipal and Territorial Powers Fraud� 07/02/2023 4258 Load Checked �The Neo-Paganism Fraud� 07/02/2023 4257 Load Checked �The Truth Shall Set You Free� 07/02/2023 4256 Load Checked �The Central Bank Digital Currency Fraud� 07/02/2023 4255 Load Checked �The Treaty of Utrecht Bar Association Global Warming Pandemic and Bank Frauds� 07/02/2023 4254 Load Checked �Let Those Who Have Ears and Eyes....� 06/30/2023 4253 Load Checked �The National Level Identity Theft� 06/29/2023 4252 Load Checked �Removal of Dan Auxier as Missouri CoordinatorDissolution of Missouri Assembly� 06/29/2023 4251 Load Checked �Notes to Assembly Officers� 06/29/2023 4250 Load Checked �Which America Read This and Understand.� 06/29/2023 4249 Load Checked �The Role of Coordinators� 06/28/2023 4248 Load Checked � Military Intelligence --- Another Oxymoron � 06/28/2023 4247 Load Checked �Beware Nationals --- Are Not State Nationals� 06/28/2023 4246 Load Checked �The Fraud Regarding His Majesty Paramonov Hospitaliers and Etc.� 06/27/2023 4245 Load Checked �Answers for All Those Who Aren't Thinking� 06/27/2023 4244 Load Checked �Gender Issues� 06/26/2023 4243 Load Checked �Wake Up General Flynn -- All the Way Now.� 06/26/2023 4242 Load Checked �A Bank Update� 06/26/2023 4241 Load Checked �Can't Be Demonstrated Any Better� 06/23/2023 4240 Load Checked �An Example of Evil� 06/23/2023 4239 Load Checked �The Science of Systems -- False Heroes Fraud� 06/22/2023 4238 Load Checked �Territorial Attempts to Commandeer Assemblies� 06/21/2023 4237 Load Checked �The Corporate Names and Identities Fraud --- Confederate States Fraud� 06/20/2023 4236 Load Checked �Don't Believe It � 06/19/2023 4235 Load Checked �Microsoft SERCO and USPTO Liquidation Required� 06/19/2023 4234 Load Checked �The Fraudulent Misuse of the Title IV Flag� 06/19/2023 4233 Load Checked �Additional National Trust Frauds� 06/18/2023 4232 Load Checked �The Exact Personage Fraud -- Enslavement of Corporations� 06/18/2023 4231 Load Checked �Mirrored Foreign Persons Held in Trusts� 06/18/2023 4230 Load Checked �The Empire Fraud� 06/18/2023 4229 Load Checked �The Dual Sovereignty Fraud� 06/16/2023 4228 Load Checked �The National Trust Frauds� 06/16/2023 4227 Load Checked �An End to the Nonsense� 06/16/2023 4226 Load Checked �Reply to Darrell Gehlsen� 06/16/2023 4225 Load Checked �Urgent Warning to All Assemblies� 06/16/2023 4224 Load Checked �The Mechanics Fraud� 06/13/2023 4223 Load Checked �The Abuse of Law Frauds� 06/13/2023 4222 Load Checked �Take Note Mr. Trump --- and Everyone Else: 27 USC 72.11� 06/12/2023 4221 Load Checked �The Birth Certificate Fraud Revisited� 06/12/2023 4220 Load Checked �The Biggest Archeological News in My Lifetime� 06/12/2023 4219 Load Checked �Katherine Watt Library and Believe It or Not....� 06/11/2023 4218 Load Checked �Nomenclature and Ownership Again� 06/10/2023 4217 Load Checked �In the Public Interest -- Establishing a Bridgehead� 06/09/2023 4216 Load Checked �The Treaty and Contract Fraud� 06/09/2023 4215 Load Checked �The Biowarfare Fraud� 06/09/2023 4214 Load Checked �A Love Letter --- the ABA/IBA Lien and More� 06/08/2023 4213 Load Checked �Illegal Confiscations and Illegal Takings Fraud by Personage� 06/08/2023 4212 Load Checked �Let's Be Blunt Because Stupid is as Stupid Does� 06/07/2023 4211 Load Checked �Change Your Art Project� 06/07/2023 4210 Load Checked �The War Fraud� 06/06/2023 4209 Load Checked �The Peacekeeping Task Force� 06/06/2023 4208 Load Checked �Review of The Great Awakening Film� 06/06/2023 4207 Load Checked �The Central Issue of Freedom� 06/05/2023 4206 Load Checked �The Poor-Mouth Fraud� 06/03/2023 4205 Load Checked �The Light of the World� 06/03/2023 4204 Load Checked �The Right Side of History� 06/03/2023 4203 Load Checked �I Wept for the Watchman� 06/02/2023 4202 Load Checked �A Reply to Q and the Alliance -- June 1st 2023� 06/02/2023 4201 Load Checked �The Favored Franchise and Enforcement Fraud� 05/31/2023 4200 Load Checked �The Seigniorage Looting Fraud� 05/30/2023 4199 Load Checked �There is NO Provision for an American National Militia !!!� 05/29/2023 4198 Load Checked �One If By Land Two If By Sea.....the Dual System Fraud� 05/29/2023 4197 Load Checked �The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- Part 2� 05/29/2023 4196 Load Checked �The Anticipated Continuance of Foreign Government Fraud� 05/27/2023 4195 Load Checked �The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- And Why It Matters Right Now� 05/26/2023 4194 Load Checked �Second Reply Continued� 05/26/2023 4193 Load Checked �The Great Pipeline and Land Grab Frauds� 05/25/2023 4192 Load Checked �Land Recording Functions� 05/25/2023 4191 Load Checked �True Comfort� 05/24/2023 4190 Load Checked �Dear Don -- A Reply to Your False Claims� 05/24/2023 4189 Load Checked �The Military Fraud� 05/23/2023 4188 Load Checked �The National Debt Fraud Revisited� 05/23/2023 4187 Load Checked �What's Going on With Our Judiciary � 05/22/2023 4186 Load Checked �Political Status 101� 05/21/2023 4185 Load Checked �The Salt Fraud� 05/21/2023 4184 Load Checked �The Samaritan Connection Fraud� 05/18/2023 4183 Load Checked �Service� 05/18/2023 4182 Load Checked �Message to Juan O'Savin and People Who Listen to Him� 05/16/2023 4181 Load Checked �The Monarchy Substitution and Pandemic Fraud� 05/15/2023 4180 Load Checked �Thoughts on Kingship and Motherhood� 05/15/2023 4179 Load Checked �The Social Darwinism and Corporate Feudalism Frauds� 05/14/2023 4178 Load Checked �The Playing So Dumb You Feel Stupid Fraud� 05/14/2023 4177 Load Checked �The National Identity Theft Scheme� 05/13/2023 4176 Load Checked �I Once Lived in a House� 05/11/2023 4175 Load Checked �The Self-War Fraud aka The Foot and Hand War� 05/11/2023 4174 Load Checked �The Invisible Contract Frauds� 05/10/2023 4173 Load Checked �The Global Money Laundering Fraud and Instant Satanism Fraud� 05/10/2023 4172 Load Checked �National Deputization Order� 05/10/2023 4171 Load Checked �The Music of the Spheres� 05/10/2023 4170 Load Checked �Fraud and Abuses by the Central Banks� 05/09/2023 4169 Load Checked �Why Do I Care About Britain and Australia � 05/09/2023 4168 Load Checked �Urgent Public Announcement - Three Day Notice to Principals� 05/09/2023 4167 Load Checked �The Crown Offer Rejected� 05/09/2023 4166 Load Checked �The Federal Reserve Fraud� 05/09/2023 4165 Load Checked �For Those Who Remember....� 05/08/2023 4164 Load Checked �The Counterfeiting Fraud� 05/07/2023 4163 Load Checked �The RV Fraud and Chinese Elders Fraud� 05/07/2023 4162 Load Checked �The Commander - in - Chief Fraud� 05/08/2023 4161 Load Checked �Don't Panic -- Center Yourselves� 05/06/2023 4160 Load Checked �The National Debt Fraud and the UN Fraud� 05/06/2023 4159 Load Checked �A Good Example of Satanism at Work� 05/05/2023 4158 Load Checked �Understanding How Babylon Works� 05/05/2023 4157 Load Checked �The Licensing and Conversion Abuses� 05/05/2023 4156 Load Checked �About What You Can Do� 05/03/2023 4155 Load Checked �Do You Believe in Good Chinese Elders � 05/02/2023 4154 Load Checked �Rope Climbing� 05/02/2023 4153 Load Checked �Comment on Ann Vandersteel Info� 05/01/2023 4152 Load Checked �Follow Up on Texas vs Republic of Texas� 05/01/2023 4151 Load Checked �The Dis-Ease and Just-Us Frauds� 05/01/2023 4150 Load Checked �Texas versus Republic of Texas� 04/30/2023 4148 Load Checked �The China Fraud and Parasite Host Game� 04/29/2023 4147 Load Checked �The Agency Registration and Election Frauds� 04/28/2023 4146 Load Checked �The Congressional Fraud - Why They Had to Kill Lincoln� 04/28/2023 4145 Load Checked �The Dumping Ground Frauds� 04/27/2023 4144 Load Checked �Keeping Up With Todd Callendar -- News Worth Hearing� 04/27/2023 4143 Load Checked �The Money Fraud� 04/26/2023 4142 Load Checked �The Crown Fraud� 04/25/2023 4141 Load Checked �The Many Substitution Scams� 04/25/2023 4140 Load Checked �Co-Option of Public Functions� 04/24/2023 4139 Load Checked �Vermin Alert! All Hands On Deck!� 04/22/2023 4138 Load Checked �Notice of Fraud Issued to Coroners and Medical Examiners� 04/22/2023 4137 Load Checked �Dead on Arrival� 04/22/2023 4136 Load Checked �How to Read Theft by Deception � 04/22/2023 4135 Load Checked �How the Fraud Works for Generals� 04/21/2023 4134 Load Checked �Evidence Considered by Honorable Jurors� 04/21/2023 4133 Load Checked �The Climate Change and Other Criminal Hoaxes� 04/19/2023 4132 Load Checked �The IRS Fraud� 04/19/2023 4131 Load Checked �Someone Needs to Tell the UN the Bad News� 04/18/2023 4130 Load Checked �Mortgage and Future Indebtedness Fraud� 04/18/2023 4129 Load Checked �Why There Are No Oaths of Office� 04/17/2023 4128 Load Checked �The Big Split� 04/17/2023 4127 Load Checked �Alpha Draconii Claims� 04/17/2023 4126 Load Checked �The Dead Baby Scam False Wards and Child Labor� 04/17/2023 4125 Load Checked �A Long History of Crime� 04/16/2023 4124 Load Checked �Municipal Corporation Fraud -- Genocide and Slavery� 04/14/2023 4123 Load Checked �Bank Fraud -- United States Treasury Bonds � 04/14/2023 4122 Load Checked �Bank Fraud - Foreign Commercial Banks� 04/14/2023 4121 Load Checked �The UN CORPORATION as An Example Franchise� 04/13/2023 4120 Load Checked �Crime and Immorality� 04/13/2023 4119 Load Checked �Middlemen and Endless False Narratives - Official� 04/12/2023 4118 Load Checked �The Power to Destroy� 04/10/2023 4117 Load Checked �Abuse of Private Enclaves and Intent to Defraud� 04/10/2023 4116 Load Checked �Good Faith Violated by Foreign Trusts Fraud and Non-Disclosure� 04/09/2023 4115 Load Checked �Abusive Agencies and Agency Abuse� 04/09/2023 4114 Load Checked �Why Why Why � 04/09/2023 4113 Load Checked �Red Flag -- Why Do They Keep Calling It The Show � 04/09/2023 4112 Load Checked �More Steps� 04/08/2023 4111 Load Checked �Spiritual Warfare� 04/08/2023 4110 Load Checked �Why We Blame the Civil Service� 04/07/2023 4109 Load Checked �The Credit Bankruptcy and Asset Offset Frauds� 04/07/2023 4108 Load Checked �Uncreating the Monster -- Municipal Corporation Fraud� 04/05/2023 4107 Load Checked �I Can't Know Not Really� 04/05/2023 4106 Load Checked �This is Our Proving Ground� 04/05/2023 4105 Load Checked �Dishonest Everything Everywhere the Money Laudering Scheme� 04/04/2023 4104 Load Checked �Why We Blame the Military� 04/02/2023 4103 Load Checked �D.C. Municipal Corporations and Illegal Corporate Takeovers� #N/A 4102 Load Checked �1937 Collusion� 04/02/2023 4101 Load Checked �Similar Names Fraud Bankruptcy Fraud Executors de Son Tort� 04/02/2023 4100 Load Checked �Advice for Mister Trump� 04/01/2023 4099 Load Checked �The Last American President� 03/31/2023 4098 Load Checked �How the War-Profiteering Scheme Has Been Worked� 03/31/2023 4097 Load Checked �Death and Ignorance� 03/30/2023 4096 Load Checked �Dropped Through the Cracks� 03/30/2023 4095 Load Checked �Attention All Federal Employees� 03/30/2023 4094 Load Checked �Claim Update More Evidence of Unlawful Activities� 03/30/2023 4093 Load Checked �Let's Not Throw Money at It� 03/28/2023 4092 Load Checked � The Constitution as a Red Herring� 03/28/2023 4091 Load Checked �Ru Evidence� 03/28/2023 4090 Load Checked �The Final Poo-Poo on Human Caused Climate Change is Here� 03/27/2023 4089 Load Checked �About Sovereign Citizens � 03/27/2023 4088 Load Checked �Demand for Liquidation -- March 26th 2023� 03/27/2023 4087 Load Checked �Federal Employee Notice� 03/27/2023 4086 Load Checked �To the Office of the Judge Advocate General� 03/27/2023 4085 Load Checked �A Response to Getting Caught Up After 160-Plus Years - Notice to DOD� 03/27/2023 4084 Load Checked �Getting Caught Up After 160-Plus Years - Notice to DOD� 03/27/2023 4083 Load Checked �The Simple Truths� 03/23/2023 4082 Load Checked �Questions I Receive� 03/10/2023 4081 Load Checked �Hardness of Heart� 03/06/2023 4080 Load Checked �A Most Unlikely Place� 03/06/2023 4079 Load Checked �You Are the Third Temple � 03/06/2023 4078 Load Checked �The Restitution and Redemption -- Attention H.E. Dominique Mamberti� 03/06/2023 4077 Load Checked �Another March in March� 03/06/2023 4076 Load Checked �The Lies of Time and Money: Attention H.E. Dominique Mamberti� 03/04/2023 4075 Load Checked �Reply to Stanley Davenport� 03/02/2023 4074 Load Checked �Marching in March� 03/01/2023 4073 Load Checked �The New Global Land Recording Service� 02/26/2023 4072 Load Checked �On Becoming True Followers -- and Journalists� 02/26/2023 4071 Load Checked �Evil Peas and Carrots� 02/26/2023 4070 Load Checked �China-Russia and Russian-American Alliance is Good News� 02/25/2023 4069 Load Checked �The Wheels of God� 02/25/2023 4068 Load Checked �Dodecallion Times Fifty -- Open for Business� 02/24/2023 4067 Load Checked �Bunny Math� 02/24/2023 4066 Load Checked �Regarding Recovery of All Global Assets that Originate from the Avila Family Trust.� 02/22/2023 4065 Load Checked �Nine Ranks of Angels� 02/21/2023 4064 Load Checked �The Validation of Covenant� 02/21/2023 4063 Load Checked �A Reply to Satan� 02/21/2023 4062 Load Checked �It's Not Just American History� 02/21/2023 4061 Load Checked �The Federal Reserve and the CRIS Kickback and Payola System� 02/21/2023 4060 Load Checked �Get This Urgent Situational Update to the Marines� 02/21/2023 4059 Load Checked �Every Kind of Deceit� 02/20/2023 4058 Load Checked �The Kingdom of Lies� 02/20/2023 4057 Load Checked �The REASON Joe Biden Isn't Being Prosecuted� 02/20/2023 4056 Load Checked �Letter Sent to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti� 02/20/2023 4055 Load Checked �The American Peace Flag -- Who Has the Right to Fly It � 02/20/2023 4054 Load Checked �For Your Information Facebook� 02/20/2023 4053 Load Checked �Confirmed Again Britain at the Bottom of the Dog Pile� 02/20/2023 4052 Load Checked �More to the Point -- Dioxins in Vietnam and East Palestine Ohio� 02/20/2023 4051 Load Checked �Emergency Alert --- Get This to President Trump!� 02/20/2023 4050 Load Checked �Granna Bytes Back on Track� 02/20/2023 4049 Load Checked �Why the Offered Restitution Isn't Restitution -- No More Taxation Period� 02/17/2023 4048 Load Checked �Review of Unraveling Process and China� 02/17/2023 4047 Load Checked �Why Not Attack the USA Inc. � 02/16/2023 4046 Load Checked �Think About What You Are Thinking� 02/16/2023 4045 Load Checked �Weaponization of Space -- or Not� 02/16/2023 4044 Load Checked �How They Fake the Pandemic and Everything Else� 02/16/2023 4043 Load Checked �What DNA of the Elohim Means� 02/15/2023 4042 Load Checked �Addendum to Final Answer to Jack Chapman Et Alia:� 02/15/2023 4041 Load Checked �Demand to the United States Trustees Federal Department of the Treasury Bank of International Settlements and Government of the Philippines:� 02/15/2023 4040 Load Checked �Final Answer to Jack Chapman Et Alia (Everyone Else Follow Along):� 02/15/2023 4039 Load Checked �The Language of Creation� 02/16/2023 4038 Load Checked �International Public Notice - Valentine's Day 2023� 02/15/2023 4037 Load Checked �What Goes On in Hell Stays in Hell.� 02/13/2023 4036 Load Checked �Look and Think Again� 02/13/2023 4035 Load Checked �The Problem With Allen Stein -- The Unseen World� 02/13/2023 4034 Load Checked �The Symbol of the Buffalo� 02/12/2023 4033 Load Checked �More Galactic BS - Situation Update� 02/12/2023 4032 Load Checked �Fear Is Always The Enemy� 02/12/2023 4031 Load Checked �Alarm Given -- Trespass Within the General Jurisdictions� 02/11/2023 4030 Load Checked �Urgent Explanation of Money and Executive Order #14067 Part 2� 02/11/2023 4029 Load Checked �Animals Too � 02/08/2023 4028 Load Checked �We Haven't Forgotten� 02/08/2023 4027 Load Checked �We Are The Lab Monkeys� 02/08/2023 4026 Load Checked �Urgent Explanation --- Money and Executive Order #14067� 02/07/2023 4025 Load Checked �A Brief Comment on Quoted Sources� 02/07/2023 4024 Load Checked �Reposting a God Bless You --- and All About the Fed� 02/06/2023 4023 Load Checked �Here's a Quickie Worthy of Report:� 02/06/2023 4022 Load Checked �Scottish Wind Farms Run On Diesel� 02/06/2023 4021 Load Checked �Message for Yvonne Et Alia� 02/06/2023 4020 Load Checked �Where the Information Fits Wear It� 02/08/2023 4019 Load Checked �Know Your Enemy� 02/06/2023 4018 Load Checked �February Moves Us Forward� 02/05/2023 4017 Load Checked �Situation Report -- For All Those Who Need It Down and Dirty� 02/05/2023 4016 Load Checked �Why You MUST Take Action in Lawful Rebellion� 02/05/2023 4015 Load Checked �Clean Air and Demand� 02/05/2023 4014 Load Checked �Urgent Message to Vladimir Putin from the American Government� 02/05/2023 4013 Load Checked �The Rush to Find Narratives� 02/03/2023 4012 Load Checked �Second Release -- Polluting the Blood 2.0� 02/03/2023 4011 Load Checked �Polluting the Blood� 02/03/2023 4010 Load Checked �More Proof of Deliberate Sabotage and Murder -- Notice to the Court� 02/03/2023 4009 Load Checked �To All White Hats and Military Officers and Diplomatic Officers� 02/01/2023 4008 Load Checked �Forwarding a Grenade� 02/01/2023 4007 Load Checked �Make This Go Viral Folks. Your Lives and Pocketbooks Depend on It.� 02/01/2023 4006 Load Checked �Oh Boy. Now the Fat Hits the Fan and the Fire� 02/01/2023 4005 Load Checked �A Little Thought Exercise for Ron Vrooman Et Alia� 02/01/2023 4004 Load Checked �District of Quantico --- Here We Go Again� 02/01/2023 4003 Load Checked �The Value of Your Snot� 02/01/2023 4002 Load Checked �The RV and IMF Monopoly Extortion Club -- Britain Again� 02/01/2023 4001 Load Checked �Rat Watch� 02/01/2023 4000 Load Checked �Attention H.E. Cardinal Mamberti --- Preventing a Long War � 01/31/2023 3999 Load Checked �Listen Up to the Agenda Circa 1921� 01/30/2023 3998 Load Checked �Enter The Saturnine Brotherhood� 01/30/2023 3997 Load Checked �Britain Again. Guilty as Charged.� 01/29/2023 3996 Load Checked �The Month of Purgation� 01/28/2023 3995 Load Checked �Civilian Militias� 01/28/2023 3994 Load Checked �A Taste for Symbols and Numbers� #N/A 3993 Load Checked �So...It's Official� 01/28/2023 3992 Load Checked �Urgent: Think About Money -- As a Subject Not a Goal� 01/27/2023 3991 Load Checked �Poo-Poo the Poo-Poohers� 01/25/2023 3990 Load Checked �While The Death Toll Mounts -- Mexico and Spain to the Rescue� 01/25/2023 3989 Load Checked �Message for Cardinal Mamberti Vatican Chancery Court -- 24th January 2023� 01/25/2023 3988 Load Checked �Trademarks Trade Marks Copyrights and Patents� 01/24/2023 3987 Load Checked �Why Utah � 01/26/2023 3986 Load Checked �Clarity About NESARA� 01/23/2023 3985 Load Checked �A Message to the Military� 01/23/2023 3984 Load Checked �Consider the Hypocrisy� 01/23/2023 3983 Load Checked �Wake Up Call Number Two:� 01/22/2023 3982 Load Checked �Wake Up Call Number One -- January 2023� 01/22/2023 3981 Load Checked �Illegal Constitutions -- Example Australia� 01/22/2023 3980 Load Checked �He Has Not Failed� 01/21/2023 3979 Load Checked �A Situation Report -- January 2023� 01/21/2023 3978 Load Checked �A Reply to Martha Stewart and the British Government� 01/20/2023 3977 Load Checked �Pfishing and Slander Sites/Organizations to Avoid� 01/19/2023 3976 Load Checked �Claim Before the Vatican Chancery Court - Attention H.E. Dominique Mamberti� 01/19/2023 3975 Load Checked �Pay Attention to Your Remedy� 01/19/2023 3974 Load Checked �Another Supremely Worthy Question and Answer� 01/19/2023 3973 Load Checked �Mia Culpa Again� 01/18/2023 3972 Load Checked �Treason in Your Faces� 01/18/2023 3971 Load Checked �Our Real Strength� 01/18/2023 3970 Load Checked �How to Describe a True State National and Write to Members of Congress� 01/17/2023 3969 Load Checked �THIS Above All Else Is What THEY Have to Be Held Accountable For� 01/17/2023 3968 Load Checked �Told You So� 01/15/2023 3967 Load Checked �A Reply to Ron Vrooman and All Would-Be Assemblies -- Make This Go Viral Too� 01/14/2023 3966 Load Checked �Nothing Novel -- All Contrived; and Some Hope For Us� nothingnovel 3965 Load Checked �No Good Guys� 01/14/2023 3964 Load Checked �Public Trust Proclamation - No Second Constitution for Americans --- No Debt Either� 01/14/2023 3963 Load Checked �Last Monday I Told You the Bad News:� 01/14/2023 3962 Load Checked �About Ron Vrooman and Other Would-Be Assemblies� 01/13/2023 3961 Load Checked �Warning Notice For All Public Employees and Licensees� 01/10/2023 3960 Load Checked �Public Notice to All Non-Health Sector Corporations in The United States� 01/10/2023 3959 Load Checked �Public and International Notice to the World Health Organization (WHO)� 01/09/2023 3958 Load Checked �Dumb Gluttonous and Forgetful � 01/09/2023 3957 Load Checked �The Midwife's Tale Retold� 01/09/2023 3956 Load Checked �A Modest Proposal For the Joint Chiefs� 01/08/2023 3955 Load Checked �Mia Culpa 2� 01/08/2023 3954 Load Checked �Our Modest Proposal Revisited� 01/06/2023 3953 Load Checked �Letting Dad and Mom Go� 01/05/2023 3952 Load Checked �Citizens -- Plural� 01/05/2023 3951 Load Checked �Guidance for Assemblies� 01/05/2023 3950 Load Checked �The Old Guard Never Got It and Likely Never Will� 01/03/2023 3949 Load Checked �The Dangers of Myth-Making� 01/15/2023 3948 Load Checked �Discharging the Past� 01/02/2023 3947 Load Checked �The Holly Raving Roman Empire� 01/02/2023 3946 Load Checked �When We Lose Our Heroes� 12/30/2022 3945 Load Checked �Timeline Convergence� 12/30/2022 3944 Load Checked �Compile the Pile� 12/28/2022 3943 Load Checked �Dear Don � 12/28/2022 3942 Load Checked �Rat Watch Pay-Dirt and The Dirty Little Secret� 12/27/2022 3941 Load Checked �The Unity Consciousness� 12/27/2022 3940 Load Checked �Don't Believe All This Stuff and Don't Get Involved In It� 12/27/2022 3939 Load Checked �Beware the 169 000 Cow Pies� 12/25/2022 3938 Load Checked �Public Letter to the Society of Jesus� 12/24/2022 3937 Load Checked �International Public Notice of Fraud and Treason� 12/24/2022 3936 Load Checked �Merry Christmas to All Licensed Professionals and Businesses� 12/23/2022 3935 Load Checked �Rat Watch Call Out to All Patriot Researchers - Big Move 1927� 12/23/2022 3934 Load Checked �The Richest Man in the World� 12/21/2022 3933 Load Checked �For You All� 12/21/2022 3932 Load Checked �Don't Believe It� 12/21/2022 3931 Load Checked �Urgent Rat Watch Alert! Here's the Horse's Mouth and the Enemy of All That Is� 12/21/2022 3930 Load Checked �What I Find Hilarious --- in a Sick Way� 12/21/2022 3929 Load Checked �Letter to His Holiness the Pope Emeritus In his Ministerial Office 20th of December 2022� 12/21/2022 3928 Load Checked �From Old Iron Fist --- a Note to Satya About Continuance of Government� 12/21/2022 3927 Load Checked �Why the Navy and Marine Corps � 12/20/2022 3926 Load Checked �An Open Letter to His Holiness the Pope 20th December 2022� 12/20/2022 3925 Load Checked �Rat Watch Alert Tuesday December 20th 2022� 12/20/2022 3924 Load Checked �All I Know -- Please Publish for California and Everyone Else� 12/19/2022 3923 Load Checked �Misunderstanding Everything About State National and States � 12/18/2022 3922 Load Checked �About Your Name -- Again� 12/18/2022 3921 Load Checked �The Only Issue is Control� 12/13/2022 3920 Load Checked �Practical Banking Issues That Everyone Needs to Know About� 12/12/2022 3919 Load Checked �And Now My Two Cents Anita� 12/12/2022 3918 Load Checked �Mr. Potter v. George Bailey and The Witch of the North� 12/11/2022 3917 Load Checked �Pre-Judgment Equals Prejudice� 12/11/2022 3916 Load Checked �For God's Sake Take in the View� 12/11/2022 3915 Load Checked �Answer to Satan About Mr. Lincoln and the Results� 12/10/2022 3914 Load Checked �Second Comment on Bank Panic� 12/10/2022 3913 Load Checked �District Assemblies v State Assemblies� 12/09/2022 3912 Load Checked �Key Take Home Message for Corporations and Corporate Officers� 12/09/2022 3911 Load Checked �Just Bloody Give It Up� 12/09/2022 3910 Load Checked �John Leake Findings� 12/09/2022 3909 Load Checked �Public International Notice to the United Nations and Bank of International Settlements and World Bank� 12/08/2022 3908 Load Checked �Just LOOK at What They Have Actually Done� 12/08/2022 3907 Load Checked �The Role of Gold -- And the Central Banks� 12/08/2022 3906 Load Checked �International Public Notice: Reports of Friendly Fire� 12/08/2022 3905 Load Checked �Share About the Federal Reserve� 12/08/2022 3904 Load Checked �Money Credit and Stupidity� 12/08/2022 3903 Load Checked �Deliberate Misunderstanding About The Articles of Confederation� 12/06/2022 3902 Load Checked �About Lloyd Austin --- And Joe Biden Too� 12/06/2022 3901 Load Checked �On Being Sold a Bill of Goods -- Public Notice to China� 12/05/2022 3900 Load Checked �International Notice -- There Is No Such Thing as a Sovereign Citizen � 12/05/2022 3899 Load Checked �News for the World� 12/05/2022 3898 Load Checked �About the Use of Meritorious Planning Committees� 12/04/2022 3897 Load Checked �Can It Get Any Crazier � 12/04/2022 3896 Load Checked �Enough of the Filipino Claims� 12/04/2022 3895 Load Checked �Land Swindles and Swindlers� 12/04/2022 3894 Load Checked �Our Answer to Booster Season � 12/02/2022 3893 Load Checked �Why You Are the Answer� 12/02/2022 3892 Load Checked �The World's Current Problem Summed Up: Bad Sheep� #N/A 3891 Load Checked �A Sadly Necessary Education About Our Military� 11/29/2022 3890 Load Checked �More Idiocy Concerning the Confederacy -- Which One � 11/26/2022 3889 Load Checked �The Importance of Land and Who Owns It � 11/26/2022 3888 Load Checked � Excess Death -- Yet Another Filthy Euphemism� 11/25/2022 3887 Load Checked �Haunted Thanksgiving� 11/24/2022 3886 Load Checked �To All The Johnny Come Latelies� 11/23/2022 3885 Load Checked �Where is the Money � 11/21/2022 3884 Load Checked �Banal Money Influence� 11/21/2022 3883 Load Checked �Hiding The Cheese -- Tools for Researchers and Rat Watchers� 11/21/2022 3882 Load Checked �Status Report/Public and International Warning� 11/21/2022 3881 Load Checked �The Fallacy of the Strong Dollar� 11/19/2022 3880 Load Checked �A Full Explanation of the UN Connection� 11/19/2022 3879 Load Checked � Sovereign Debt Collapse Forced Migration and Motivations� 11/19/2022 3878 Load Checked �Let's Make This Super Simple� 11/18/2022 3877 Load Checked �Popular But Wrong Theories� 11/18/2022 3876 Load Checked �About Duplicitous Recorded Phone Messages From the Federal Reserve Banks� 11/17/2022 3875 Load Checked �The Merry Men� 11/17/2022 3874 Load Checked �Claims on Abatement -- for Private Autos Misidentified as Motor Vehicles � 11/17/2022 3873 Load Checked �California At It Again � 11/17/2022 3872 Load Checked �The Great Retribution� 11/16/2022 3871 Load Checked �The First of Many� 11/15/2022 3870 Load Checked �Me You and the Chickens -- Answers About Americans� 11/17/2022 3869 Load Checked �Weaponizing Language� 11/13/2022 3868 Load Checked �The Fiduciary Comment on FTX and Other Imaginary Investments� 11/13/2022 3867 Load Checked �Public and International Notice: I'm the Underwriter� 11/13/2022 3866 Load Checked �A Right Versus a Privilege -- the Trap of Incorporation� 11/13/2022 3865 Load Checked �How They Worked It� 11/12/2022 3864 Load Checked �National Rat Watch Day� 11/12/2022 3863 Load Checked �To the Good Military� 11/11/2022 3862 Load Checked �What to Do� 11/10/2022 3861 Load Checked �Public and International Notice of Necessary Abatement and Commercial Avoidance� 11/09/2022 3860 Load Checked �About Banks and Pipelines: Swift and Standard Oil and QFS� 11/08/2022 3859 Load Checked �Once Again About Family Guardian Information....� 11/07/2022 3858 Load Checked �Reply Concerning Charlie Ward� 11/06/2022 3857 Load Checked �The Long Night� 11/06/2022 3856 Load Checked �The Real Origin of Cabal � 11/06/2022 3855 Load Checked �The Purpose of Central Banks� 11/10/2022 3854 Load Checked � King David and Charlie Ward� 11/05/2022 3853 Load Checked �What's Really Happening� 11/04/2022 3852 Load Checked �The Law� 11/03/2022 3851 Load Checked �Call Me a Cynic� 11/03/2022 3850 Load Checked �Why Would Anyone Fear The Public � 11/03/2022 3849 Load Checked �The 15th of Nisan� 11/02/2022 3848 Load Checked �They Can't Beat Us So....Fraud Incoming!� 11/02/2022 3847 Load Checked �Sports Fans and Video Gurus Needed!� 11/02/2022 3846 Load Checked �The Head of the Serpent -- and Faces Thereof� 11/02/2022 3845 Load Checked �Will You Awaken � 11/01/2022 3844 Load Checked �Public Defender Letter for Municipal COURTS� 11/01/2022 3843 Load Checked �Vaccine Information --- All You Ever Need to Know or Prove� 11/01/2022 3842 Load Checked �World Status Report: October 29th 2022� 11/01/2022 3841 Load Checked �Public and International Notice of Crimes of State -- Notice to Congress; Demand for Action� crimesofstate 3840 Load Checked �Happy Places 2.0� 10/28/2022 3839 Load Checked �Something in the Air� 10/28/2022 3838 Load Checked � When We Find Error � 10/28/2022 3837 Load Checked �A Precious Learning Module� 10/28/2022 3836 Load Checked �Useful Proof About DC and the Municipal Government� 10/27/2022 3835 Load Checked �A Demonstration of How Patriots Fail --- Again and Again� #N/A 3834 Load Checked �A Simple International Public Announcement� 10/27/2022 3833 Load Checked �Use Your Imagination� 10/26/2022 3832 Load Checked �A Reply for Ken and Barbie Cromar� 10/25/2022 3831 Load Checked �Typo Alert and Negative Numbers� 10/23/2022 3830 Load Checked �Public International Notice of Reversionary Trust Interest and Claim� 10/22/2022 3829 Load Checked �Confirmed� 10/21/2022 3828 Load Checked �The Ultimate Breach of Trust� 10/21/2022 3827 Load Checked �Debt Redemption� 10/20/2022 3826 Load Checked �Nothing is Coincidence� 10/20/2022 3825 Load Checked �Documentation About NAMES� 10/20/2022 3824 Load Checked �Message to King Charles III and King Charles of Scotland� 10/15/2022 3823 Load Checked �A Brief But Important Message to Russia� 10/15/2022 3822 Load Checked �Report Dated October the 8th 2022� 10/09/2022 3821 Load Checked �Shoes Dropping� 10/07/2022 3820 Load Checked �What to Expect� 09/30/2022 3819 Load Checked �Rat Watch� 09/27/2022 3818 Load Checked �International Notice of Claim and Proven Interest� 09/27/2022 3817 Load Checked �A Message to All State Assemblies� 09/22/2022 3816 Load Checked �Bail In Bail Out Good Cop Bad Cop� 09/20/2022 3815 Load Checked �DRACO Down the Memory Hole They had a cure over a decade ago but not for you� 09/20/2022 3814 Load Checked �Let's Review Before the Test...� 09/19/2022 3813 Load Checked �What's Wrong and Right With America � 09/19/2022 3812 Load Checked �Update on Internal Investigation� 09/17/2022 3811 Load Checked �Assembly Update� 09/17/2022 3810 Load Checked �Joe Biden Must Go� 09/15/2022 3809 Load Checked �New Rule� 09/15/2022 3808 Load Checked �Okay Kids...It's Showtime� 09/15/2022 3807 Load Checked �Worse Enslavement� 09/15/2022 3806 Load Checked �God Bless Robb Ryder Again!� 09/15/2022 3805 Load Checked �Your States and Their States of States� 09/12/2022 3804 Load Checked �About the Constitutions - Again� 09/12/2022 3803 Load Checked �I Stand Corrected� 09/12/2022 3802 Load Checked �No Precedence for State Republics - One Exception� 09/09/2022 3801 Load Checked �You Can't Get There From Here� 09/06/2022 3800 Load Checked �What Actually Drives the De-Population Agenda� 09/05/2022 3799 Load Checked �Clif High Narradigm� 09/05/2022 3798 Load Checked �Alright Campers� 08/31/2022 3797 Load Checked �A Fiduciary Duty Fulfilled� 08/30/2022 3796 Load Checked �The Important History of Rome You Are Never Taught� 08/30/2022 3795 Load Checked �Public International Notice Regarding Dual Citizenship / David Straight Process� 08/29/2022 3794 Load Checked �The Union The Federation The Confederation and the Federal Republic� 08/29/2022 3793 Load Checked �America� 08/27/2022 3792 Load Checked �Updating The Informer....� 08/26/2022 3791 Load Checked �No Mister Trump is NOT.....A Short Expose of the Offices of the President � 08/21/2022 3790 Load Checked �Honest Abe Debunked and Joe Biden Too� 08/19/2022 3789 Load Checked �Simon� 08/15/2022 3788 Load Checked �The Manifestation Effect� 08/15/2022 3787 Load Checked �Who Really Owes Who in America � 08/15/2022 3786 Load Checked �International Notice of Distraint Issued to the District Government(s)� 08/15/2022 3785 Load Checked �A Quick and Very Dirty Explanation� 08/15/2022 3784 Load Checked �The Mushroom Kingdom� 08/13/2022 3783 Load Checked �No Five Indigenous Nations � 08/12/2022 3782 Load Checked �Red-Herrings Druids and Bank Myths - 3.0� 08/12/2022 3781 Load Checked �Red-Herrings Druids and Bank Myths - 2.0� 08/12/2022 3780 Load Checked �Red-Herrings Druids and Bank Myths - 1.0� 08/11/2022 3779 Load Checked �Declare Record and Publish� 08/10/2022 3778 Load Checked �Did THEY Buy the US INC. � 08/10/2022 3777 Load Checked �Two Ancient Forms of Law Causing Modern Havoc� 08/08/2022 3776 Load Checked �Robb Ryder Our Paul Revere� 08/08/2022 3775 Load Checked �The Cancer Process� 08/07/2022 3774 Load Checked �More Specifics on Regulation Z� 08/06/2022 3773 Load Checked �More Shoes Dropping� 08/05/2022 3772 Load Checked �Game On� 08/05/2022 3771 Load Checked �How Inflation Plus Taxation Equals a Housing Bust� 08/02/2022 3770 Load Checked �Our Remedies� 07/24/2022 3769 Load Checked �Red Alert from Grandma� 07/21/2022 3768 Load Checked �Not a Debt Default -- An Objection to Illegal Odious Debt� 07/19/2022 3767 Load Checked �Oh Canada!� 07/19/2022 3766 Load Checked �Face Up World --- History You Never Knew� 07/19/2022 3765 Load Checked �Nothing Is Ever Settled Until It's Settled Right� 07/18/2022 3764 Load Checked �Naval Agency and Distribution Act 1864 -- Bingo!� 07/18/2022 3763 Load Checked �Kindly Take Note� 07/18/2022 3762 Load Checked �The Final Explanation and Great Britain's Role� 07/15/2022 3761 Load Checked �No More Marcos Frauds� 07/15/2022 3760 Load Checked �The People Farmers� 07/15/2022 3759 Load Checked �Non-Federal Licenses Bonding and Permits� 07/13/2022 3758 Load Checked �Federal Licenses Federal Income and Potential Issues --- or Not� 07/13/2022 3757 Load Checked �Oh Let's Go At It Again....� 07/12/2022 3756 Load Checked �This Has Only Been News Since the 1890's� 07/10/2022 3755 Load Checked �Who Is a Federal Dependent � 07/10/2022 3754 Load Checked �Granna Beats the Dead Horse Again� 07/10/2022 3753 Load Checked �Notice: Warning About Legalities -- and Human Rights� 07/07/2022 3752 Load Checked �Pull Together Time� 07/07/2022 3751 Load Checked �The Actual Tiburcio Villamor Marcos and the So-called Global Collateral Accounts� 07/07/2022 3750 Load Checked �For Carlos et alia Regarding Mortgage Claims� 07/07/2022 3749 Load Checked �The brief and satisfying reply to be made to any IRS inquiries � 07/07/2022 3748 Load Checked �The Truth of the Matter� 07/05/2022 3747 Load Checked �How the Scots Made Sure that No Filipino Claims Could Succeed� 07/04/2022 3746 Load Checked �Don't Be Stupid Please -- About the 1934A Bonds� 07/04/2022 3745 Load Checked �Killing Their Creditors� 07/04/2022 3744 Load Checked �The Good News and the Bad News� 06/27/2022 3743 Load Checked �The Historical Irony is the Historicity � 06/25/2022 3742 Load Checked �Get On It!� 06/24/2022 3741 Load Checked �Ancient History That Matters Now� 06/23/2022 3740 Load Checked �Update on U.S. Military Situation and The Great Fraud� 06/23/2022 3739 Load Checked �The Fed Reserve Shelf Corporations and You� 06/22/2022 3738 Load Checked �End the Confusion Now� 06/21/2022 3737 Load Checked �The Feudal Monarchy System v. Our Family of Man� 06/17/2022 3736 Load Checked �How to Make a Judge Understand You� 06/14/2022 3735 Load Checked �About Public and International Notice -- and Obama's Activities� 06/13/2022 3734 Load Checked �Public and International Notice of Trespass and Breach of Trust� #N/A 3733 Load Checked �Public and International Notice: How the Entire World (Almost) Became Indebted to America� 06/12/2022 3732 Load Checked �Public and International Notice: Proof of Treason and Sabotage� 06/12/2022 3731 Load Checked �Call Out to Henry Bryant Lanier� 06/11/2022 3730 Load Checked �Ginned Up Fictional Versions of You� 06/08/2022 3729 Load Checked �Public and International Notice -- Second Notice� 06/08/2022 3728 Load Checked �Just Like Nesting Dolls� 06/08/2022 3727 Load Checked �Clarification for Trump and the U.S. Military� 06/08/2022 3726 Load Checked �Public and International Notice to the Bar Associations -- 30 Day Warning� 06/08/2022 3725 Load Checked �Public and International Notice to the World Bank and All Affiliates� 06/08/2022 3724 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Putin -- a Message From America� 06/07/2022 3723 Load Checked �A True Treasure� 06/06/2022 3722 Load Checked �A Brief Explanation to the World - The Donors the Middlemen and You� 06/06/2022 3721 Load Checked �Public and International Notice of Prior Claim and Lawful Standing� 06/06/2022 3720 Load Checked �Public and International Notice of Claim and Notice of Crimes of Property and Crimes of Enslavement� 06/06/2022 3719 Load Checked �Public International Notice Regarding Status of the Philippine Islands� 06/06/2022 3718 Load Checked �Public and International Notice of Treason� 06/06/2022 3717 Load Checked �Public and International Notice of Personage and Barratry Crimes� #N/A 3716 Load Checked �International Public Notice of Our Business Affairs� 06/06/2022 3715 Load Checked �Why the Great Reset aka New World Legal Order Must Be Tanked� 06/06/2022 3714 Load Checked �Responsibility of Officers of the High Courts� 06/06/2022 3713 Load Checked �Comptroller Letter Pages 1 2 and 3� #N/A 3712 Load Checked �Notice of Conflict at Law� 06/04/2022 3711 Load Checked �Public Notice Concerning the New World Legal Order Bank Insurance and Collections� 06/04/2022 3710 Load Checked �So Now....� 05/31/2022 3709 Load Checked �Comment on SoS Convention� 05/30/2022 3708 Load Checked �About the GAR and the State of War� 05/30/2022 3707 Load Checked �Important Civil War News for All Americans: Tomorrow� 05/28/2022 3706 Load Checked �Important Civil War News for All Americans: Today� 05/28/2022 3705 Load Checked �Important Civil War News for All Americans: The Circumstance� 05/28/2022 3704 Load Checked �WHY the January 6th Protesters Can Expect No Mercy and What Their Friends Should Do� 05/28/2022 3703 Load Checked �The Message Isn't Getting Through� 05/28/2022 3702 Load Checked �New Foreign Agent Registration Act Administration� 05/28/2022 3701 Load Checked �Public and International Notice: Generals 8 0 -- Jimmy Carter's Limits� 05/28/2022 3700 Load Checked �Dealing With the Influx -- A Message to All State Coordinators� 05/26/2022 3699 Load Checked �Straight Talk to David Straight� 05/26/2022 3698 Load Checked �Public International Alert -- Order to Cease and Desist: 25 May 2022� 05/26/2022 3697 Load Checked �Wow. Teri Hinkle Out of the Ball Park� 05/26/2022 3696 Load Checked �Why I Don't Teach All Three Jurisdictions - Again� 05/25/2022 3695 Load Checked �David Straight 3.0 -- Think About This Just Not Too Long� #N/A 3694 Load Checked �Public and International Notice to the Generals 7.0� 05/25/2022 3693 Load Checked �The Great Fraud in 300 Words or Less� 05/25/2022 3692 Load Checked �Who or What Sentenced Me to Anything The Liars.� 05/24/2022 3691 Load Checked �David Straight 2.0 -- The British Back Door and Our Claims� 05/23/2022 3690 Load Checked �Dear Jill� 05/23/2022 3689 Load Checked �So You Want Enforcement -- A Message to All State Coordinators� 05/23/2022 3688 Load Checked �The Latest Big Lies� 05/23/2022 3687 Load Checked �UN CORP -- A Message for Davos� 05/21/2022 3686 Load Checked �Sources of Authority� 05/21/2022 3685 Load Checked �The Choice for All Mankind� 05/20/2022 3684 Load Checked �Reply to David Straight and Notice to the Generals 6.0� 05/19/2022 3683 Load Checked �International Public Notice Regarding Saint Germain Trust� 05/19/2022 3682 Load Checked �Brits and the Color Orange� 05/19/2022 3681 Load Checked �The Public Employer's Directive� 05/19/2022 3680 Load Checked �Mr. Risenhoover:� 05/19/2022 3679 Load Checked �Yes Even the ASVLP/ASBLP Accounts Are Connected� 05/19/2022 3678 Load Checked �MY Instructions Concerning IRS Form 8822� 05/17/2022 3677 Load Checked �Public and International Notice --- It's Not My Process -- to the Generals 5.0� 05/15/2022 3676 Load Checked �The Money Spell -- Chapter Four -- Old Gold Revisited� 05/15/2022 3675 Load Checked �What is a Legal Title � 05/15/2022 3674 Load Checked �Bears in Springtime� 05/15/2022 3673 Load Checked �Another Broad-Side for AIM for Truth Which is Missing the Mark� 05/13/2022 3672 Load Checked �The Money Spell -- Chapter Three -- Old Gold� 05/12/2022 3671 Load Checked �Comment on Paul Risenhoover � 05/12/2022 3670 Load Checked �The Evils of the Agencies� 05/11/2022 3669 Load Checked �Letter to Henry Bryant� 05/10/2022 3668 Load Checked �They Are Not Our Courts� 05/09/2022 3667 Load Checked �Demand For Delivery� 05/09/2022 3666 Load Checked �The Old Lady Explains� 05/09/2022 3665 Load Checked �A Message From President Putin -- and Me� 05/09/2022 3664 Load Checked �My Compliments to Mike McKibben -- and Leader Technologies� 05/09/2022 3663 Load Checked �Please Spare Me� 05/04/2022 3662 Load Checked �Two Bad Guys v. Joe Q.. Public -- Plus Public Orders for the Joint Chiefs of Staff� 05/04/2022 3661 Load Checked �Black Magic v. White Magic� 05/04/2022 3660 Load Checked �The Roman Catholic Church For Catholics --- and Everyone Else� 05/04/2022 3659 Load Checked �Notice and Information for the Bank of England and JPMorgan Chase and Co. Boards of Governors� 05/03/2022 3658 Load Checked �A Quick Note to Doctors Lawyers and Indian Chiefs� 05/02/2022 3657 Load Checked �You Couldn't Make This Up If You Tried -- Notice to Generals 3.0� 05/02/2022 3656 Load Checked �Participating in Your Own Demise -- Commercial Remedies � 05/01/2022 3655 Load Checked �Grasping the Fraud Worked Against You� 05/01/2022 3654 Load Checked �Found: $700 Trillion in Stolen Life Force Value Annuities� 04/30/2022 3653 Load Checked �About Richard Warren and His Teachings --- Plus Filipino Accountability� 04/30/2022 3652 Load Checked �Letter to H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti� 04/30/2022 3651 Load Checked �Read It and Get Angry� 04/30/2022 3650 Load Checked �It All Begins in Your Mind -- Plus The Meaning and Destruction of Marriage� 05/01/2022 3649 Load Checked �Public International Notice -- Witness Required� 04/28/2022 3648 Load Checked �A Quick Edited Retort� 04/28/2022 3647 Load Checked �I Beg Your Pardon.... I Am Not Difficult to Get Along With� 04/28/2022 3646 Load Checked �The Plan and I -- Public Notice to the Generals 2.0� 04/28/2022 3645 Load Checked �The Big Lebowski Revisited - Public Notice to the Generals� 04/28/2022 3644 Load Checked �Grandma Plays Donkey Kong� 04/25/2022 3643 Load Checked �Your Sheriff or My Sheriff � 04/25/2022 3642 Load Checked �A New Horizon� 04/25/2022 3641 Load Checked �The Changing Meaning of the United States � 04/25/2022 3640 Load Checked �Your Public Employees or My Public Employees � 04/24/2022 3639 Load Checked �They WANT You to Express the Trust � 04/24/2022 3638 Load Checked �Attention Antonio Guterres -- End the Occupation� 04/24/2022 3637 Load Checked �The Marshall Plan - Part Two -- Who Is Owed the Return� 04/24/2022 3636 Load Checked �Public and International Notice to the High Courts and World Governments� 04/22/2022 3635 Load Checked �The Illuminati Agenda -- Peace Through Death and Homogeneity� 04/21/2022 3634 Load Checked �Your President or My President � 04/21/2022 3633 Load Checked �Repetitious History� 04/20/2022 3632 Load Checked �Your Supreme Court or My Supreme Court � 04/20/2022 3631 Load Checked �Dear Shelby -- Modern Warfare� 04/20/2022 3630 Load Checked �To The Members of the Galactic Federation and Council� 04/18/2022 3629 Load Checked �A Public International Demand for Action� 04/18/2022 3628 Load Checked �The Question is About NATO� 04/18/2022 3627 Load Checked �Murder Inc. -- A Message for Good Friday� 04/18/2022 3626 Load Checked �Need More Proof Actual Documents Anyone � 04/18/2022 3625 Load Checked � Dajjal -- A Union From Hell� 04/15/2022 3624 Load Checked �URGENT! HYPER-ALERT! GET THE WORD OUT NOW!!!� 04/15/2022 3623 Load Checked �Viper Venom Update� 04/15/2022 3622 Load Checked �Seventeen Rabbits and One Pack of Dogs� 04/15/2022 3621 Load Checked �The Kingdom of Lies� 04/15/2022 3620 Load Checked �A Tale of Two Islands and a Brief Explanation� 04/13/2022 3619 Load Checked � We Are Not at War; THEY Are� wearenotatwartheyare 3618 Load Checked �The More I Think of It The Madder I Get� 04/13/2022 3617 Load Checked �When I First Heard It....� 04/13/2022 3616 Load Checked �This Is Crime Not Politics� 04/13/2022 3615 Load Checked �Open Letter to Donald Trump� 04/13/2022 3614 Load Checked �Open Letter to David Straight -- Or Astray� 04/13/2022 3613 Load Checked �Reply to Michigan Outsiders:� 04/11/2022 3612 Load Checked �Second Message to Uncle Joe and Generals -- About Money� 04/11/2022 3611 Load Checked �News Flash -- It's Already Over� 04/09/2022 3610 Load Checked �If Your Business is Incorporated It's Not Private� 04/09/2022 3609 Load Checked �Message for Uncle Joe and the Generals. Plus a free grammar lesson.� 04/09/2022 3608 Load Checked �Project Looking Glass� 04/09/2022 3607 Load Checked �Public International Notice for the High Courts and United Nations� 04/05/2022 3606 Load Checked �Setting the Record Straight Concerning Boston Brahmins� 04/05/2022 3605 Load Checked �The Fight for the Fragments� 04/04/2022 3604 Load Checked �A Polite Reminder About Murder and Murderers� 04/04/2022 3603 Load Checked �Pardon Me Mr. Guterres -- Who Owns The Marshall Plan � 04/03/2022 3602 Load Checked �Nanny State or Granny State Chapter 6� 04/03/2022 3601 Load Checked �The Delivery System Delivers Whatever � 04/03/2022 3600 Load Checked �A Vital Explanation concerning the injections and the nature of the problems resulting will soon be available on my website.� 04/03/2022 3599 Load Checked �Alex Tallon Doesn't Know Who He Is Anymore� 04/01/2022 3598 Load Checked �Bread and Good Reminders While You Are Keeping Your Mind� 04/01/2022 3597 Load Checked �Nanny State or Granny State Chapter 5� 04/01/2022 3596 Load Checked �Reply to the Generals: Your Latest TVM Fraud and False Suppositions� 03/31/2022 3595 Load Checked �Don't Be Led; Lead� dontbeledlead 3594 Load Checked �Mr. Duerte - No MO� 03/31/2022 3593 Load Checked �Sweet Surrender� 03/30/2022 3592 Load Checked �Crystalline Clarity for All Concerned� 03/30/2022 3591 Load Checked �Nanny State or Granny State Chapter Four� 03/30/2022 3590 Load Checked �93 Out of 99--- Whose Treason Against Whom � 03/30/2022 3589 Load Checked �The Only Boat Afloat� 03/30/2022 3588 Load Checked �Reply to White Hats� 03/30/2022 3587 Load Checked �I Wish.... A Message to the World and DJT� 03/28/2022 3586 Load Checked �Nanny State or Granny State Chapter Three� 03/28/2022 3585 Load Checked �Nanny State or Granny State Chapter Two� 03/28/2022 3584 Load Checked �A Brief Message to Prinz Friedrich von Hohenzollern and the German People� 03/27/2022 3583 Load Checked �We MUST Speak� 03/27/2022 3582 Load Checked �Whoa! Information for the United Nations and NATO� 03/27/2022 3581 Load Checked �Nanny State or Granny State � 03/27/2022 3580 Load Checked �A Public Message to the Reptilian Archons� 03/26/2022 3579 Load Checked �The Position of the Federation� 03/26/2022 3578 Load Checked �About Our Reconstruction� 03/25/2022 3577 Load Checked �The Rosy Cross� 03/25/2022 3576 Load Checked �International and Public Declaration of Possession by Right� 03/24/2022 3575 Load Checked �No Moses Trust and No Stone Age Either� 03/24/2022 3574 Load Checked �It's the Trojan Roman Empire....� 03/24/2022 3573 Load Checked �Comment Regarding the Disappearance of the Dollar Sign� 03/22/2022 3572 Load Checked �About Racial Prejudice� 03/20/2022 3571 Load Checked �What to Do With Name-Calling Drunks and Do-Nothing Coordinators� 03/19/2022 3570 Load Checked �From My Lips to Trump's and Putin's Ears� 03/22/2022 3569 Load Checked �The Unidollar Concept� 03/18/2022 3568 Load Checked �Fair Notice to the World� 03/18/2022 3567 Load Checked �National Assembly v. States Assembly� 03/17/2022 3566 Load Checked �A Thought for Saudi Arabia and OPEC from the Office of the Fiduciary� 03/17/2022 3565 Load Checked �An Unacceptable Threat and Unacceptable Proposal� 03/13/2022 3564 Load Checked �Weapons of Mass Destruction --- Found at Last!� 03/13/2022 3563 Load Checked �The Story of Kim Goguen --- and Ben Fullford Too � 03/13/2022 3562 Load Checked �Letter to JP Morgan Chase� 03/12/2022 3561 Load Checked �American Asian and Spanish Asset Accounts United� 03/11/2022 3560 Load Checked �Opus Dei Golden Dawn and Reign of the Heavens Society� 03/11/2022 3559 Load Checked �In Support of Our Criminal Complaint and Special Grant of Jurisdiction� 03/11/2022 3558 Load Checked �The Actual European Settlement of America� 03/08/2022 3557 Load Checked �Oh Boy Yet Another Blockbuster Factoid Everyone is Missing or Forgets...� 03/07/2022 3556 Load Checked �Protect Yourselves and Others� 03/07/2022 3555 Load Checked �From the Office of the Fiduciary -- Question and Answer 1� 03/07/2022 3554 Load Checked �New Guardians to Be Named� 03/07/2022 3553 Load Checked �First Recoupment Notice for All Governments and Banks� 03/07/2022 3552 Load Checked �Who Saves Humanity � 03/07/2022 3551 Load Checked �There Is No British Monarch� 03/04/2022 3550 Load Checked �From the Office of the Fiduciary Regarding World Bank Transition� 03/04/2022 3549 Load Checked �Reply to The Ecumenical Council of Columbia � 03/04/2022 3548 Load Checked �Perfectly Lawful and Legal and Unfortunate� 03/02/2022 3547 Load Checked �Surprise for the Mammals� 03/02/2022 3546 Load Checked �What Is Covid 19 � 03/01/2022 3545 Load Checked �A Summation for Farm 42� 02/28/2022 3544 Load Checked �Make Your Video a Deposition� 02/27/2022 3543 Load Checked �Union States v. States of the Union Nah!� 02/27/2022 3542 Load Checked �SOS Uncle Jesse� 02/27/2022 3541 Load Checked �Dirty Bombs Dirty Generals� 02/27/2022 3540 Load Checked �More Dumb Cluck Stuff -- Which United States Was That � 02/26/2022 3539 Load Checked �Message for Texians� 02/26/2022 3538 Load Checked �The Law of Kinds� 02/26/2022 3537 Load Checked �News Flash --- Trudeau is Not Premier of Canada� 02/26/2022 3536 Load Checked �Answer WHO's Bid and Object� 02/25/2022 3535 Load Checked �Final Reply to John Curren Chapman III� 02/25/2022 3534 Load Checked �What I Expect� 02/25/2022 3533 Load Checked �Note to the United Nations/UN Corp and the Government of the Philippines� 02/23/2022 3532 Load Checked �They Stole Your Name. Now They've Stolen Your DNA.� 02/23/2022 3531 Load Checked �About David Straight Once and For All� 02/23/2022 3530 Load Checked �There Is No Debt. Joe's Hamburger Shop 2.0� 02/23/2022 3529 Load Checked �So Much For Ferdinand� 02/22/2022 3528 Load Checked �Answer to a Request� 02/22/2022 3527 Load Checked �Fatal Lies� 02/22/2022 3526 Load Checked �My Cred� 02/22/2022 3525 Load Checked �Police Placed in the Middle� 02/22/2022 3524 Load Checked �The Questions to Ask� 02/20/2022 3523 Load Checked �Cheese Hiding� 02/19/2022 3522 Load Checked �Exit Interview With The Devil � 02/19/2022 3521 Load Checked � Christian Death Cults� 02/19/2022 3520 Load Checked �The Two Crowns -- Listen Up Australia� 02/20/2022 3519 Load Checked �PS Regarding Today's Burning Question:� 02/19/2022 3518 Load Checked �Spread This Like Manure on a Field in Springtime� 02/18/2022 3517 Load Checked �Today's Burning Question� 02/18/2022 3516 Load Checked �Money Talks.... Sometimes� 02/18/2022 3515 Load Checked �Notice to all Galactic Federation of Planets Forces Agents and Council Members 2.0� 02/18/2022 3514 Load Checked �Regarding System --- Reply to Scott � 02/17/2022 3513 Load Checked �Reply to John Chapman Also Known as The Devil � 02/17/2022 3512 Load Checked �The Dreary Lauds -- Thank You For Your Service� 02/17/2022 3511 Load Checked �A Message to RCMP� 02/17/2022 3510 Load Checked �Oh Ye....� 02/17/2022 3509 Load Checked �No Emergency Powers Exist -- Nor Any State Immunity� 02/15/2022 3508 Load Checked �Letter to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti Copy to Archbishop of Canterbury� 02/13/2022 3507 Load Checked �We Won -- All Across the Board� 02/12/2022 3506 Load Checked �What to Do About Obstruction of Trade� 02/12/2022 3505 Load Checked �I Told You So� 02/11/2022 3504 Load Checked �The Canadian Raj� 02/11/2022 3503 Load Checked �What Is Now Known About Batches� 02/10/2022 3502 Load Checked �It's Late at Night...� 02/10/2022 3501 Load Checked �Okay Campers� 02/09/2022 3500 Load Checked �The Commodity -- The First Salvo� #N/A 3499 Load Checked �Beware the PLOS PLOP� 02/09/2022 3498 Load Checked �The Rodeo Brit-Style� 02/08/2022 3497 Load Checked �Prepare to Be Offended --- Very Offended� 02/07/2022 3496 Load Checked �The Common Sense Contagion� 02/04/2022 3495 Load Checked �A Time of Miracles� 01/31/2022 3494 Load Checked �CIA Cells Within CIA Cells� 01/28/2022 3493 Load Checked �Another Mega Prune the Mainstream Media Failed to Deliver� 01/25/2022 3492 Load Checked �Ah Another Reason to Blow Up the Ukraine� 01/25/2022 3491 Load Checked �Your Bread Basket or Mine � 01/25/2022 3490 Load Checked �The Red-Letter Bible� 01/24/2022 3489 Load Checked �Cold Turkey the Bogey Man� 01/23/2022 3488 Load Checked �Objection to Evil� 01/23/2022 3487 Load Checked �How Can This Be � 01/23/2022 3486 Load Checked �The Great Reset(s)� 01/21/2022 3485 Load Checked �The Truth About Atlantis and Atlanteans� #N/A 3484 Load Checked �Dark Night or Misty Morning� 01/21/2022 3483 Load Checked �Britain and Japan Both Nix The Narrative� 01/20/2022 3482 Load Checked �There Are Two Forces of Occupation� 01/20/2022 3481 Load Checked �Short Time After the Great Earthquake� 01/17/2022 3480 Load Checked �Morning Star Indeed� 01/17/2022 3479 Load Checked �The First Question --- Finally Answered � 01/16/2022 3478 Load Checked �Why I Call It The American Federal Republic� 01/15/2022 3477 Load Checked �Bureaucratic Madness -- in the State Assemblies� 01/15/2022 3476 Load Checked �The Secret of Mystery Babylon� 01/15/2022 3475 Load Checked �Biden Bye-Bye � 01/13/2022 3474 Load Checked �Non-Negotiable� 01/13/2022 3473 Load Checked �Earth to Trump and Military� 01/13/2022 3472 Load Checked �Understanding the Birth Certificate Bond --- For What It Is� 01/13/2022 3471 Load Checked �Okay Kiddies Here's the Big One....For Starters� 01/11/2022 3470 Load Checked �Read the Words� 01/10/2022 3469 Load Checked �The Importance of Names� 01/09/2022 3468 Load Checked �Here is the Situation Report� 01/09/2022 3467 Load Checked �Country or Nation� 01/08/2022 3466 Load Checked �No Fear� 01/07/2022 3465 Load Checked �Perhaps I Am Not Being Pointed Enough....� 01/06/2022 3464 Load Checked �To The High Courts --- A Public Objection to Crime in International Jurisdiction� 01/06/2022 3463 Load Checked �Ponder in Your Heart� 01/04/2022 3462 Load Checked �The Money Spell -- Chapter Two -- Ounces� 01/01/2022 3461 Load Checked �For Reiner Fuellmich -- How About a Whole Old Judicial System � 01/01/2022 3460 Load Checked �A Public Outrage -- Bad Blood � 12/31/2021 3459 Load Checked �More Proof� 12/31/2021 3458 Load Checked �The Money Spell --- Chapter One --- What is a Dollar � 12/29/2021 3457 Load Checked �Picture a Maze Full of Rats� 12/29/2021 3456 Load Checked �Yes There Are Liens and Claims on Everything� 12/29/2021 3455 Load Checked �Put the Kabosh on de Blasio and Newsom et alia� 12/27/2021 3454 Load Checked �Observe the Low Points and The Aldrich Plan� 12/25/2021 3453 Load Checked �Official Reply to Nancy Marie Kremer� 12/25/2021 3452 Load Checked �Here It Is AGAIN --- Why You Don't Have to File UCC Paperwork and Why I Did� 12/25/2021 3451 Load Checked �Muckraking Just in Time for Christmas� 12/25/2021 3450 Load Checked �About Forms of Citizenship� 12/24/2021 3449 Load Checked �Nasty Little Men with Nasty Little Minds� 12/24/2021 3448 Load Checked �Floyd Tarvin and Continued Ignorance About Oaths and Pledges� 12/24/2021 3447 Load Checked �For All My Aussie Friends -- With One Caveat� 12/23/2021 3446 Load Checked �My Mama� 12/22/2021 3445 Load Checked �Why Computer Systems -- Including Quantum Ones -- Fail� 12/22/2021 3444 Load Checked �Just Another Fedsurrection� 12/22/2021 3443 Load Checked �Mandates Are Not Laws 2.0� 12/21/2021 3442 Load Checked �From Man to Human to Transhuman --- Rebel Now� 12/19/2021 3441 Load Checked �Official Objection and Public Notice and Protest� 12/19/2021 3440 Load Checked �Don't Be Confused About Passing the Buck� 12/19/2021 3439 Load Checked �Food� 12/17/2021 3438 Load Checked �Remember What I Told You About Use of Disclaimers � 12/17/2021 3437 Load Checked �Legislation Applies to Persons -- Not People� 12/17/2021 3436 Load Checked �So You Don't Believe That We Are in a Spiritual War.....� 12/17/2021 3435 Load Checked �Public Notice: Anthony Fauci is Not Qualified to Function as Head of State� 12/17/2021 3434 Load Checked �The Use of Slaves� 12/16/2021 3433 Load Checked �Set Yourselves Free of Bureaucracy -- Coordinators Pay Attention!� 12/16/2021 3432 Load Checked �Hey Homer....� 12/15/2021 3431 Load Checked �Regarding Lucifer� 12/14/2021 3430 Load Checked �Remember Remember....� 12/10/2021 3429 Load Checked �People -- the CDC is a Private For-Profit Corporation� 12/10/2021 3428 Load Checked �First Conclusions - The Big Steal� 12/10/2021 3427 Load Checked �Religion v. Experience� 12/10/2021 3426 Load Checked �The Snooze Button Doesn't Work� 12/10/2021 3425 Load Checked �Get Your Visigoth On� 12/05/2021 3424 Load Checked �A Message to Michael Hunter and Texas in General� #N/A 3423 Load Checked �The Mirror and the Violet Flame� 12/05/2021 3422 Load Checked �Not Rocket Science -- They Are Giving You AIDS� 12/04/2021 3421 Load Checked �Listen Up Campers....� 12/04/2021 3420 Load Checked �Think People� 12/04/2021 3419 Load Checked �A Letter Back� 12/04/2021 3418 Load Checked �For the LAST Time....� 12/04/2021 3417 Load Checked �Observe Then Boot� 12/03/2021 3416 Load Checked �News Flash -- No Such Thing as Emergency Powers � 12/01/2021 3415 Load Checked �Leadership Failure 101� 12/01/2021 3414 Load Checked �The Sucker Punch� 11/30/2021 3413 Load Checked �Rat Watch� 11/30/2021 3412 Load Checked �The Demonic Dialectic� 11/30/2021 3411 Load Checked �Rome is The Problem� 11/29/2021 3410 Load Checked �Come Spirit of God� 11/29/2021 3409 Load Checked �There's Still Just One Answer� 11/28/2021 3408 Load Checked �About the Military� 11/27/2021 3407 Load Checked �Lawful vs. Unlawful Assemblies� 11/28/2021 3406 Load Checked �117 Illegible Pages of Legalistic Gunk� 11/25/2021 3405 Load Checked �The American Holiday� 11/25/2021 3404 Load Checked �Facts About Coordinators� 11/23/2021 3403 Load Checked �If They Make an Offer� 11/22/2021 3402 Load Checked �When in Doubt.....and a Fair Warning� 11/22/2021 3401 Load Checked �Before the Next S&@T Storm� 11/21/2021 3400 Load Checked �Is Our National Average I.Q. Really 68 � 11/20/2021 3399 Load Checked �Clarity About Article 3 Court� 11/19/2021 3398 Load Checked �To All State Assemblies -- and All State Coordinators� 11/19/2021 3397 Load Checked �About the British Crown Government� 11/18/2021 3396 Load Checked �Contracts of Corporations Must Be Lawful or The Corporations Are Illegal� 11/18/2021 3395 Load Checked �My Thoughts as Texas Reorganizes� 11/18/2021 3394 Load Checked �Paper or Plastic � 11/17/2021 3393 Load Checked �To All The American State Assemblies� 11/17/2021 3392 Load Checked �Smallpox or What They Did to the Indians� 11/17/2021 3391 Load Checked �Public Announcement Regarding California Assembly� 11/17/2021 3390 Load Checked �Military Occupation --- By Our Own Army --- For 160 Years� 11/17/2021 3389 Load Checked �Already Gone� 11/16/2021 3388 Load Checked �Which Original Jurisdiction � 11/16/2021 3387 Load Checked �Shine the Light on the Police and the Courts� 11/16/2021 3386 Load Checked �Killing YOU to Protect You� 11/15/2021 3385 Load Checked �Protecting You From Yourself� 11/15/2021 3384 Load Checked �A Pernicious Idea� 11/15/2021 3383 Load Checked �The Tories Didn't Leave� 11/15/2021 3382 Load Checked �For the Entire World to Know and Remember -- Especially the High Courts� 11/14/2021 3381 Load Checked �Red Alert -- Wake Up --- The Federation of States is American� 11/14/2021 3380 Load Checked �No Other California --- Again For the Clueless Among Us� 11/13/2021 3379 Load Checked �Explanation for The Texas Assembly� 11/12/2021 3378 Load Checked �November the Eleventh 2021 - Open Letter to H.E. Dominique Mambert� 11/12/2021 3377 Load Checked �We Have Announced What We Are Doing� 11/11/2021 3376 Load Checked �Direct to Colorado� 11/11/2021 3375 Load Checked �The Warning Signs That You Have District Infiltrators� 11/10/2021 3374 Load Checked �Why Would I Teach You Things You Don't Need to Know � 11/10/2021 3373 Load Checked �No Nancy....� 11/10/2021 3372 Load Checked �Not Another Ragnarok� 11/08/2021 3371 Load Checked �Who Is The Head of State --- Open Letter to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti� 11/08/2021 3370 Load Checked �The Lawful Definition of California� 11/08/2021 3369 Load Checked �The Tired Physician� 11/08/2021 3368 Load Checked �The Rude Awakening� 11/08/2021 3367 Load Checked �The Amish Know the Truth� 11/04/2021 3366 Load Checked �Reply to Timothy Norton FORMER Michigan Coordinator� 11/03/2021 3365 Load Checked �First of November 2021 Dear Cardinal Mamberti � 11/01/2021 3364 Load Checked �Judicial Notice to the U.S. Supreme Court Witnessed by All High Courts� 10/31/2021 3363 Load Checked �The Power of the Post Master� 10/31/2021 3362 Load Checked �A Reply to California Hotheads and Liars� 10/31/2021 3361 Load Checked �The Ultimate Responsibility -- An Open Letter to Pope Francis et alia� 10/30/2021 3360 Load Checked �Not My Supporters� 10/30/2021 3359 Load Checked �Notice of Prohibition by Donors� 10/28/2021 3358 Load Checked �Notice of Impoundment� 10/28/2021 3357 Load Checked �The Ancient Governments -- City v. Country� 10/28/2021 3356 Load Checked �A Sad Farewell to Former Californians� 10/27/2021 3355 Load Checked �America Replies --- So What � 10/26/2021 3354 Load Checked �The Cracks in the Dam� 10/25/2021 3353 Load Checked �The Problem with Peymon� 10/24/2021 3352 Load Checked �RE: Situation in California� 10/22/2021 3351 Load Checked �Advances for Counties� 10/21/2021 3350 Load Checked �Want Proof That They Claim You Are Chattel � 10/19/2021 3349 Load Checked �For the People -- Especially in California and Texas� 10/19/2021 3348 Load Checked �A Few Announcements� 10/19/2021 3347 Load Checked �Another Uh duh.... Moment� 10/18/2021 3346 Load Checked �Reply for the Postal Pedants� 10/18/2021 3345 Load Checked �Update to the Texas Assembly� 10/18/2021 3344 Load Checked �Public and International Notice to All US and USA Affiliated Military Officers� 10/18/2021 3343 Load Checked �Presentment� 10/18/2021 3342 Load Checked �Idiocy in High Dudgeon -- Modern Economics in Simple Terms� 10/18/2021 3341 Load Checked �Your House -- a Parable� 09/20/2021 3340 Load Checked �Jim's Birthday Month� 10/18/2021 3339 Load Checked �Earth to Rod Class and the Generals � 10/19/2021 3338 Load Checked �To All Members of the U.S. Military: There Is No Vaccine Mandate� 10/16/2021 3337 Load Checked �Urgent and Much-Needed Explanation for My German Friends� 10/18/2021 3336 Load Checked �An Ice Water Cocktail to Wake You Up� 09/30/2021 3335 Load Checked �Granna Up to Her Ears� 09/29/2021 3334 Load Checked �They Are Using Doctors as Soldiers -- A Message from Hawkeye� 09/29/2021 3333 Load Checked �What Else You Need to Know� 09/29/2021 3332 Load Checked �Why They Can't Gain Traction on Election Fraud Issues� 09/29/2021 3331 Load Checked �The Authority to Demand and Command� 09/29/2021 3330 Load Checked �Sorting the Manure� 09/29/2021 3329 Load Checked �Payola 101� 09/29/2021 3328 Load Checked �What the End of the Civil War Means For the Military and Agencies� 09/22/2021 3327 Load Checked �They Don't Like It� 09/20/2021 3326 Load Checked �The Philippines Fraud and More� 09/20/2021 3325 Load Checked �Rome and Slaves� 09/19/2021 3324 Load Checked �Why This International Peace Proclamation Works� 09/19/2021 3323 Load Checked �Urgent Information Regarding the Americans -- Dear General� 09/17/2021 3322 Load Checked �Latest on the Plandemic� 09/17/2021 3321 Load Checked �About Oversight Committees� 09/17/2021 3320 Load Checked �International Notice and Proclamation Regarding American and Russian Alliance Treaty Provisions� 09/17/2021 3319 Load Checked �International Notice and Proclamation Regarding Federal Employees� 09/17/2021 3318 Load Checked �Message to Man of God --- and Graphene is Good Narrative:� 09/14/2021 3317 Load Checked �A Necessary Insight ---� 09/14/2021 3316 Load Checked �About the Republic -- A Message to Donald Trump and the Military� 09/12/2021 3315 Load Checked �Granna Needs Your Help Now� 09/12/2021 3314 Load Checked �No National Emergencies and No Emergency Powers Either� 09/12/2021 3313 Load Checked �The NLA -- Thirty Years of Failure� 09/10/2021 3312 Load Checked �What Part of Only Way Forward is Hard to Grasp � 09/10/2021 3311 Load Checked �Renegade Hawaii Ex-Coordinator Has No Standing to Proceed� 09/10/2021 3310 Load Checked �No Valid State Legislatures No Second Declaration of Independence� 09/10/2021 3309 Load Checked �The New World Order South v. New World Order North� 09/10/2021 3308 Load Checked �A Mandate is Not a Law� 09/10/2021 3307 Load Checked �The Great Travesty Not the Great Reset� 09/09/2021 3306 Load Checked �For The State Recording Secretaries� 09/08/2021 3305 Load Checked �No Second Declaration� 01/29/2021 3304 Load Checked �No Applications for Personal Bank Accounts� 09/03/2021 3303 Load Checked �First Announcement for Researchers -- Additional Information For the High Courts� 09/03/2021 3302 Load Checked �The International Peace Proclamation� 09/03/2021 3301 Load Checked �Why Would You Want to Be a Shareholder in a Bankrupt Corporation � 08/31/2021 3300 Load Checked �The Short Answer....� 08/30/2021 3299 Load Checked �Remember ---Our Warning About SEDM Materials� 08/30/2021 3298 Load Checked �In Memory Of Robert David Steele� #N/A 3297 Load Checked �The Status of Coordinators and How to Withdraw� 08/28/2021 3296 Load Checked �Why I Reacted� 08/27/2021 3295 Load Checked �But Why Would They Want to Kill Us � 08/27/2021 3294 Load Checked �Let's Make This Very Clear -- We Choose Life: Attention of the High Courts Required� 08/26/2021 3293 Load Checked �Dealing With the IRS and Other Public Debt Collectors� 08/26/2021 3292 Load Checked �Letter of Protest Addressed to the High Courts� 08/26/2021 3291 Load Checked �Reposting about neurotoxins and farming.� 08/26/2021 3290 Load Checked �The Federal Republic -- For the Information of the High Courts and Others� 08/26/2021 3289 Load Checked �New Blood Money Book Now Available on Amazon� 08/25/2021 3288 Load Checked �How They Reverse Things and Turn Them Upside Down� 08/25/2021 3287 Load Checked �Full Alert!� 08/24/2021 3286 Load Checked �Pollution of the Food Supply with Graphene Oxide� 08/24/2021 3285 Load Checked �Points of Clarification for the High Courts -- and Everyone Else� 08/24/2021 3284 Load Checked �The History of Gold -- Additional Insight for the High Courts as Requested� 08/24/2021 3283 Load Checked �To the Pentagon� 08/24/2021 3282 Load Checked �The Structure of the States of America -- Requested Information and Request for Action� 08/20/2021 3281 Load Checked �Immediate Arrest Requested� 08/19/2021 3280 Load Checked �Stop the Madness Worldwide� 08/19/2021 3279 Load Checked �More Garbage from TROH� 08/19/2021 3278 Load Checked �A Bit of Clarity� 08/18/2021 3277 Load Checked �An Open Letter to The Archbishop of Canterbury� 08/18/2021 3276 Load Checked �Told You So --- Assemblies Protect Yourselves� 08/17/2021 3275 Load Checked �The REASON Our Bonds Cannot Fund the RV� 08/17/2021 3274 Load Checked �What Didn't Happen in 1986� 08/15/2021 3273 Load Checked �Red Alert for All British and Commonwealth Operatives� 08/15/2021 3272 Load Checked �Here in This Late Hour� 08/12/2021 3271 Load Checked �A Blunt Message for the Alliance� 08/11/2021 3270 Load Checked �Johnny Come Lately� 08/11/2021 3269 Load Checked �Meaning of VAX Content� 08/10/2021 3268 Load Checked �Authorization to Act --- Joint Chiefs of Staff� 08/09/2021 3267 Load Checked �One Page History of America from Colonies to Now for General Milley� 08/08/2021 3266 Load Checked �Right to Correct Mistakes� #N/A 3265 Load Checked �Cut to the Chase� 07/30/2021 3264 Load Checked � Sovereign Citizen is an Oxymoron� 07/31/2021 3263 Load Checked �Resend ****Urgent**** Required Mandatory Permanent Protective Injunction� 07/29/2021 3262 Load Checked �Clarifications� 07/28/2021 3261 Load Checked �Success� 07/27/2021 3260 Load Checked �Wise as Serpents Gentle as Doves� 07/25/2021 3259 Load Checked �There is Only One State Assembly� 07/25/2021 3258 Load Checked �Texas Michigan et alia....� 07/25/2021 3257 Load Checked �Choose Your Door� 07/25/2021 3256 Load Checked �Notice of Prior Established Default and Liability� 07/23/2021 3255 Load Checked �Shut Them Down -- Info for Litigation Committees� 07/23/2021 3254 Load Checked �Thoughts for Great Britain� 07/23/2021 3253 Load Checked �A Race That is Already Won� 07/23/2021 3252 Load Checked �The Living Law Firm Banned in Boston� 07/22/2021 3251 Load Checked �Shout Out to North Dakota -- Want to End the Civil War � #N/A 3250 Load Checked �Good Interview with Moi Miss Piggy of the Airwaves� #N/A 3249 Load Checked �Why Depopulation Because of Another Different Agenda....� 07/20/2021 3248 Load Checked �Well I Had Hoped...� 07/18/2021 3247 Load Checked �About Oaths and Affirmations� 07/17/2021 3246 Load Checked �For All Coordinators - The American Way� 07/16/2021 3245 Load Checked �The Great Fraud: Officers and Elected Officials� 07/16/2021 3244 Load Checked �The Right to Peaceably Assemble� 07/16/2021 3243 Load Checked �The Picture for Texas:� 07/14/2021 3242 Load Checked �Cleaning Up Michigan� 07/14/2021 3241 Load Checked �Dot-to-Dot� 07/15/2021 3240 Load Checked �More Clarity for Texas:� 07/14/2021 3239 Load Checked �Notice to Texas Assembly� 07/14/2021 3238 Load Checked �You Got Three Choices� 07/13/2021 3237 Load Checked �Removal of Hawaii Coordinator� 07/12/2021 3236 Load Checked �My Reply to Kim's Announcement and Her Continued Support of Eric Dingus� 07/10/2021 3235 Load Checked �The Bilateral Banking System 2.0� 07/10/2021 3234 Load Checked �The Bilateral Banking System� 07/10/2021 3233 Load Checked �Removal of Coordinator in Texas -- Notice of Procedure� 07/09/2021 3232 Load Checked �The Flat Out� 07/08/2021 3231 Load Checked �Meltdown in Michigan� 07/07/2021 3230 Load Checked �Head's Up People� 07/05/2021 3229 Load Checked �Notice That We Are De-Platforming --- Hail and Farewell to Google et alia� 07/04/2021 3228 Load Checked �Notice of Insurance Liability Issued 4 July 2021� 07/04/2021 3227 Load Checked �The Only Secret We Need to Know� 07/04/2021 3226 Load Checked �Reposts in Support� 06/30/2021 3225 Load Checked �Fraud Alert: the Government of The United States of America etc.� 06/29/2021 3224 Load Checked �Commercial Mercenary Attack Against Humanity -- International Notice to All International Courts:� 06/29/2021 3223 Load Checked �Lawful v. Legal Standing and Our Constitutions� 06/29/2021 3222 Load Checked �Notice of Status Investigation and Liability� 06/29/2021 3221 Load Checked �A Country Run By Stupid People� 06/28/2021 3220 Load Checked �Thinking It Through for Licensed Professionals� 06/28/2021 3219 Load Checked �Urgent Breach of National Security Interest - Counterfeiting Unit� 06/27/2021 3218 Load Checked �About Public-Private Bonds� 06/27/2021 3217 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 27 -- The Sanctity of Life� 06/26/2021 3216 Load Checked �Shrewsbury� 06/26/2021 3215 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice � Blood Money 26 --- Land and Land Assets� 06/26/2021 3214 Load Checked �To Pope Francis: Solve the World's Problems With Three Corporate Liquidations� 06/23/2021 3213 Load Checked �My Crystal Ball 2.0 - The French Connection Again� 06/23/2021 3212 Load Checked �Lawful Persons Legal Persons LEGAL PERSONS -- Sign in America� 06/22/2021 3211 Load Checked �A Letter of Condolence for the Pope� 06/21/2021 3210 Load Checked �My Crystal Ball� 06/19/2021 3209 Load Checked �The Importance of Identity� 06/19/2021 3208 Load Checked �The Peacekeeping Task Force Issues� 06/18/2021 3207 Load Checked �Eff the Parties and the MSM� 06/18/2021 3206 Load Checked �More Filthy British Laundry� 06/16/2021 3205 Load Checked �About Structure and Purpose -- Orientation of Assemblies� 06/16/2021 3204 Load Checked �Committees of Safety and Executive Committees Aren't For Us� 06/14/2021 3203 Load Checked �Your Banks -- Progress and Instructions� 06/13/2021 3202 Load Checked �End the Mad Cow Confusion About We the People � 06/13/2021 3201 Load Checked �Here's How It Goes -- American History 101-2 -The Confederation� 06/13/2021 3200 Load Checked �What Did I Tell You About Killing Their Priority Creditors � 06/13/2021 3199 Load Checked �No Fifth Dimension� 06/11/2021 3198 Load Checked �Here's How It Goes -- American Government 101-1� 06/08/2021 3197 Load Checked �For the Military Geniuses Among Us� 06/08/2021 3196 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 25 -- Legacy Trusts� 06/07/2021 3195 Load Checked �Administrative Leave Imposed Effective Immediately� 06/07/2021 3194 Load Checked �It's Not a Vaccine People� 06/07/2021 3193 Load Checked �Incorrigible Corrupt Judges and Other Matters� 06/07/2021 3192 Load Checked �Grandpa Alfred's Shortcake� 06/06/2021 3191 Load Checked �A Timely Reminder -- Nuremberg 2.0 is in Session� 06/06/2021 3190 Load Checked �Clearing the Bank Hurdle -- The Basics: Setting Up Your National Trade Bank� 06/06/2021 3189 Load Checked �Clearing the Bank Hurdle - The Basics: Corporate Overview� 06/06/2021 3188 Load Checked �Religious Belief Discrimination Incident Report� 06/06/2021 3187 Load Checked �Still so sure you want to try to force me to get the experimental vaccination � 06/06/2021 3186 Load Checked �Law about Vaccination� 06/06/2021 3185 Load Checked �What authority does the CDC have � 06/06/2021 3184 Load Checked �Military Saviors � 06/05/2021 3183 Load Checked �What We Want� 06/04/2021 3182 Load Checked �Christopher Doherty Equals The (Thoroughly Discredited) Reign of the Heavens Society� 06/04/2021 3181 Load Checked �The Truth About the Bioweapon� 06/03/2021 3180 Load Checked �To All Assemblies Concerning Our Words and Our Powers� 06/03/2021 3179 Load Checked �People of Ireland� 06/01/2021 3178 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 24 -- Other Kinds of Blood Money� 05/31/2021 3177 Load Checked �Dear Everyone Regarding The Shit Storm � 05/30/2021 3176 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Putin -- Acknowledging the Security Council Debate� 05/30/2021 3175 Load Checked �What's the Purpose of a State Assembly � 05/30/2021 3174 Load Checked �About Hawaii� 05/29/2021 3173 Load Checked �Urgent Appeal --- The First Bank Founded on Love� 05/29/2021 3172 Load Checked �A Terrifying Thought� 05/27/2021 3171 Load Checked �What We Need to Communicate� 05/26/2021 3170 Load Checked �American v. US History� 05/25/2021 3169 Load Checked �Authenticated Birth Certificate� 05/25/2021 3168 Load Checked �The FED Says That Inflation Isn't Real....� 05/25/2021 3167 Load Checked �Additional Issues for the International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 23 -- Treaties and Obligations� 05/24/2021 3166 Load Checked �Choices and Outcomes� 05/24/2021 3165 Load Checked �My Opinion as an Anti-Vaxxer� 05/23/2021 3164 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 22 -- The Great Reset and Old Dictionaries� 05/23/2021 3163 Load Checked �Lincoln -- a Sad Duty to the Public� 05/23/2021 3162 Load Checked �From Dr. R.E. Search Andrews Plantation a True Ghost Story� 05/21/2021 3161 Load Checked �What You Get Out of It -- Positive Incentives� 05/20/2021 3160 Load Checked �What You Get Out of It -- The Negative Incentives� 05/20/2021 3159 Load Checked �Notice the Modus� 05/20/2021 3158 Load Checked �Another Refutation of TROH --- Again� 05/19/2021 3157 Load Checked �Listening to The Left� 05/17/2021 3156 Load Checked �My Thoughts on the ArVee� 05/16/2021 3155 Load Checked �The Rubicon� 05/15/2021 3154 Load Checked �The Revolving Door -- Urgent Warning� 05/15/2021 3153 Load Checked �Embrace the Place -- A Message for Our Assemblies� 05/14/2021 3152 Load Checked �Discovering The Book of the States� 05/11/2021 3151 Load Checked �The Electoral Rights of State Citizens� 05/10/2021 3150 Load Checked �Another Point to Ponder for the Native Chiefs� 05/10/2021 3149 Load Checked �Understanding What Went On -- Guide to Nomenclature and Status� 05/10/2021 3148 Load Checked �How Our Assemblies Operate� 05/09/2021 3147 Load Checked �Important Addendum About the 1937 Declaration of Interdependence� 05/09/2021 3146 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 21 - Land� 05/08/2021 3145 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -Blood Money 20 --Abuse of Contracts� 05/07/2021 3144 Load Checked �Citizens Arrest and Public Duty� 05/06/2021 3143 Load Checked �Hot Topics -- Q and A� 05/04/2021 3142 Load Checked �Important Points to Remember -- Call Out to Assemblies� 05/03/2021 3141 Load Checked �I Cannot Over- Emphasize for the Military Veterans� 05/02/2021 3140 Load Checked �For Linda and Other Critics of My Leadership -- Judge for Yourselves� 05/02/2021 3139 Load Checked �A Non-Person. Yes That's Right.� 05/02/2021 3138 Load Checked �Not Our President� 05/02/2021 3137 Load Checked �Fog Lifting� 05/01/2021 3136 Load Checked �Why We Can't All Just Come Together and Mushy-Mushy� 05/01/2021 3135 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 19 - Bank Fraud� 04/30/2021 3134 Load Checked �Context� 04/30/2021 3133 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 18 -- Hollywood East� 04/29/2021 3132 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 17 -- The Bond System� 04/29/2021 3131 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump....the Second Time� 04/28/2021 3130 Load Checked �Taxes -- Simple and Sweet -- And Keep Your Birth Certificates� 04/28/2021 3129 Load Checked �To the U.S. Secret Service Treasury Department� 04/28/2021 3128 Load Checked �Un-incorporating Re-Chartering and Other Issues� 04/28/2021 3127 Load Checked �Showdown at the Okay Corral� 04/28/2021 3126 Load Checked �Once and For All People....� 04/28/2021 3125 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump....� 04/27/2021 3124 Load Checked �Those Who Can't Walk Talk� 04/27/2021 3123 Load Checked �What You Need to Know� 04/27/2021 3122 Load Checked �The Last Jar� 04/26/2021 3121 Load Checked �Native American� 04/26/2021 3120 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 16 -- The RV� 04/26/2021 3119 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 15 - Our Employees� 04/25/2021 3118 Load Checked �Today I was accused of being a Nazi.� 04/25/2021 3117 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 14 -- English� 04/25/2021 3116 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 13 - One Compact� 04/25/2021 3115 Load Checked �Breaking Big Pharma� 04/25/2021 3114 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 12 -- Pride of Place� 04/25/2021 3113 Load Checked �Not a Municipal CITIZEN� 04/24/2021 3112 Load Checked �Foreword to the 14th Amendment Documents� 04/26/2021 3111 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 11 -- Counterfeiting� 04/22/2021 3110 Load Checked �In Communicating With Me� 04/22/2021 3109 Load Checked �Plainspeak� 04/21/2021 3108 Load Checked �Additional Issues for the International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 10 -- Commodity Rigging� 04/21/2021 3107 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 9 -- 800 Years of This� 04/20/2021 3106 Load Checked �SESRES dot com� 04/19/2021 3105 Load Checked �Shades of 1913� 04/19/2021 3104 Load Checked �Why Do They Hate Mary Magdalene � 04/19/2021 3103 Load Checked �Paper Mills and Clarification� 04/19/2021 3102 Load Checked �No Arguments Needed --- Try This Yourself� 04/19/2021 3101 Load Checked �The Seriousness of the Hour -- Message for All Assemblies� 04/18/2021 3100 Load Checked �A Spiritual War� 04/18/2021 3099 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice - Blood Money 8 - Man or Thing � 04/16/2021 3098 Load Checked �Ezekial the Prophet� 04/16/2021 3097 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 7� 04/15/2021 3096 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 6 --The Military Quandary� 04/15/2021 3095 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 11 April 2021 -- Blood Money 5� 04/13/2021 3094 Load Checked �Severance of the Soul� 04/11/2021 3093 Load Checked �Not a State Facility --- a State of State Facility -- Crime Scene� 04/11/2021 3092 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice - 10 April 2021 -- Blood Money 4� 04/10/2021 3091 Load Checked �Blood Money 3� 04/09/2021 3090 Load Checked �Template for Prosecution -- Part 1� 04/09/2021 3089 Load Checked �Blood Money 2� 04/08/2021 3088 Load Checked �Blood Money� 04/08/2021 3087 Load Checked �Proof of Delivery for 3081 3082 and 3083� 04/07/2021 3086 Load Checked �They Already Told You!� 04/07/2021 3085 Load Checked �The Spider Web Effect� 04/07/2021 3084 Load Checked �In the Court of Justice via RE 162 265 907 US Protest and Demand for Permanent Injunctive Relief� 04/07/2021 3083 Load Checked �Public International Notice - Notice to Vacate� 04/07/2021 3082 Load Checked �Public Corrective Notice and Demand� 04/07/2021 3081 Load Checked �Why All the Delays � 04/06/2021 3080 Load Checked �Lincoln the Rat� 04/06/2021 3079 Load Checked �Remember the Jester's Defense � 04/06/2021 3078 Load Checked �The Cure Has Been Found! ---Common Sense and Commerce� 04/06/2021 3077 Load Checked �Rain on the Roof� 04/04/2021 3076 Load Checked �Two Ways to Be Fooled� 04/03/2021 3075 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 2 April 2021� 04/02/2021 3074 Load Checked �How They Work It� 04/02/2021 3073 Load Checked �The Great Witch of Coven-Tree is Dead� 04/02/2021 3072 Load Checked �Your Public Duty� 04/01/2021 3071 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 31 March 2021� 03/31/2021 3070 Load Checked �Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice - 30 March 2021� 03/31/2021 3069 Load Checked �You Are Being Prosecuted Under Foreign Bills of Attainder� 03/29/2021 3068 Load Checked �Mom's Circle -- and Bring the Wagons Too!� 03/29/2021 3067 Load Checked �Dear All� 03/29/2021 3066 Load Checked �Federal Violations List� 03/29/2021 3065 Load Checked �Aunt Mammy-Whammy Big Swamp� 03/29/2021 3064 Load Checked �Have We Finally Found Francesco Bernini And John H. Durham � 03/29/2021 3063 Load Checked �Palm Sunday's Sunshine Patriots� 03/29/2021 3062 Load Checked �Additional Notification of Issues for The International Court of Justice� 03/28/2021 3061 Load Checked �No We Are Not Working For or With The Vatican � 03/26/2021 3060 Load Checked �Non-Judicial Courts: The Two Crimes They Use Most Often� 03/26/2021 3059 Load Checked �Is Pope Francis Guilty � 03/26/2021 3058 Load Checked �Notice the Sequence of Things� 03/26/2021 3057 Load Checked �Deconstruction of the Great Fraud for The International Court of Justice� 03/26/2021 3056 Load Checked �Overview for Those Who Need It� 03/26/2021 3055 Load Checked �Housekeeping With Grandma� 03/26/2021 3054 Load Checked �The War of the Fey Who Remained� 03/24/2021 3053 Load Checked �Message to the World Court: Dateline 23rd March 2021� 03/23/2021 3052 Load Checked �The Esau Story � 03/23/2021 3051 Load Checked �Modus Operandi of the Criminals� 03/23/2021 3050 Load Checked �The Truth Counts� 03/23/2021 3049 Load Checked �Confusion Regarding Fraud� 03/23/2021 3048 Load Checked �Canned Laughter� 03/21/2021 3047 Load Checked �The Nazis All Moved West� 03/21/2021 3046 Load Checked �Let's Put It to Rest� 03/20/2021 3045 Load Checked �Syrian Equals Sirian� 03/19/2021 3044 Load Checked �In Defense� 03/19/2021 3043 Load Checked �Secession From What � 03/19/2021 3042 Load Checked �About Preambles to Acts Versus The Preamble� 03/19/2021 3041 Load Checked �Of Course the Banks Are All Bankrupt -- by Definition� 03/16/2021 3040 Load Checked �Land Grants and Presumed Donors -- Notice to the Holy See� 03/15/2021 3039 Load Checked �The Voice of the Silent - the Juilliard Case and More� 03/15/2021 3038 Load Checked �What If....� 03/15/2021 3037 Load Checked �Every Thinking One of Us Knows� 03/15/2021 3036 Load Checked �Well Over a Century Ago..... Part 2� 03/15/2021 3035 Load Checked �Well Over a Century Ago..... Part 1� 03/15/2021 3034 Load Checked �The Cloud of Do-Gooding� 03/13/2021 3033 Load Checked �Public Corrective Notice and Demand� 03/12/2021 3032 Load Checked �A Fundamental Understanding -- How to Change the Courts� 03/13/2021 3031 Load Checked �CAFR New Relationships� 03/08/2021 3030 Load Checked �Let the Dead Bury Their Dead� 03/08/2021 3029 Load Checked �There is Safety in Numbers� 03/08/2021 3028 Load Checked �Sheriffs Deputies It's Up to You� 03/08/2021 3027 Load Checked �Public International Notice -- Notice to Vacate� 03/04/2021 3026 Load Checked �Cowboy Ethics and Frontier Justice� 03/03/2021 3025 Load Checked �Declaration of Facts and Invocation of Law� 03/03/2021 3024 Load Checked �More Charts and Our Invocation of Law� 03/03/2021 3023 Load Checked �Focus for Assemblies� 03/03/2021 3022 Load Checked �Who Are You Calling Fat � 03/03/2021 3021 Load Checked �The First American Public Law in Over a Century� 03/03/2021 3020 Load Checked �Message to All Targeted Individuals� 03/02/2021 3019 Load Checked �The Actual Act of 1871 Being Referenced� 03/02/2021 3018 Load Checked �The Bleeding of Britain� 03/01/2021 3017 Load Checked �Are We Stupid � 02/28/2021 3016 Load Checked �Turkey Farming� 02/24/2021 3015 Load Checked �Orientation for Newbies� 02/24/2021 3014 Load Checked �Public Notice - Twenty-Second of February 2021� 02/22/2021 3013 Load Checked �Your Car or Their Vehicle � 02/22/2021 3012 Load Checked �Calling Out the Gray Brigade� 02/22/2021 3011 Load Checked �My Bad and the Boys� 02/21/2021 3010 Load Checked �Being Color Blind� 02/19/2021 3009 Load Checked �Australia -- How They Did It So Far -- A Good Example� 02/18/2021 3008 Load Checked �Big Breakthrough Brothers and Sisters!� 02/18/2021 3007 Load Checked �More About the Situation in Australia -- and Everywhere Else� 02/18/2021 3006 Load Checked �About Australia and The Big Picture� 02/18/2021 3005 Load Checked �Anna Von Reitz: Multiple Bankruptcies The Way Forward� 02/17/2021 3004 Load Checked �New Publications on the Way� 02/16/2021 3003 Load Checked �Patterns of Fraud -- Ignorance and the Courts� 02/15/2021 3002 Load Checked �About Russell J. Gould the Pirate� 02/14/2021 3001 Load Checked �Here You Go Again Republicans� 02/13/2021 3000 Load Checked �The Constitutionally Repugnant Reconstruction Acts Impose 14th Amendment via Martial Law Powers In Time of Peace.� #N/A 2999 Load Checked �Red Alert! Red Alert! Red Alert! No Meeting in Utah on Saturday!� 02/12/2021 2998 Load Checked �Vampires� 02/12/2021 2997 Load Checked �But But (Splutter!) I'm An American!� 02/09/2021 2996 Load Checked �About All These Patriot Groups� 02/09/2021 2995 Load Checked �Yebedda Yebedda That's All Folks!� 02/09/2021 2994 Load Checked �Public Notice to The International Court of Justice and the Court of the Lord High Steward� 02/08/2021 2993 Load Checked �Good News for The Brits! ---And the Commonwealth� 02/08/2021 2992 Load Checked �Anyone Besides Me Sick of This BS � 02/08/2021 2991 Load Checked �Hopium 2.0� 02/06/2021 2990 Load Checked �Why is The Corporations Act of 1870 a Key Issue � 02/06/2021 2989 Load Checked �The Thinking Man's Guide to Reality� 02/04/2021 2988 Load Checked �Funky Bookkeeping 101-- MOCEE� 02/02/2021 2987 Load Checked �Happy Groundhog Day� 02/02/2021 2986 Load Checked �Reposting an Oldie but Goldie For Newbies� 02/01/2021 2985 Load Checked �Take in Just One Little Scrap of Information....� 02/01/2021 2984 Load Checked �1779 v. 928's� #N/A 2983 Load Checked �Passing It On --- The Sarah Westall Interview� 02/01/2021 2982 Load Checked �The Power is in Your Hands� 01/31/2021 2981 Load Checked �Public Notice Concerning The Corporations Act of 1870� 01/31/2021 2980 Load Checked �The Grand Delusion� 01/31/2021 2979 Load Checked �All Hands On Deck� 01/31/2021 2978 Load Checked �The British Bodkin� 01/29/2021 2977 Load Checked �No Second Declaration� 01/29/2021 2976 Load Checked �The Occupation� 01/28/2021 2975 Load Checked �The Search for a Scapegoat� 01/28/2021 2974 Load Checked �A Picture Worth a Thousand Words� 01/28/2021 2973 Load Checked �About the National Guard Troops� 01/28/2021 2972 Load Checked �My God My God....� 01/27/2021 2971 Load Checked �Okay Any Fools in the Audience � 01/27/2021 2970 Load Checked �The LRS for Everyone: an Answer for a Canadian� 01/27/2021 2969 Load Checked �The Brits Again as Always....It is So Boring!� 01/26/2021 2968 Load Checked �We're Not Bankrupt -- They Are� 01/26/2021 2967 Load Checked �Public International Notice� 01/26/2021 2966 Load Checked �Franklin Pierce and the New World� 01/25/2021 2965 Load Checked �Get The Story Straight� 01/25/2021 2964 Load Checked �Remember and Avoid Reliving� 01/24/2021 2963 Load Checked �1856 Election -- An Explanatory Correction� #N/A 2962 Load Checked �Situation Report 24 January 2021� 01/24/2021 2961 Load Checked �For Sidney Powell� 01/23/2021 2960 Load Checked �A Joke Gone Bad� 01/23/2021 2959 Load Checked �Hopium Hangover � 01/23/2021 2958 Load Checked �Once More. Slowly� 01/22/2021 2957 Load Checked �Public Notice to Pope Francis and the World� 01/21/2021 2956 Load Checked �Federal Dual Citizenship -- Why It's Important� 01/21/2021 2955 Load Checked �Killing the Beast -- Notice How They Did It� 01/21/2021 2954 Load Checked �No More Fakes and No More Cuckoo Birds Either� 01/21/2021 2953 Load Checked �About Q � 01/21/2021 2952 Load Checked �Black People You've Been Conned� 01/20/2021 2951 Load Checked �President of What � 01/20/2021 2950 Load Checked �Their Republic and Our Republic� 01/19/2021 2949 Load Checked �Why Isn't the Trump Administration Cooperating --- and Benefiting � 01/19/2021 2948 Load Checked �No Act Changes a Country Into a Corporation� 01/19/2021 2947 Load Checked � Second Declaration of Independence No Contract� 01/19/2021 2946 Load Checked �The Third Option� 01/18/2021 2945 Load Checked �A Question Has Arisen� 01/18/2021 2944 Load Checked �You Think I'm Crazy Wait for It..... Wait for It.....� 01/18/2021 2943 Load Checked �The Son of the Swamp Foxes� 01/18/2021 2942 Load Checked �This is Too Good� 01/17/2021 2941 Load Checked �Employer Pants� 01/19/2021 2940 Load Checked �Posse Comitatus State Assemblies and Our Military Operations� 01/17/2021 2939 Load Checked �HATJ -- The Burning Question� 01/16/2021 2938 Load Checked �Ask Mr. Trump� 01/16/2021 2937 Load Checked �For the Innocent� 01/16/2021 2936 Load Checked �Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem -- Part 3� 01/15/2021 2935 Load Checked �Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem -- Part 2� 01/15/2021 2934 Load Checked �Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem -- Part 1� 01/15/2021 2933 Load Checked �You Have A Home� 01/15/2021 2932 Load Checked �Download for Your Records� 01/15/2021 2931 Load Checked �I Can't Say It Any Plainer� 01/15/2021 2930 Load Checked �To the Clueless in America� 01/14/2021 2929 Load Checked �Why They Are Afraid and Why They Ought to Be� 01/13/2021 2928 Load Checked �Yes I Am Angry -- Joint Chiefs Complicit� 01/13/2021 2927 Load Checked �Why the Military Can't Afford to Wait� 01/12/2021 2926 Load Checked �The Federation and the Federal Republic� 01/12/2021 2925 Load Checked �The Federation� 01/12/2021 2924 Load Checked �Smoke and Mirrors� 01/12/2021 2923 Load Checked �Let's Make This Clear to Zuckerberg Gates et alia. -- Public Notice to the Tech Giants� 01/11/2021 2922 Load Checked �The Insurrection Act is Live� 01/11/2021 2921 Load Checked �No Theocracy. No Democracy. Just Republics� 01/10/2021 2920 Load Checked �None of This is About Politics� 01/10/2021 2919 Load Checked �Pay Attention!� 01/10/2021 2918 Load Checked �No Great Divide. No Contract.� 01/10/2021 2917 Load Checked �Whoa! What Horses � 01/10/2021 2916 Load Checked �The Method and the Madness� 01/10/2021 2915 Load Checked �Public Service Announcement� 01/10/2021 2914 Load Checked �Open Letter to Pope Francis -- Call to Liquidate� 01/08/2021 2913 Load Checked �The Sheep and The Goats� 01/07/2021 2912 Load Checked �All Roads Lead to Rome� 01/08/2021 2911 Load Checked �Remember -- The Pope Owns Both� 01/07/2021 2910 Load Checked �Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!� 01/06/2021 2909 Load Checked �About Names -- The Real Estate Franchise and Title System� 01/05/2021 2908 Load Checked �About Firearms � 01/05/2021 2907 Load Checked �Why Seniors Are Targeted and Why Fear is Not an Option� 01/05/2021 2906 Load Checked �Organizational Goals for State Assemblies� 01/05/2021 2905 Load Checked �American Government Basics� 01/05/2021 2904 Load Checked �How to Bilk a Nation -- If You Are British� 01/04/2021 2903 Load Checked �Very Important -- Look at China -- and Us� 01/04/2021 2902 Load Checked �A Most Succinct and Timely Run Down of BS-19 EXCEPT.....� 01/03/2021 2901 Load Checked �About Concerns of Google Dependency of the LRS� 01/03/2021 2900 Load Checked �The Trouble in Utah� 01/03/2021 2899 Load Checked �About LRO and LRS Systems� 01/03/2021 2898 Load Checked �THE BOOK THAT SHOOK THE UNITED STATES--YOU LET THEM KILL US!� 01/02/2021 2897 Load Checked �Letter to Dr. Richard Cordero Esquire:� 01/01/2021 2896 Load Checked �About Corporations� 01/01/2021 2895 Load Checked �Fake New Year Celebration at Times Square.� 01/01/2021 2894 Load Checked �Brush Fires or Arsonists -- My New Year's Address� 12/31/2020 2893 Load Checked �The Balance of the Issue� 12/31/2020 2892 Load Checked � Independent Fact Checking � 12/31/2020 2891 Load Checked �Problems and Solutions.....� 12/31/2020 2890 Load Checked �The Frozen Logic Circuits Thaw Out� 12/30/2020 2889 Load Checked �Time to Decipher� 12/29/2020 2888 Load Checked �Let's Make This Really Simple� 12/28/2020 2887 Load Checked �Enough Rope� 12/26/2020 2886 Load Checked �The Processes� 12/26/2020 2885 Load Checked �A Christmas Message from Anna Von Reitz� 12/25/2020 2884 Load Checked �Not to Creep You Out� 12/22/2020 2883 Load Checked �Fancy That � 12/22/2020 2882 Load Checked �A 2020 Homage to Baxter Black's Rudolph's Night Off � 12/22/2020 2881 Load Checked �A Message for Christians at Christmas � 12/21/2020 2880 Load Checked �Uh-Duh Moment -- There Is No UPSA at Present� 12/21/2020 2879 Load Checked �Rebuttal of TROH Garbage for the Umpteenth Time� 12/21/2020 2878 Load Checked �Question 2 -- The Money Situation� 12/19/2020 2877 Load Checked �Question One -- The Pandemic� 12/19/2020 2876 Load Checked �Special Urgent Message to the Rest of the World� 12/16/2020 2875 Load Checked �Special Urgent Message� 12/16/2020 2874 Load Checked �The Summoning Authority� 12/15/2020 2873 Load Checked �Don't Believe the UK is Knackered � 12/14/2020 2872 Load Checked �A Quick Comment -- It's Not Really China� 12/14/2020 2871 Load Checked �Anti-Freeze Anyone � 12/14/2020 2870 Load Checked �Keeping Everyone Posted on Wilfred's Protocol� 12/14/2020 2869 Load Checked �Yes the Vaccine Contains Fragments of HIV and More� 12/13/2020 2868 Load Checked �Freedom is as Close or as Far as Original Jurisdiction� 12/13/2020 2867 Load Checked �What Did You Expect the Supreme Court to Do � 12/12/2020 2866 Load Checked �My Crystal Ball � #N/A 2865 Load Checked �The Present Situation� 12/11/2020 2864 Load Checked �Why the US Dollar Must Die--- Or....� 12/15/2020 2863 Load Checked �Dear Friends of The Galactic Council� 12/11/2020 2862 Load Checked �The Restore Your Back Program� 12/09/2020 2861 Load Checked �Hot and Smoking� 12/08/2020 2860 Load Checked �The Progression of Lies -- Why There Has to Be War in This System� 12/08/2020 2859 Load Checked �My Bad -- A Grandma Moment� 12/06/2020 2858 Load Checked �Parents and Grandparents -- Pop Quiz� 12/06/2020 2857 Load Checked �Re-Labeling and Re-Branding -- Tricks of Corporate Propagandists� 12/05/2020 2856 Load Checked �Yes You DO Need Paperwork� 12/05/2020 2855 Load Checked �The Decision� 12/03/2020 2854 Load Checked �So Now Will Canada Be Allowed....� 12/01/2020 2853 Load Checked �The Death of Bill and Granna's Gift List� 12/01/2020 2852 Load Checked �A Plague of Liars� 11/30/2020 2851 Load Checked �Stop Believing� 11/30/2020 2850 Load Checked �Tricky Dick and Health Care Profiteering� 11/28/2020 2849 Load Checked �A Brief Brutal Review� 11/28/2020 2848 Load Checked �No Fault� 11/28/2020 2847 Load Checked �For All State Coordinators� 11/30/2020 2846 Load Checked �Communist China --- The Last Bastion of Freedom � 11/25/2020 2845 Load Checked �Pointless Slander and Lies� 11/25/2020 2844 Load Checked �The Brits Again -- Monotonous Isn't It � 11/25/2020 2843 Load Checked �An Explanation for the World� 11/25/2020 2842 Load Checked �Pile On the Sovereign Citizen Issue� 11/25/2020 2841 Load Checked �Mr. Trump -- Urgent Action Required� 11/23/2020 2840 Load Checked �Get It Straight People --- And Then Tell Others� 11/23/2020 2839 Load Checked �I Called It -- Again� 11/23/2020 2838 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions--- 8.0: Jurisdictions� 11/22/2020 2837 Load Checked �One Smoking Gun and It's British --- Again� 11/22/2020 2836 Load Checked �In Your Faces� 11/22/2020 2835 Load Checked �Let Us Stand --- On This Anniversary� 11/22/2020 2834 Load Checked �What Happened � 11/22/2020 2833 Load Checked �Do You Hear the Fear in Their Voices � 11/30/2020 2832 Load Checked �About the General Jural Assemblies and Their False Claim� 11/21/2020 2831 Load Checked �Two New Best Friends Forever� 11/22/2020 2830 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions-- 7.0: Lawful Fictions and Legal Fictions� 11/20/2020 2829 Load Checked �Point of Clarification� #N/A 2828 Load Checked �Update--Situation Red Dot� 11/20/2020 2827 Load Checked �Remember Remember the 22nd of November� 11/22/2020 2826 Load Checked �Public Message to Pope Francis - Stop This Madness� 11/19/2020 2825 Load Checked �Someone Needs to Tell Congress� 11/18/2020 2824 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions-- 6.0: States� 11/18/2020 2823 Load Checked �For No Baloney Tony� 11/30/2020 2822 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions -- 5.0: We the People� 11/16/2020 2821 Load Checked �Masks and Criminals� 11/16/2020 2820 Load Checked �Your Wounds and Regrets� 11/15/2020 2819 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions-- 4.0: Land and Soil� 11/14/2020 2818 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions - 3.0: Our Organic Laws� 11/14/2020 2817 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions -- 2.0 : Your Urgent Attention Please� 11/14/2020 2816 Load Checked �Common Misconceptions - 1.0 - Treaties v. Constitutions� 11/14/2020 2815 Load Checked �An Afghanistan Vet� 11/13/2020 2814 Load Checked �For the Record� 11/30/2020 2813 Load Checked � It is Getting Really Deep� 11/12/2020 2812 Load Checked �Whose Fault Is It � 11/12/2020 2811 Load Checked �Nine Strikes and They Are Out� 11/11/2020 2810 Load Checked �Just Stop� 11/11/2020 2809 Load Checked �Scorecard and the End of Nancy Pelosi --- and Joe Biden� 11/11/2020 2808 Load Checked �The Meaning of The Doctrine of Scarcity� 11/11/2020 2807 Load Checked �Accept All Gifts. Waive All Benefits� 11/10/2020 2806 Load Checked �A Change in Mindset� 11/10/2020 2805 Load Checked �For Ammon Bundy and Ron Vrooman and All Other Patriots -- Part 3� 11/09/2020 2804 Load Checked �The Take Home Message� 11/09/2020 2803 Load Checked �For Ammon Bundy and Ron Vrooman and All Other Patriots -- Part 2� 11/07/2020 2802 Load Checked �For Ammon Bundy and Ron Vrooman and All Other Patriots -- Part 1� 11/07/2020 2801 Load Checked �Bird's Eye View -- A Public Announcement� 11/07/2020 2800 Load Checked �A Word and An Update� 11/06/2020 2799 Load Checked �Regarding mHD Event and Situation in England� 11/04/2020 2798 Load Checked �Abundance� 44165 2797 Load Checked �Red Hot!� 11/02/2020 2796 Load Checked �The Roman Church The Guilds and The Hellfire Club� 11/02/2020 2795 Load Checked �For the Record� 11/30/2020 2794 Load Checked �Fool Me Once....� 11/01/2020 2793 Load Checked �Yes It's True� 11/01/2020 2792 Load Checked �What Happened in Alaska� 11/01/2020 2791 Load Checked �No Affidavits No Executors No Contracts and No Constitutions� 11/01/2020 2790 Load Checked �There Are No Contracts Under American Common Law� 11/01/2020 2789 Load Checked �The NIH and CDC Are Not Public Institutions� 11/01/2020 2788 Load Checked �A Public Announcement About the Bonds� #N/A 2787 Load Checked �The Battle For Your Hearts and Minds� 10/30/2020 2786 Load Checked �22 Guilty Generals� 10/30/2020 2785 Load Checked �About Land Ownership� 10/29/2020 2784 Load Checked �Regarding the Discovery....Part 2� 10/29/2020 2783 Load Checked �No Five Regions Agreement� 10/29/2020 2782 Load Checked �It Really Has Frozen Over� 10/28/2020 2781 Load Checked �Regarding the Discovery....� 10/28/2020 2780 Load Checked �It's Legal to Lie --- More Insight into the Craziness� 10/27/2020 2779 Load Checked �What Election � 10/27/2020 2778 Load Checked �Public International Notice Served� 10/26/2020 2777 Load Checked �Take Your Positions� 10/25/2020 2776 Load Checked �Take Heed� 10/25/2020 2775 Load Checked �Lofty Ludmilla� 10/25/2020 2774 Load Checked �For Desperately Confused Catholics� 10/25/2020 2773 Load Checked �Mercenaries in the Civil War� 10/24/2020 2772 Load Checked �Be Not Deceived� 10/23/2020 2771 Load Checked �Make Haste and Pass the Beans� 10/23/2020 2770 Load Checked �Where Freedom of Speech Begins� 10/22/2020 2769 Load Checked �Need More Proof � 10/22/2020 2768 Load Checked �What Did They Do � 10/19/2020 2767 Load Checked �False Suppositions Waste Time� 10/19/2020 2766 Load Checked �OMG� 10/21/2020 2765 Load Checked �Where Did They Go � 10/27/2020 2764 Load Checked �More Tip of the Iceberg from Paul Turner� 10/18/2020 2763 Load Checked �Kickbacks 101� 10/18/2020 2762 Load Checked �For All the Dim Wits Out There� 10/18/2020 2761 Load Checked �The Land Recording Service and Our Management� 10/15/2020 2760 Load Checked �October is the Month of The Queen of Heaven � 10/14/2020 2759 Load Checked �International Claim of The Powerholder� 10/13/2020 2758 Load Checked �Standing Up or Standing Down� 10/13/2020 2757 Load Checked �Macedonia Gaul and The United States of America� 10/13/2020 2756 Load Checked �Public Notice of Non-Compliance Non-Assumpsit and Counter-Claim� 10/14/2020 2755 Load Checked �Official Notice and Published Announcement� 10/11/2020 2754 Load Checked �Cleaning Up the Agencies and Commissions� 10/11/2020 2753 Load Checked �The Universal Law of Free Will is Being Violated� 10/11/2020 2752 Load Checked �The Way It's Played� 10/11/2020 2751 Load Checked �We Have the Proof -- And a Special Purpose Appeal� 10/08/2020 2750 Load Checked �Dear Folks -- A Vital Update� 10/08/2020 2749 Load Checked �Your Own Imagination� 10/07/2020 2748 Load Checked �The Church and I� 10/06/2020 2747 Load Checked �For the Whiners and Nay-Sayers� 10/06/2020 2746 Load Checked �To Oregon's Independent Jural Assembly and All Others� 10/06/2020 2745 Load Checked �The Real Reason Bessie is a Wonder Car � 10/06/2020 2744 Load Checked �Liars Cheats and Honest Men� 10/05/2020 2743 Load Checked �Work and Blessing� 10/04/2020 2742 Load Checked �Bessie Update� 10/03/2020 2741 Load Checked �Orientation for Our Assemblies� 10/03/2020 2740 Load Checked �Message to the FBI� 10/03/2020 2739 Load Checked �We Don't Use Affidavits --- Ever.� 10/03/2020 2738 Load Checked �Tired of Project Looking-Glass Misinformation� 10/02/2020 2737 Load Checked �Correction to correction.� 10/01/2020 2736 Load Checked �Clearing the Air for Coordinators and Leaders� 09/30/2020 2735 Load Checked �ILB's Are Private Not Public� 09/29/2020 2734 Load Checked �Broadcast to All Americans - Part 4� 09/29/2020 2733 Load Checked �Unity is Hard-Won� 09/29/2020 2732 Load Checked �Bessie Answers and Miracles� 09/26/2020 2731 Load Checked �Assemblies of Different Kinds� 09/26/2020 2730 Load Checked �Coordinator's Handbook -- Chapter 5� 09/26/2020 2729 Load Checked �The British Way� 09/25/2020 2728 Load Checked �Broadcast to All Americans: Part 3� 09/23/2020 2727 Load Checked �Broadcast to All Americans: Part 2� 09/23/2020 2726 Load Checked �Broadcast to All Americans� 09/23/2020 2725 Load Checked �And Another Rip Off Nailed Down� 09/21/2020 2724 Load Checked �Rip Off Indeed� 09/21/2020 2723 Load Checked �Pirates Pirates Everywhere.... Make No Mistake� 09/20/2020 2722 Load Checked �Coordinator's Handbook -- Chapter 4� 09/20/2020 2721 Load Checked �Only Ignorance of the Public Law� 09/20/2020 2720 Load Checked �Coordinator's Handbook -- Chapter 3� 09/19/2020 2719 Load Checked �Coordinator's Handbook- Chapter 2� 09/18/2020 2718 Load Checked �Why Write to THEM � 09/18/2020 2717 Load Checked �You Are Still in Shock Where's Our Supreme Court � 09/18/2020 2716 Load Checked �They Have No Money� 09/17/2020 2715 Load Checked �Help Shut Down the Cock and Bull Story� 09/17/2020 2714 Load Checked �Notice to United Nations Secretary-General� 09/17/2020 2713 Load Checked �Gross Violation of the Palermo Protocols� 09/17/2020 2712 Load Checked �We Do Not Exist Under Any Constitution. The Federal Government Does� 09/22/2020 2711 Load Checked �Conference of Governors Does Not Represent Us -- Notice to Karen Hudes� 09/17/2020 2710 Load Checked �The Culture of Deceit and Our Answer� 09/16/2020 2709 Load Checked �The Lincoln Turn Around Two Step� #N/A 2708 Load Checked �Newsflash: Your Government is Not Bankrupt� 09/13/2020 2707 Load Checked �Coordinator's Handbook -- Chapter One� 09/13/2020 2706 Load Checked �Round Three With Neil Keenan� 09/13/2020 2705 Load Checked �Minnesota Lament� 09/13/2020 2704 Load Checked �About the Flag War-Castles Russell Gould Etc.� 09/13/2020 2703 Load Checked �Questions and Answers for Assemblies� 09/12/2020 2702 Load Checked �Reply to All State-of-State Attorney Generals-- Using Nevada as an Example:� 09/10/2020 2701 Load Checked �Update on Bessie The Wonder Car� 09/10/2020 2700 Load Checked �A Culture of Kindness v. THEM� 09/10/2020 2699 Load Checked �No Flags -- What Does It Mean � 09/10/2020 2698 Load Checked �Public Notice of Non-Compliance Non-Assumpsit and Counter-Claim� 09/09/2020 2697 Load Checked �Signing the Declaration� 09/08/2020 2696 Load Checked �The Military and the Fourteenth Amendment� 09/08/2020 2695 Load Checked �Reconstruction 101� 09/07/2020 2694 Load Checked �Legalized Slave Ownership� 09/07/2020 2693 Load Checked �Keep the Electoral College� 09/07/2020 2692 Load Checked �Support for Trump � 09/07/2020 2691 Load Checked �The Roman Catholic Church Rebounds� 09/09/2020 2690 Load Checked �The War Is Over� 09/06/2020 2689 Load Checked �Silence Really Is Golden� 09/06/2020 2688 Load Checked �Use Disclaimers� 09/05/2020 2687 Load Checked �Meet Bessie the Wonder Car� 09/05/2020 2686 Load Checked �Nasty Gambits -- Why State-of-State Constitutions Don't Apply to Us� 09/04/2020 2685 Load Checked �Corporations Are The Problem� 09/04/2020 2684 Load Checked �Defund the Police Really � 09/03/2020 2683 Load Checked �Monday's Broadcast� 09/02/2020 2682 Load Checked �Intelligence� 09/02/2020 2681 Load Checked �I'm Sorry For All of You Who Are Just Waking Up� 09/01/2020 2680 Load Checked �Slow and Steady Wins the Race� 09/01/2020 2679 Load Checked �Public Notice to United States Attorney General William P Barr� 08/31/2020 2678 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump -- 31 August 2020� 08/31/2020 2677 Load Checked �Languages of Law� 08/31/2020 2676 Load Checked �About Counties� 08/31/2020 2675 Load Checked �Blood Oaths� 08/31/2020 2674 Load Checked �The Economics of The Other Great Debate - 2.0� 08/30/2020 2673 Load Checked �The Other Great Debate 1.0� 08/30/2020 2672 Load Checked �All They Wrote� 08/29/2020 2671 Load Checked �DIY� 08/29/2020 2670 Load Checked �The Down Low� 08/29/2020 2669 Load Checked �Public International Notice Concerning the US 2020 Census� 08/29/2020 2668 Load Checked �Notice and Return to: THE HUMAN RIGHTS TRIBUNAL INTERNATIONAL� 08/29/2020 2667 Load Checked �The Elephant in Our Room -- Public Notice� 08/27/2020 2666 Load Checked �The Old Schtick and the New Schtick� 08/27/2020 2665 Load Checked �Lost and on Spin Cycle � 08/27/2020 2664 Load Checked �The Problem for Al Gore� 08/27/2020 2663 Load Checked �About State Nationals and International Officers� 08/25/2020 2662 Load Checked �Notice to the United Nations President Trump and all Interested Principals and Parties� 08/26/2020 2661 Load Checked �Public Notice to All National Governments� 08/24/2020 2660 Load Checked �The Boy Who Cried Wolf� 08/24/2020 2659 Load Checked �A Most Excellent Summation by Marlon Schroeder� 08/24/2020 2658 Load Checked �Team Sports� 08/23/2020 2657 Load Checked �Man v. Human� 08/22/2020 2656 Load Checked �Public Notice to the World Bank of National Identity Theft� 08/22/2020 2655 Load Checked �American Know-How� 08/22/2020 2654 Load Checked �Times Are Hard When....� 08/22/2020 2653 Load Checked �A Note Back to Kirk---� 08/21/2020 2652 Load Checked �Public Notice --- Attention: World Governments and President Trump� 08/20/2020 2651 Load Checked �Attention Valiant Thor� 08/20/2020 2650 Load Checked �The Truth As I Know It About NESARA� 08/20/2020 2649 Load Checked �The Truth About Americans and Voting� 08/18/2020 2648 Load Checked �Hats Hats and More Hats� 08/18/2020 2647 Load Checked �First Last Always About Kim Goguen� 08/16/2020 2646 Load Checked �My Apologies and Your Happy Place� #N/A 2645 Load Checked �Horse Before Cart Solution� 08/16/2020 2644 Load Checked �Our Land Recording System is Live� 08/16/2020 2643 Load Checked �What THEY Do� 08/14/2020 2642 Load Checked �An Oops and a Thank You� 08/12/2020 2641 Load Checked �Another News Flash --� 08/12/2020 2640 Load Checked �Good Cop Bad Cop� 08/12/2020 2639 Load Checked �Antifa is a False Flag -- A Message for Pope Francis� 08/12/2020 2638 Load Checked �News Flash --- from 1907� 08/12/2020 2637 Load Checked �Down the Middle� 08/12/2020 2636 Load Checked �The Whore and The Remnant� 08/10/2020 2635 Load Checked �One Last Try� 08/10/2020 2634 Load Checked �Smart Cookie� 08/09/2020 2633 Load Checked �Red Alert! ---All Those Who Have Submitted DNA to Ancestry.Com� 08/09/2020 2632 Load Checked �Remember Mike Pompeo Live Exercise � 08/09/2020 2631 Load Checked �The Big Three Q and Our Medical Professionals� 08/09/2020 2630 Load Checked �The Good News of the Week� 08/09/2020 2629 Load Checked �Concerning Patriots and Railroad Tracks� 08/09/2020 2628 Load Checked �Breaking Our Addictions� 08/09/2020 2627 Load Checked � Elected or Voted In � 08/07/2020 2626 Load Checked �The Civilian Government� 08/06/2020 2625 Load Checked �Three Reasons --- A Message For America's Veterans from James Belcher� 08/04/2020 2624 Load Checked �Another Iteration of The Big Lie� 08/03/2020 2623 Load Checked �For England 5.0 and America Too� 08/02/2020 2622 Load Checked �Lawful Person or Legal Person Human or Man � 08/02/2020 2621 Load Checked �Checks and Balances Wake Up Call� 08/02/2020 2620 Load Checked �The Extra Mile� 07/30/2020 2619 Load Checked �What Isn't There� 07/25/2020 2618 Load Checked �The Actual China Ultimatum� 07/25/2020 2617 Load Checked �We Now Know� 07/24/2020 2616 Load Checked �A Big Stick in Their Little Red Wagon Wheels� 07/22/2020 2615 Load Checked �Today's Lie Rebuttal Grab Bag� 07/22/2020 2614 Load Checked �Ten Billion People Have Tested Positive!� 07/20/2020 2613 Load Checked �For England 4.0� 07/20/2020 2612 Load Checked �See the Judge Upon the Bench� 07/20/2020 2611 Load Checked �Force Majeure� 07/19/2020 2610 Load Checked �McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt � 07/19/2020 2609 Load Checked �One Assembly Per State� 07/19/2020 2608 Load Checked �Use Your Ears� 07/18/2020 2607 Load Checked �The Melting Pile of Lies� 07/18/2020 2606 Load Checked �We Found Out --- Now What � 07/18/2020 2605 Load Checked �Fifty Billion Dollar Reward Offered� 07/18/2020 2604 Load Checked � Living in Hell � 07/18/2020 2603 Load Checked �100% Positive � #N/A 2602 Load Checked �About Oaths and Constitutions� 07/17/2020 2601 Load Checked �Why You Can't Be Your Own Mother� 07/16/2020 2600 Load Checked �The IRS Supreme Court Cases� 07/16/2020 2599 Load Checked �The Abuse of Money� 07/13/2020 2598 Load Checked �Crazy Wrong-Headed People� 07/13/2020 2597 Load Checked �The Ides of McCarran - Understanding the Federal United States� 07/13/2020 2596 Load Checked �Minnesotans Dumped On -- Again� 07/13/2020 2595 Load Checked �The Dark and the Light� 07/12/2020 2594 Load Checked �The Fastest Way Home� 07/12/2020 2593 Load Checked �Rumors of FBI Out to Get Her � 07/10/2020 2592 Load Checked �Me Tarzan! You Jane!� 07/10/2020 2591 Load Checked �Liens and Threats of Liens from AmericanNationalWhatever � 07/10/2020 2590 Load Checked �State State Trust State of State� 07/10/2020 2589 Load Checked � And All Liars.... Includes Systemic Indictment� 07/09/2020 2588 Load Checked �For All State Assemblies -- Notice of Ongoing Fraud� 07/09/2020 2587 Load Checked �Progress Toward Reconstruction� 07/08/2020 2586 Load Checked �Bittersweet� 07/05/2020 2585 Load Checked �The Little Rain Cloud� 07/05/2020 2584 Load Checked �What Kind of Assembly � 07/05/2020 2583 Load Checked �The Act of 1871 Was Repealed� 07/03/2020 2582 Load Checked �Chinese Elders. Yeah Right� 07/03/2020 2581 Load Checked �Update on Court Matters for State Nationals/Citizens� 07/02/2020 2580 Load Checked �Life and Money and the Fourth of July� 07/01/2020 2579 Load Checked �To Rodrigo Duterte President of the Philippines� 07/01/2020 2578 Load Checked �The Genocide Mural� 07/01/2020 2577 Load Checked �Situation Update: 95 Theses� 07/01/2020 2576 Load Checked �To the Christian World� 07/01/2020 2575 Load Checked �The Yellow Star� 07/01/2020 2574 Load Checked �Here You Go Folks.� 06/29/2020 2573 Load Checked �Summarized� 06/29/2020 2572 Load Checked �This is Your Flag Too� 06/26/2020 2571 Load Checked �Assault on Sanity� 06/26/2020 2570 Load Checked �Freedom to Breath Card� 06/26/2020 2569 Load Checked �Discussion Regarding Kim Possible and The Trust� 06/26/2020 2568 Load Checked �The False Light of Lucifer� 06/24/2020 2567 Load Checked �Here's What I Am Talking About and What You Need to See� 06/24/2020 2566 Load Checked �Letter to the Joint Chiefs - 24 June 2020� 06/24/2020 2565 Load Checked �WHY Do I Support President Trump � 06/24/2020 2564 Load Checked �On Kings� 06/23/2020 2563 Load Checked �Letter to United Nations Secretary-General June 23 2020� 06/23/2020 2562 Load Checked �Let's Be Clear About the Federal Republic� 06/22/2020 2561 Load Checked �Fear Not. Gather Together. Push Back.� 06/21/2020 2560 Load Checked �Email Letter to the United Nations -- June 19 2020� 06/19/2020 2559 Load Checked �WLM2--- White Lives Matter Too� 06/19/2020 2558 Load Checked �The Two Minutes That Can Save Millions of Lives� 06/19/2020 2557 Load Checked �The Five Nations -- Our Reptile Brains� #N/A 2556 Load Checked �The Family of An� 06/17/2020 2555 Load Checked �The Secret to the LEO's� 06/16/2020 2554 Load Checked �For the Hawaiians and All the Ans� 06/16/2020 2553 Load Checked �International Protest� 06/16/2020 2552 Load Checked �Native Is As Native Does -- An Answer for Racist Detractors� 06/16/2020 2551 Load Checked �The New Earth Union� 06/14/2020 2550 Load Checked �I Don't Give a @#$$! What Color You Are� 06/13/2020 2549 Load Checked �Regarding Civil Disobedience� 06/13/2020 2548 Load Checked �Your Public Or My Public � 06/12/2020 2547 Load Checked �BIG Happy News!� 06/12/2020 2546 Load Checked �The Irony of the Military� 06/12/2020 2545 Load Checked �Be Patient and Think� 06/12/2020 2544 Load Checked �International Liens on Land and Sea� 06/11/2020 2543 Load Checked �And You Are � 06/10/2020 2542 Load Checked �Self-Governance� 06/10/2020 2541 Load Checked �The Light Within� 06/09/2020 2540 Load Checked �Down the River Here's a Paddle.� 06/08/2020 2539 Load Checked �Perspective� 06/06/2020 2538 Load Checked � Let Not.... � 06/06/2020 2537 Load Checked �Grandma's Birthday� 06/06/2020 2536 Load Checked �Nation or Country � 06/06/2020 2535 Load Checked �About the State Assembly Militias� 06/04/2020 2534 Load Checked �Now See This!� 06/04/2020 2533 Load Checked �The Beginning and the End� 06/04/2020 2532 Load Checked �The Correct Name and Address� 06/03/2020 2531 Load Checked �Your Flags� 06/11/2020 2530 Load Checked �Claim Your Guarantees� 06/05/2020 2529 Load Checked �Clarification� 06/03/2020 2528 Load Checked �Saying Good-bye� 06/03/2020 2527 Load Checked �There Will Be Blood� 06/02/2020 2526 Load Checked � Mechanism of White Supremacy � 06/01/2020 2525 Load Checked �The Third Decree Over Mandate� 06/01/2020 2524 Load Checked �Why Kill Colored People � 06/01/2020 2523 Load Checked �Unity� 06/01/2020 2522 Load Checked �For the Military June 2020� 06/01/2020 2521 Load Checked �Message to Pope Francis May 28th� 06/01/2020 2520 Load Checked �An End to Black and an End to Oaths� 05/28/2020 2519 Load Checked �Emotional Eunuchs -- A Reply to Randy� 05/31/2020 2518 Load Checked �Final Big News of the Day� 05/31/2020 2517 Load Checked �For England - 4.0 -- New King --- of the Commonwealth� 05/31/2020 2516 Load Checked �Urgent Warning!!! Get This to President Trump!� 05/31/2020 2515 Load Checked �Gossip and Blood Oaths � 05/31/2020 2514 Load Checked �For All the Gossips Among Us� 05/31/2020 2513 Load Checked �America is NOT Mystery Babylon � 05/31/2020 2512 Load Checked �The Missing 1100 Years� 05/31/2020 2511 Load Checked �For England - 3.0� 05/31/2020 2510 Load Checked �A Nice Succinct Simple Explanation� 05/31/2020 2509 Load Checked �The Laundry List for All Trump Haters� 05/31/2020 2508 Load Checked �A Case of Mistaken Identities --- On Purpose� 05/24/2020 2507 Load Checked �Say Yea Laura� 05/24/2020 2506 Load Checked �If I Were President Trump.....� 05/24/2020 2505 Load Checked �Needed Discussion Regarding History and Victory� 05/20/2020 2504 Load Checked �Eve Claims Victory in the Endless War� 05/20/2020 2503 Load Checked �About the Confederation....� 05/19/2020 2502 Load Checked �The Rest of the Liability Story� 05/18/2020 2501 Load Checked �Sheriffs and Sheriffs� 05/18/2020 2500 Load Checked �Voluntary or Mandatory � 05/18/2020 2499 Load Checked �Reply About NLA and Confusion of Law� 05/17/2020 2498 Load Checked �Reply About Colorado Nine� 05/17/2020 2497 Load Checked �Daylight in the Swamps Sorcha Faal.....� 05/17/2020 2496 Load Checked �This One Was So Good I Have to Re-Post in Full� 05/16/2020 2495 Load Checked �The Problem With Wall Street� 05/16/2020 2494 Load Checked �Mr. Trump --- Prove It Exists Define What It Is or Go Home� 05/15/2020 2493 Load Checked �Assembly Administration Questions and Covid 19� 05/14/2020 2492 Load Checked �For England - 2.0� 05/13/2020 2491 Load Checked �Continental Marshals� 05/13/2020 2490 Load Checked �For England - 1.0� 05/13/2020 2489 Load Checked �Thoughts Are Living� 05/11/2020 2488 Load Checked �Watch for What I Am Going to Tell You� 05/10/2020 2487 Load Checked �The Rule of Law Is An Inside Joke� 05/09/2020 2486 Load Checked �The Mark of the Beast � 05/07/2020 2485 Load Checked �Your Government� 05/06/2020 2484 Load Checked �Tired and Grumpy in Alaska� 05/06/2020 2483 Load Checked �For the US Military� 05/06/2020 2482 Load Checked �The Most Secret Society and The Key Issue� 05/06/2020 2481 Load Checked �Message to the Dark:� 05/06/2020 2480 Load Checked �Update Uptake on Simulated War Exercise� 05/05/2020 2479 Load Checked �Demons on Display� 05/04/2020 2478 Load Checked �More Personal Notes for Attorneys� 05/04/2020 2477 Load Checked �I Was Just Asked....� 05/03/2020 2476 Load Checked �The Federal Government is Foreign. Hello � 05/03/2020 2475 Load Checked �Help for Attorneys --- Yes� 05/03/2020 2474 Load Checked �Covid 19 Not Natural -- Neither is 5G� 05/03/2020 2473 Load Checked �For Our British Friends -- The Rule --- Hahah! --- Of Law � 05/03/2020 2472 Load Checked �The Last Word on Covid 19 and Bill Gates� 05/01/2020 2471 Load Checked �Third Constitution and Help for Vets� 04/29/2020 2470 Load Checked �Pope Francis President Trump and Mr. Larry Fink:� 04/29/2020 2469 Load Checked � The Constitution for the united States of America � 04/28/2020 2468 Load Checked � Planetary Liberation � 04/28/2020 2467 Load Checked �Reply About the Fourteenth Amendment� 04/27/2020 2466 Load Checked �Quick Start Guide for Veterans - 3� 04/27/2020 2465 Load Checked �Quick Start Guide for Vets - 2� 04/27/2020 2464 Load Checked �Quick Start Guide for Veterans -1� 04/27/2020 2463 Load Checked �Yes Virginia There is a Galactic Council....� 04/27/2020 2462 Load Checked �Jettison WHO NATO and the PENTAGON� 04/27/2020 2461 Load Checked �To Pope Francis: No Deal.� 04/27/2020 2460 Load Checked �Lookee Here Folks Fraud in Action -- Pitchfork Time� 04/27/2020 2459 Load Checked �Buying and Selling What Isn't Theirs� 04/24/2020 2458 Load Checked �Dear President Trump and State of State Governors� 04/24/2020 2457 Load Checked �I Want to Vomit All Over the Smoking Gun� 04/22/2020 2456 Load Checked �Regarding the Use of Fire� 04/22/2020 2455 Load Checked �How to Say No� 04/21/2020 2454 Load Checked �About Their Attempts to Form a Government � 04/21/2020 2453 Load Checked �An Object Lesson Regarding Law and Order � 04/21/2020 2452 Load Checked �Dear President Xi President Trump and Mr. Larry Fink:� 04/21/2020 2451 Load Checked �Remember the Swine Flu And Bird Flu � 04/21/2020 2450 Load Checked �Law AND Order� 04/21/2020 2449 Load Checked �Both Sides Are Right -- and Wrong -- As Usual� 04/20/2020 2448 Load Checked �Call For Volunteers� 04/20/2020 2447 Load Checked �Rumors of Federal Crackdowns� 04/20/2020 2446 Load Checked �Lies Against Our Flag� 04/19/2020 2445 Load Checked �They Have Ruled� 04/19/2020 2444 Load Checked �War Talk Against China is Crazy --- and Unjustified� 04/18/2020 2443 Load Checked �Our American Government --- and Our Court System� 04/18/2020 2442 Load Checked �RFK Jr. ----Won� 04/18/2020 2441 Load Checked �Repeat Repeat Repeat....� 04/18/2020 2440 Load Checked �Your Notice� 04/17/2020 2439 Load Checked �Why Arrest the Leadership of The Council On Foreign Relations� #N/A 2438 Load Checked �If Stimulus Payments Were Legit....� 04/17/2020 2437 Load Checked �The Plan � 04/15/2020 2436 Load Checked �Evil Memes Are Not a Matter of Genes -- Plan-Demics� 04/13/2020 2435 Load Checked �Rats in the Woodpile -- The Chinese Trade Deficit� 04/13/2020 2434 Load Checked �Politics Can t Be As Usual --- NESARA � 04/13/2020 2433 Load Checked �Another Word About the Presidency� 04/13/2020 2432 Load Checked �Mr. Trump - Fourth Emergency Arrest Order� 04/13/2020 2431 Load Checked �Welcome to the Boer War -- Antony Fauci and Glycoprotein 120� 04/11/2020 2430 Load Checked �One Page Declaration� 04/11/2020 2429 Load Checked �Mr. Trump -- Third Emergency Arrest Order� 04/11/2020 2428 Load Checked �Joshua - A Message to Westminster� 04/11/2020 2427 Load Checked �The Presidency� 04/11/2020 2426 Load Checked �Fascism� 04/10/2020 2425 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump -- Emergency Arrest Order Two� 04/09/2020 2424 Load Checked �Face the Liars -- And the Truth� 04/09/2020 2423 Load Checked �Anna's Notice of International Protest - mailed on 04072020 Letters and proof of service� 04/08/2020 2422 Load Checked �State of Nevada Again� 04/08/2020 2421 Load Checked �Fauci Birx Gates and Soros Pandemic Bonds What Else � 04/08/2020 2420 Load Checked �More Invasive Nasty BS� 04/08/2020 2419 Load Checked �Emergency Public Service Announcement� 04/07/2020 2418 Load Checked �Emergency Shut Down Order / Emergency Arrest Order� 04/07/2020 2417 Load Checked �The Enemy For Over 2000 Years� 04/07/2020 2416 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump - 6 April 2020� 04/06/2020 2415 Load Checked �To Secretary General Antonio Gutteres: Notice of International Protest� 04/06/2020 2414 Load Checked �Are We Stupid Really � 04/07/2020 2413 Load Checked �The CRUX of the Matter� 04/05/2020 2412 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump -- We Have the Cure So Round 'Em Up� 04/05/2020 2411 Load Checked �So What IS Going On At The Treasury � 04/05/2020 2410 Load Checked �Plandemic. A Second Passover. And the Pied Piper.� #N/A 2409 Load Checked �Just In.... Read and Know� 04/04/2020 2408 Load Checked �Ever Had People Look at You Like.....� 04/04/2020 2407 Load Checked �The Bond Company/Insurer Black Rock Inc.� 04/04/2020 2406 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Fink -- F1� 04/03/2020 2405 Load Checked �Measles Parties and Mathematics� 04/03/2020 2404 Load Checked �Tired of the Crazy Crap � 04/02/2020 2403 Load Checked �Calling The Sons of the Revolution and DAR� 04/01/2020 2402 Load Checked �Repeat Fire Drill� 04/02/2020 2401 Load Checked �The Situation Report� 04/01/2020 2400 Load Checked �The Prince of the Air and the Rupture of Time Lines� 03/31/2020 2399 Load Checked �Second Decree Over Mandate� #N/A 2398 Load Checked �Black Rock Smack Rock� 03/30/2020 2397 Load Checked �The Actual Value� 03/30/2020 2396 Load Checked �All This Stupid Talk....� 03/28/2020 2395 Load Checked �Grandma Gives It to You Straight� 03/28/2020 2394 Load Checked �Get It Right Or Stop Talking� 03/28/2020 2393 Load Checked �Liars Liars Stumps on Fire....� 03/27/2020 2392 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump -- March 27 2020� 03/30/2020 2391 Load Checked �About PARSE Syntax AGAIN� 03/27/2020 2390 Load Checked �Public Notice -- What to Think About All This Whole Situation� 03/27/2020 2389 Load Checked �Public Notice to the Pope and the Queen Elizabeth II� 03/26/2020 2388 Load Checked �Public Notice to Steven T. Mnuchin and The Joint Chiefs 1 2 3� 03/25/2020 2387 Load Checked �Covid 19 S and Covid 19 L Are Now Accounted For� 03/25/2020 2386 Load Checked �Point of Order!� 03/25/2020 2385 Load Checked �Diabolica� 03/25/2020 2384 Load Checked �Overwhelming Response -- With Regard to Joint Action� 03/25/2020 2383 Load Checked �To Mr. Trump and the Flag Officers � 03/24/2020 2382 Load Checked �About Gold Fringes and Missing Seals and Martial Law� 03/23/2020 2381 Load Checked �What Did I Tell You � 03/23/2020 2380 Load Checked �What Unseen Enemy � 03/23/2020 2379 Load Checked �Advice About Home Invaders From a Police Commissioner� 03/22/2020 2378 Load Checked �Banker Bunko Warning� 03/22/2020 2377 Load Checked �Patient One and Other Housekeeping� 03/22/2020 2376 Load Checked �Five Different Political Statuses Five Different Estates� 03/22/2020 2375 Load Checked �All Members of the United States Military� 03/22/2020 2374 Load Checked �Important Public Notice: We Are Being Smoked People -- Just Like Bees� 03/21/2020 2373 Load Checked � Coronavirus is the New Name of the Common Cold� 03/21/2020 2372 Load Checked �President Trump and Secretary Mnuchin� 03/20/2020 2371 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump Mr. Mnuchin-- We Repeat:� 03/20/2020 2370 Load Checked �None of This Smells Right� 03/20/2020 2369 Load Checked �Everyone Please Cut the Crap� 03/19/2020 2368 Load Checked �The Lien� 03/19/2020 2367 Load Checked �Announcement: Public Notice and Explanation for the World� 03/18/2020 2366 Load Checked �Report From Alaska -- Impact of Panic Buying� 03/18/2020 2365 Load Checked �Talk of Checks in the Mail� 03/18/2020 2364 Load Checked �Phony Home Security Departments and The Big Picture� 03/17/2020 2363 Load Checked �Trafficking in Souls as Well as Bodies� 03/17/2020 2362 Load Checked �Announcement: To All Business Owners Harmed by CoVid-19 Virus� 03/17/2020 2361 Load Checked �Why I Am Not a Christian � 03/16/2020 2360 Load Checked �About Military Law Citations and the Census� 03/16/2020 2359 Load Checked �Another Bail-In Another False Flag A Darker Agenda Smell� 03/15/2020 2358 Load Checked �Say Yea....� 03/15/2020 2357 Load Checked �The Russian Revolution Recap� 03/15/2020 2356 Load Checked �A Letter From Alaska� 03/15/2020 2355 Load Checked �False Positive Test Results� 03/14/2020 2354 Load Checked �Back Home and Up to Our Ears� 03/14/2020 2353 Load Checked � Representation -- Creating a Monster� 03/14/2020 2352 Load Checked �Moronvirus (Thanks ECETI -- Great New Name For It)� 03/13/2020 2351 Load Checked �Morning Briefing� 03/12/2020 2350 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump-- Credit Collection and Why USN is Better But Not The Answer� 03/11/2020 2349 Load Checked �Keep Calm and....Get Even� 03/09/2020 2348 Load Checked �The Final Answer Is.....� #N/A 2347 Load Checked �Repeat - We Have The UBS Receipt Book� 03/08/2020 2346 Load Checked �What RV � 03/08/2020 2345 Load Checked �Stop the Presses! Public Notice!� 03/08/2020 2344 Load Checked �Explanation of Reptilians� 03/06/2020 2343 Load Checked �A Valuable History Lesson -- For the Brits and Everyone Else� 03/06/2020 2342 Load Checked �Invalid Signatures and Proof of Non-Consent� 03/05/2020 2341 Load Checked �Names and Obligations� 03/05/2020 2340 Load Checked �Fake Pandemic Over� 03/03/2020 2339 Load Checked �Assembling� 03/03/2020 2338 Load Checked �Joe's Hamburger Shop� 03/03/2020 2337 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump March First 2020� 03/02/2020 2336 Load Checked �Will the Real Julius Divinagracias Please Stand Up � 03/02/2020 2335 Load Checked �One Person Dies the World Stops � 03/02/2020 2334 Load Checked �Corporate Records Show....� 03/02/2020 2333 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump....Leap Day 2020� 02/29/2020 2332 Load Checked �Deals With the Devil� 02/27/2020 2331 Load Checked �Are You Committed To What � 02/27/2020 2330 Load Checked �Corona Virus Doesn't Add Up� 02/27/2020 2329 Load Checked �Prosecute the Prosecutor� 02/27/2020 2328 Load Checked �Rod Class and The Truth About EM Exposure� 02/26/2020 2327 Load Checked �Recap� 02/25/2020 2326 Load Checked �Religion Has Failed Us -- And So Has Science� 02/25/2020 2325 Load Checked �The Problem of Money and Issue of Capacity� 02/24/2020 2324 Load Checked �All Roads Lead to Oxygen� 02/23/2020 2323 Load Checked �The Private Indemnity Bond the Church and the Broken Spell� 02/23/2020 2322 Load Checked �Bring the Storm.� 02/21/2020 2321 Load Checked �Abuses of THEIR Courts� 02/21/2020 2320 Load Checked �Housekeeping for the State Assemblies� 02/20/2020 2319 Load Checked �CUSIP AUTOTRIS What Is This About � 02/20/2020 2318 Load Checked �A Final Public Declaration� 02/20/2020 2317 Load Checked �Torpedoes Away! --- And a Great Unseen Danger� 02/19/2020 2316 Load Checked �Five Different Political Statuses -- One Country� 02/19/2020 2315 Load Checked �Get the Picture -- Make It Viral� 02/19/2020 2314 Load Checked �Red Hot Highlights� 02/19/2020 2313 Load Checked �Corporate Crime -- Third Tier� 02/19/2020 2312 Load Checked �The Brits -- Incredibly -- Again � 02/19/2020 2311 Load Checked �Practical Answers� 02/19/2020 2310 Load Checked �50 States Metes and Bounds� 02/19/2020 2309 Load Checked �What's In a Name � 02/16/2020 2308 Load Checked �Comment About....� 02/16/2020 2307 Load Checked �CIA� 02/16/2020 2306 Load Checked �More Pertinent Information: 5G Viri and You� 02/15/2020 2305 Load Checked �Choking and Blocking Nanobots� 02/15/2020 2304 Load Checked �Further Thoughts on Health� 02/15/2020 2303 Load Checked �Okay Here's the Story So Far....� 02/15/2020 2302 Load Checked �Our Free Will� 02/14/2020 2301 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump - Time to Address the Nation� 02/14/2020 2300 Load Checked �About Reports of China Using High-Potency Vitamin C Therapy� 02/13/2020 2299 Load Checked �For All Americans and All State Assemblies� 02/13/2020 2298 Load Checked �More Confusion Addressed� 02/13/2020 2297 Load Checked �In Very Plain and Simple Words� 02/12/2020 2296 Load Checked �How Insane is Insane � 02/11/2020 2295 Load Checked �Think. See.� 02/11/2020 2294 Load Checked �My Proof in the Pudding Policy� 02/11/2020 2293 Load Checked �Death Cult� 02/10/2020 2292 Load Checked �An End to Paul Ehrlich -- The Battle of Memes� 02/08/2020 2291 Load Checked �Today's Update -- Why We Don't Already Have a Universal Cure� 02/08/2020 2290 Load Checked �Ben Fulford George III and the Republic� 02/08/2020 2289 Load Checked �Missing Pieces� #N/A 2288 Load Checked �Why Do You Wonder � 02/07/2020 2287 Load Checked �About the Virus� 02/06/2020 2286 Load Checked �The Dream and America� 02/06/2020 2285 Load Checked �Justice for All� 02/05/2020 2284 Load Checked �To the Man Trying to Reach Me� 02/05/2020 2283 Load Checked �Bee's Bonnets and Beans� 02/05/2020 2282 Load Checked �Sowing and Reaping -- Commercial Liens� 02/04/2020 2281 Load Checked �Trading Upon Selling and Giving Away What Isn't Theirs� 02/03/2020 2280 Load Checked �Mia Culpa� 02/03/2020 2279 Load Checked �It Ain't Easy� 02/02/2020 2278 Load Checked �About Flags Brexit 2007 and the Ongoing Outrage� 02/02/2020 2277 Load Checked �The Real Pied Piper� 02/01/2020 2276 Load Checked �Yamashita's Gold And More....� 02/01/2020 2275 Load Checked �From the Nazi-Communist-EU- Playbook� 02/02/2020 2274 Load Checked �Mis-Focus� 01/30/2020 2273 Load Checked �One Pager� 01/27/2020 2272 Load Checked �It's an Imaginary World� 01/26/2020 2271 Load Checked �Russian History� 01/26/2020 2270 Load Checked �Light in the Darkness and Darkness in the Light� 01/24/2020 2269 Load Checked �Playing With A Full Deck� 01/24/2020 2268 Load Checked �Gallant Australia - Hot Off the Presses� 01/23/2020 2267 Load Checked �The Original Peter's Pence Wasn't Enough For Them� 01/22/2020 2266 Load Checked �Government by Family� 01/22/2020 2265 Load Checked �Harry and Meghan - God's Garden� 01/21/2020 2264 Load Checked �A Brief Note for Our Still Utterly Clueless Military� 01/21/2020 2263 Load Checked �Meet Your Eyes� 01/21/2020 2262 Load Checked �To the May Queen� 01/19/2020 2261 Load Checked �An Open Letter to the Queen and the Pope� 01/19/2020 2260 Load Checked �About Virginia Second Article Rally� 01/19/2020 2259 Load Checked �For the Record� 01/19/2020 2258 Load Checked �Update -- 18 January 2020� 01/18/2020 2257 Load Checked �The Words We Use --- Substantive or Statutory � 01/18/2020 2256 Load Checked �JFK to 911� 01/17/2020 2255 Load Checked �I Rest My Case� 01/17/2020 2254 Load Checked �From James Belcher -- False Flag in Virginia� 01/17/2020 2253 Load Checked �American National Alert and Appeal� 01/17/2020 2252 Load Checked �Symbols Icons and Keylons� 01/16/2020 2251 Load Checked �Can't Anyone In This Country Read � 01/16/2020 2250 Load Checked �False Gods and False Men� 01/15/2020 2249 Load Checked �Notice That I Am One Lawful Person� 01/14/2020 2248 Load Checked �IRS Kicker 3� 01/14/2020 2247 Load Checked �Back About 50 Years Ago....More Proof of a Different Kind� 01/14/2020 2246 Load Checked �Want Proof � 01/13/2020 2245 Load Checked �The Pope The Chemist The Truth� 01/12/2020 2244 Load Checked �The J - Haplotype� 01/13/2020 2243 Load Checked �For the Militarists� 01/12/2020 2242 Load Checked �For the Sake of Peace� 01/11/2020 2241 Load Checked �Advisement About Common Law Writs� 01/11/2020 2240 Load Checked �Notice to The Casino Royale and Pope Francis� 01/11/2020 2239 Load Checked �Comment About Kim Possible and Claims that the IRS is Shut Down� 01/11/2020 2238 Load Checked �From Lt. General (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn� 01/11/2020 2237 Load Checked �Person or One of the People � 01/10/2020 2236 Load Checked �Climate Change Uh-Huh� 01/09/2020 2235 Load Checked �The Final Explanation of Chemtrails� 01/09/2020 2234 Load Checked �IRS Kicker 2 -- Hunting the Hunters� 01/09/2020 2233 Load Checked �False Narratives Upon False Narratives for Australia� 01/09/2020 2232 Load Checked �Here's Kicker Number 1 Regarding IRS/BATF� 01/09/2020 2231 Load Checked �Correction of Form Number and Explanation for Veterans� 01/08/2020 2230 Load Checked �Let's Clarify Something....For the Vets Again� 01/08/2020 2229 Load Checked �For a Veteran� 01/08/2020 2228 Load Checked �Setting the Record Straight� 01/08/2020 2227 Load Checked �The IRS / BATF Connection� 01/07/2020 2226 Load Checked �For the Record: About Tibrucio Villamor Marcos� 01/07/2020 2225 Load Checked �Declaration of International Protest - I Teaching Aid� 01/07/2020 2224 Load Checked �Snakes in Our House� 01/07/2020 2223 Load Checked �Still Not Getting It � 01/07/2020 2222 Load Checked �The Probate and the Pledges - Trading Upon What Isn't Theirs� 01/07/2020 2221 Load Checked �The Nature of Our Universe� 01/06/2020 2220 Load Checked �Ridiculous Excuses� 01/06/2020 2219 Load Checked �The Migration of Evil� 01/05/2020 2218 Load Checked �Cornwallis Prophecy Ha!� 01/05/2020 2217 Load Checked �For America and the Middle Eastern Countries� 01/05/2020 2216 Load Checked �The Prince of the Air� 01/04/2020 2215 Load Checked �Keeping Track of the Federal Fence� 01/04/2020 2214 Load Checked �The Great Abomination� 01/04/2020 2213 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump -- January 4 2020� 01/04/2020 2212 Load Checked �Sent to the Pope on January 3 2020� 01/03/2020 2211 Load Checked �Note to the British Peerage� 01/03/2020 2210 Load Checked �False Claims A-Coming� 01/02/2020 2209 Load Checked �They Can Control the Jet Stream ---- And a Whole Lot More� 01/02/2020 2208 Load Checked �Mr. Trump's National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Proclamation� 01/02/2020 2207 Load Checked �The Wrong Attitude� 01/02/2020 2206 Load Checked �More Light on the Virginia Gun Grab� 01/02/2020 2205 Load Checked �New Year � New Life and Uncharted Waters� 01/01/2020 2204 Load Checked �Earned Or Unearned � 12/31/2019 2203 Load Checked �What Is Wrong With Your Heads � 12/31/2019 2202 Load Checked �About The Virginia Gun Grab -- It's This Simple� 12/30/2019 2201 Load Checked �More Useless Noise from TROH....� 12/28/2019 2200 Load Checked �You Are Daniel Daley� 12/28/2019 2199 Load Checked �RINOs DINOs Dip-Critters All� 12/27/2019 2198 Load Checked �Straight Talk for Tony From Ernest and Me....� 12/27/2019 2197 Load Checked �Actual Answers -- Listen Up Michael Savage Mark Levin Rush Limbaugh....� 01/13/2020 2196 Load Checked �To a Bureaucrat in Wisconsin� 12/23/2019 2195 Load Checked �The Cards Are Called� 12/22/2019 2194 Load Checked �More Practical Help for State Nationals -- Banking� 12/21/2019 2193 Load Checked �Practical Help for State Nationals� 12/21/2019 2192 Load Checked �It is Cognitive Dissonance� 12/21/2019 2191 Load Checked �The Truth About the Presidency� 12/19/2019 2190 Load Checked �A Third One-Pager� 12/18/2019 2189 Load Checked �Another One Pager� 12/18/2019 2188 Load Checked �Robert David Steele Challenge� 12/19/2019 2187 Load Checked �The Bar Association and US Democracy� 12/18/2019 2186 Load Checked �Glitzy Christians and Sunshine Patriots� 12/15/2019 2185 Load Checked �New Book - A Visit at Grandma's House by Anna Von Reitz� 12/11/2019 2184 Load Checked �IRS Fraud 101 - Tacit Admission� 12/09/2019 2183 Load Checked �Frustration on the Home Front - Mine� 12/09/2019 2182 Load Checked �United States Corp Registration� 12/09/2019 2181 Load Checked �America Never Sold Just Foreign Corporations Abusing Our Names� 12/08/2019 2180 Load Checked �Keep These Facts Firmly in Mind� 12/08/2019 2179 Load Checked �About Us Working With Karen Hudes� 12/09/2019 2178 Load Checked �BWAAAH! What Have I Been Telling You � 12/06/2019 2177 Load Checked �Dear Kirk Pendergrass� 12/06/2019 2176 Load Checked �Sending THEM Home� 12/06/2019 2175 Load Checked �Shoes and Justices� 12/06/2019 2174 Load Checked �For Ernest and All the White Hats� 12/06/2019 2173 Load Checked �Eight Minutes You Need to Hear and Understand� 12/06/2019 2172 Load Checked �Impeached For Doing His Job� 12/04/2019 2171 Load Checked �Notice Given April 22nd 2016� 12/03/2019 2170 Load Checked �Schmanking = Crooked Banking� 12/03/2019 2169 Load Checked �The Biggest Lies� 12/01/2019 2168 Load Checked �Understanding States� 12/01/2019 2167 Load Checked �My Beef --- Military Get a Clue: 30 November 2019� 11/30/2019 2166 Load Checked �For the State Assemblies and New Readers -- 30 November 2019� 11/30/2019 2165 Load Checked �For Steven Charles� 11/30/2019 2164 Load Checked �A Reply for No One ---- The Proof is in the Pudding.� 11/30/2019 2163 Load Checked �Understanding Source and Cause; Q and The Plan� qandtheplan 2162 Load Checked �Expanding Westwards map� 11/29/2019 2161 Load Checked �The Montana Question� 11/27/2019 2160 Load Checked �American Catholics� 11/27/2019 2159 Load Checked �What State Assemblies Can Do� 11/26/2019 2158 Load Checked �Ambulance Call -- Nation on Life Support� 11/26/2019 2157 Load Checked �Why It's Always the Navy� 11/26/2019 2156 Load Checked �The Only Solution� 11/26/2019 2155 Load Checked �What We See� 11/25/2019 2154 Load Checked �Grandma� 11/24/2019 2153 Load Checked �Please Note:� 11/24/2019 2152 Load Checked �185 000 Mistakes � #N/A 2151 Load Checked �My Thanksgiving� 11/22/2019 2150 Load Checked �For David:� 11/22/2019 2149 Load Checked �Yes Martin It Was 56 Years Ago Today....� 11/22/2019 2148 Load Checked �The Municipal United States Government� 11/22/2019 2147 Load Checked �Are You Stateless or State of Stateless � 11/22/2019 2146 Load Checked �Your Life or Your Money� 11/21/2019 2145 Load Checked �Jon Rappoport Amen!� #N/A 2144 Load Checked �Facts on Fraud: the Gold Confiscation Bail-Out in FDR's Own Words� 11/20/2019 2143 Load Checked �Correction: Blackheath not Blackwell� 11/20/2019 2142 Load Checked �Read the Words!� 11/19/2019 2141 Load Checked �About Republic of Texas� 11/19/2019 2140 Load Checked �To Understand the Second You Have to Understand the First� 11/19/2019 2139 Load Checked �White Hats Report 48: The Tale is Told� 11/19/2019 2138 Load Checked �Mailbag 17 November 2019� 11/17/2019 2137 Load Checked � Benefit is a Dirty Word� 11/17/2019 2136 Load Checked �The World Fulcrum� 11/16/2019 2135 Load Checked �Urgent Alert from The Living Law Firm� 11/16/2019 2134 Load Checked �No Peace Treaty Needed� 11/16/2019 2133 Load Checked �Pope Francis� Signature� 11/16/2019 2132 Load Checked �Vampires Coming to Dinner� 11/16/2019 2131 Load Checked �About Our State Assemblies and Our State Citizenship� 11/15/2019 2130 Load Checked �Implosion of NATO � 11/15/2019 2129 Load Checked �Reply to Richard - 15 November 2019� 11/15/2019 2128 Load Checked �Re-Posting More Proof� 11/15/2019 2127 Load Checked �For Richard and Company� 11/15/2019 2126 Load Checked �The Apple� 11/14/2019 2125 Load Checked �A Roster of Failures for Richard and by Association Phil Hudok� 11/14/2019 2124 Load Checked �Bottom Line Regarding Opt-In Bill of Goods� 11/12/2019 2123 Load Checked �International Notice to the Pope and the British Monarch - IRS Operations Etc. Etc.� 11/12/2019 2122 Load Checked �For Everyone's Benefit� 11/12/2019 2121 Load Checked �Proof You Want Proof � 11/12/2019 2120 Load Checked �Cut to the Chase on This Veterans Day� 11/12/2019 2119 Load Checked �Final Wake Up Call for the Flag Officers - Veterans Day 2019� 11/12/2019 2118 Load Checked �Crazy Crap� 11/11/2019 2117 Load Checked �More Deceit Regarding the Republic� 11/10/2019 2116 Load Checked �An Imperfect Perfect World� 11/10/2019 2115 Load Checked �May God Have Mercy� 11/10/2019 2114 Load Checked �You Wanted It You Got It� 11/09/2019 2113 Load Checked �Encouragement to Act and to Choose� 11/08/2019 2112 Load Checked �Think Grasshopper --- Public Law Private Law � 11/08/2019 2111 Load Checked �The Gra-El Kings� 11/08/2019 2110 Load Checked �Mailbag� 11/08/2019 2109 Load Checked �Excellent Presentation About IOIA� 11/06/2019 2108 Load Checked �About Field McConnell� 11/06/2019 2107 Load Checked �To Monroe� 11/05/2019 2106 Load Checked �Folks Credit is Not Money� 11/04/2019 2105 Load Checked �More Straight Talk About Money � 11/04/2019 2104 Load Checked �Worthy Questions� 11/03/2019 2103 Load Checked �Once More Slowly.� 11/03/2019 2102 Load Checked �Do You Have Eyes � 11/03/2019 2101 Load Checked �My Apologies to Kevin Annett� 11/03/2019 2100 Load Checked �Complete and Utter Hokum from Richard Again� 11/03/2019 2099 Load Checked �What Are THEY Hiding � 11/02/2019 2098 Load Checked �The Dry Bones� 11/02/2019 2097 Load Checked �A Thought For All the Would-Be Whistleblowers� 11/02/2019 2096 Load Checked �Weeding Through Similar Names: People v. Persons� 11/02/2019 2095 Load Checked �From Tom Tancredo and Team America: Re-Posting:� 11/02/2019 2094 Load Checked �Liars Liars Pants on Fire.... 31 October 2019� 10/31/2019 2093 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump.... 31 October 2019� 10/31/2019 2092 Load Checked �The Public Employee Union Problem - 31 October 2019� 11/01/2019 2091 Load Checked �Get Sharp Stay Sharp and Be Honest� 10/31/2019 2090 Load Checked �My Take on NLA -- October 30 2019� 10/31/2019 2089 Load Checked �Our Government v. Their Government� 10/29/2019 2088 Load Checked �Pope Promises to Obey Himself --- Again� 11/01/2019 2087 Load Checked �Out of Thin Air --- and Your Pockets� 10/29/2019 2086 Load Checked �Good Old Joe� 10/28/2019 2085 Load Checked �It's This Simple� 10/28/2019 2084 Load Checked �Not a Re-Set -- A Re-Venue� 10/28/2019 2083 Load Checked �Talk v. Walk� 10/26/2019 2082 Load Checked �The Only Currently Available Common Law � 10/26/2019 2081 Load Checked �The Long Shadow of the Norman Conquest� 10/24/2019 2080 Load Checked �The Offices of the President -- Where the Bear Went Through Buckwheat� 10/24/2019 2079 Load Checked �Money is a Commodity� 10/22/2019 2078 Load Checked �For Those Who Grieve for Our Country - 22 October 2019� 10/22/2019 2077 Load Checked �Don't Give a Rip� 10/21/2019 2076 Load Checked �Government by Proxy� 10/21/2019 2075 Load Checked �Oldie But Goodie� 10/21/2019 2074 Load Checked �Still More Proof of the Insular States Criminality� 10/21/2019 2073 Load Checked �Calling Out Pope Francis and the Republic � 10/20/2019 2072 Load Checked �Hoax and Hoaxers� 10/19/2019 2071 Load Checked �Secondhand Salvation� 10/19/2019 2070 Load Checked �A Letter to Donald Trump and the Joint Chiefs - 19 October 2019� 10/19/2019 2069 Load Checked �Infinity Accounts Infinite Quantitative Easing and Other Lies� 10/19/2019 2068 Load Checked �The Issue of Slavery� 10/19/2019 2067 Load Checked �Call Out for Continental Marshal Support� 10/18/2019 2066 Load Checked �Decree Over Mandate� 10/19/2019 2065 Load Checked �People v. Persons� 11/01/2019 2064 Load Checked �Political Parties v. Public Fiduciaries� 11/01/2019 2063 Load Checked �Blind Greed� 10/15/2019 2062 Load Checked �Evaluate the Options� 10/15/2019 2061 Load Checked �May Day! May Day!� 10/14/2019 2060 Load Checked �That Rotten Little Word-- Of � 10/13/2019 2059 Load Checked �Self-Governance for the Rest of Us� 10/13/2019 2058 Load Checked �Uh-Duh....The United States of America Not the States of America� 10/13/2019 2057 Load Checked �The Pigeons and I� 11/01/2019 2056 Load Checked �Transcript of The Illuminati and the CFR by Myron Fagan (1887-1972)� 10/13/2019 2055 Load Checked �Follow Up for the Flag Officers� 10/13/2019 2054 Load Checked �Treason Does Have a Cost -- and Protocol� 10/13/2019 2053 Load Checked �Response from the Doorstop� 10/12/2019 2052 Load Checked �Assets and Control via Fraud� 10/12/2019 2051 Load Checked �About California Feinstein the Bar Etc.� 10/12/2019 2050 Load Checked �Incorrigible Ignorance� 10/12/2019 2049 Load Checked �Navy Issues in RE: Hudok Arbitration� 10/11/2019 2048 Load Checked �Ewww! Half a Billion Stolen From Our Collective Income Taxes � 10/10/2019 2047 Load Checked �My Reply to More Questions --- Purportedly from Flag Officers� 10/10/2019 2046 Load Checked �The Spirit of the True God Moves Us� 10/10/2019 2045 Load Checked �Why Peace Treaty 2020 Won't Work� 11/01/2019 2044 Load Checked �Still More for the [Misled] Flag Officers:� 10/09/2019 2043 Load Checked �Long Overdue� 10/09/2019 2042 Load Checked �Be at Peace -- 9 October 2019� 10/09/2019 2041 Load Checked �Silly People� 10/09/2019 2040 Load Checked �For the Pope the Queen and the Flag Officers� 11/01/2019 2039 Load Checked �I Will Make This Very Clear� 10/08/2019 2038 Load Checked �More to the Flag Officers� 10/07/2019 2037 Load Checked �Further Clarification for the Flag Officers and Everyone Else:� 10/07/2019 2036 Load Checked �To the Flag Officers:� 10/07/2019 2035 Load Checked �Simon Bean --- Super Urgent� 10/06/2019 2034 Load Checked �The Revolving Door� 10/06/2019 2033 Load Checked �Notice to Pope: Babylon is Fallen is Fallen� 10/07/2019 2032 Load Checked �Again About the Arbitration by Phil Hudok and Others� 10/06/2019 2031 Load Checked �Remembering Where We Are In Time� 10/06/2019 2030 Load Checked �Why No Excitement Here Over Arbitration Awards� 10/06/2019 2029 Load Checked �The Big Fraud in Very Simple Terms� 10/04/2019 2028 Load Checked �From America With Love.....� 10/02/2019 2027 Load Checked �About Phil Hudok Et Alia....� 10/02/2019 2026 Load Checked �Notice of Political Status and Situation Report� 10/01/2019 2025 Load Checked �It's the Same Story� 09/30/2019 2024 Load Checked �Day Two� 09/27/2019 2023 Load Checked �More Nuggets -- David Straight Seminar Afternoon� 09/27/2019 2022 Load Checked �Morning Session with David Straight� 09/26/2019 2021 Load Checked �Good News--� 09/26/2019 2020 Load Checked �Coming to Texas� #N/A 2019 Load Checked �So You're A Mouse....� 09/25/2019 2018 Load Checked �Examples of Operant Conditioning� 09/25/2019 2017 Load Checked �In America� 09/25/2019 2016 Load Checked �Diabolical Thinking� 09/23/2019 2015 Load Checked �Constitutional Enforcement Seminar� 09/23/2019 2014 Load Checked �Two Bad Choices Followed by One Bad Choice As Usual� 09/22/2019 2013 Load Checked �Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials - Part 8� 09/22/2019 2012 Load Checked �A Wake For Michael O'Sullivan� 09/22/2019 2011 Load Checked �Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials -- Part 6 and part 7� 09/21/2019 2010 Load Checked �Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials --- Part 5� 09/20/2019 2009 Load Checked �Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials -- Part 4� 09/20/2019 2008 Load Checked �To the Governor of Ottawa: It's Too Late� 09/20/2019 2007 Load Checked �The Point Is....� 09/20/2019 2006 Load Checked �Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials -- Part 3� 09/19/2019 2005 Load Checked �Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials -- Part 2� 09/19/2019 2004 Load Checked �About the Austin Event� 09/19/2019 2003 Load Checked �Unsealed Specific General Orders� 09/20/2019 2002 Load Checked �Wall Street� 09/18/2019 2001 Load Checked �The Time of God's Tears� 09/18/2019 2000 Load Checked �Austin Meeting OUR LAND JURISDICTION� 09/18/2019 1999 Load Checked �Calling All Continental Marshals Constitutional Sheriffs and LEO's� 09/16/2019 1998 Load Checked �Identity Theft and Fraud� 09/16/2019 1997 Load Checked �Look Upward� 09/16/2019 1996 Load Checked �More Useful Idiots� 09/16/2019 1995 Load Checked �Bringing Everyone Up to Speed� 09/16/2019 1994 Load Checked �A Restatement for the Confused� 09/14/2019 1993 Load Checked �Whoa! Find Your Butts.... A Message for the White Hats� 09/14/2019 1992 Load Checked �Good Questions!� 09/13/2019 1991 Load Checked �My Opinion � 09/13/2019 1990 Load Checked �Quick Primer� 09/12/2019 1989 Load Checked �Demonyns� 09/12/2019 1988 Load Checked �The Most Succinct Explanation of the Banking Problem Ever� 09/12/2019 1987 Load Checked �Bone Heads� 09/12/2019 1986 Load Checked �The Unknown Past - Part 2� 09/12/2019 1985 Load Checked �They Are Attacking Us� 09/12/2019 1984 Load Checked �The Unknown Past� 09/12/2019 1983 Load Checked �The Great Principles� 09/10/2019 1982 Load Checked �More Red Flags for Fairbanks and Elsewhere� 09/09/2019 1981 Load Checked �Revenge of the Robber Barons Part Two: Control Mechanisms� 09/09/2019 1980 Load Checked �Revenge of the Robber Barons� 09/09/2019 1979 Load Checked �Situation With the Alaska Assembly� 09/05/2019 1978 Load Checked �Your First Clue --- Christian Communism � 09/04/2019 1977 Load Checked �My Ten Billion Dollar Request to the Vatican Bank� 09/04/2019 1976 Load Checked �The Marshall Plan and a Message to the Department of Defense Labor Day 2019:� 09/02/2019 1975 Load Checked �Jackson Hole and You� 09/01/2019 1974 Load Checked �No Pledge of Allegiance� 09/01/2019 1973 Load Checked �For Young People� 08/31/2019 1972 Load Checked �Understanding Britain and the British Crisis � 08/31/2019 1971 Load Checked �Clarification for All� 08/29/2019 1970 Load Checked �International Protest Claim and Counter-Claim� #N/A 1969 Load Checked �Red Alert! Red Alert!� 08/28/2019 1968 Load Checked �Sometimes the Things I Write About.... Homework� 08/27/2019 1967 Load Checked �They Even Lied --- Successfully --- to the Russians� 08/27/2019 1966 Load Checked �Say Aye Patrick Byrne� 08/27/2019 1965 Load Checked �About the International Arrest Warrant .....� 08/25/2019 1964 Load Checked �Dear Greg -- In Response to Your Response� 08/25/2019 1963 Load Checked �To the Burmese Shaolin Brotherhood� 08/24/2019 1962 Load Checked �An Answer and an Invitation to Greg Hallett:� 08/23/2019 1961 Load Checked �Red Alert! I'm Baaaack!� 08/23/2019 1960 Load Checked �How to Kill an Archon� 08/23/2019 1959 Load Checked �The End of Days� 08/23/2019 1958 Load Checked �Plaintiffs are Debtors Defendants are Creditors� 08/21/2019 1957 Load Checked �The Mindless Pursuit� 08/19/2019 1956 Load Checked �Now What � 08/19/2019 1955 Load Checked �The Land Grab� 08/16/2019 1954 Load Checked �Extraordinary Effort -- EE -- Message for White Hats� 08/15/2019 1953 Load Checked �Why It Is Important to Have a Hereditary Head of State� 08/16/2019 1952 Load Checked �For the Alliance: From The Fiduciary of The United States of America� 08/14/2019 1951 Load Checked �Prayer - Review and Fine Points� 08/12/2019 1950 Load Checked �A Useful Screed But.... An Important Edit� 08/14/2019 1949 Load Checked �The Dead Baby Scam - Part 3� 08/12/2019 1948 Load Checked �Letter of Severance for Roman Catholics� 08/19/2019 1947 Load Checked �Additional Information Regarding Dead Baby Scam� 08/09/2019 1946 Load Checked �International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam� 08/08/2019 1945 Load Checked �Dear Uriah-- Part Two� 08/08/2019 1944 Load Checked �Hope Porn 101� 08/07/2019 1943 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump You'd Better Move Now� 08/07/2019 1942 Load Checked �Good Advice From Grandma� 08/06/2019 1941 Load Checked �Dear Sheriff....� 08/05/2019 1940 Load Checked �Hey! All You Slaves Out There!� 08/05/2019 1939 Load Checked �The Municipal Debt Scam� 08/04/2019 1938 Load Checked �Sheriffs and Marshals -- The Enforcement� 08/04/2019 1937 Load Checked �Regarding All Federal Retirees --- Civil and Military� 08/04/2019 1936 Load Checked �Why We Should All Buy Art� 08/01/2019 1935 Load Checked �To the World:� 08/02/2019 1934 Load Checked �Economic Flying Factoids� 08/01/2019 1933 Load Checked �An Unavoidable Realization� 07/31/2019 1932 Load Checked �The Big Billy Goat Gruff� 07/30/2019 1931 Load Checked �Facts of Ownership� 07/29/2019 1930 Load Checked �The US Navy Conflict of Interest� 07/29/2019 1929 Load Checked �The Lion and the Crocodile� 07/29/2019 1928 Load Checked �A Short Reply to Thomas Tank Williams� 07/28/2019 1927 Load Checked �For Ernest� 07/28/2019 1926 Load Checked �Why I Oppose Manna World Holding Trust Etc.� 07/27/2019 1925 Load Checked �Debtors and Creditors� 07/27/2019 1924 Load Checked �The Dogons -- Part 2� 07/27/2019 1923 Load Checked �The Dogon--a Tale of Gross Ingratitude� 07/26/2019 1922 Load Checked �It's Very Simple and Exactly the Opposite of What You Suppose....� 07/24/2019 1921 Load Checked �Beyond Words� 07/24/2019 1920 Load Checked �The Rain and Belief� 07/24/2019 1919 Load Checked �Status Report: Self-Government� 07/23/2019 1918 Load Checked �Please Get This Out� 07/21/2019 1917 Load Checked �Loose Ends and Ties that Bind� 07/19/2019 1916 Load Checked �Meet Your Strawman -- For Bodhi� 07/19/2019 1915 Load Checked �Are You Ready for This -- 2.0� 07/15/2019 1914 Load Checked �Are You Ready For This � 07/14/2019 1913 Load Checked �Citizenship Is the Issue --- in a Way It's the Only Issue� 07/12/2019 1912 Load Checked �States Are Not States-of-States� 07/11/2019 1911 Load Checked �What's Really Going On � 07/09/2019 1910 Load Checked �November 1999� 07/08/2019 1909 Load Checked �Independence Day 2019� 07/04/2019 1908 Load Checked �In Celebration� 07/03/2019 1907 Load Checked �The Third of July� 07/03/2019 1906 Load Checked �The Politics of Love� 07/02/2019 1905 Load Checked �Heads Up State Department!� 07/01/2019 1904 Load Checked �Bah Humbug on the Democrats. And the Republicans.� 07/01/2019 1903 Load Checked �Time Work and Being There� 07/01/2019 1902 Load Checked �Operation Wet Back� 06/28/2019 1901 Load Checked �The Status and Operations of the United States in 30 Points� 06/28/2019 1900 Load Checked �For Confused Continental Marshals� 06/28/2019 1899 Load Checked �Barr's Call to the Scottish Templars� 06/26/2019 1898 Load Checked �Professional Liars and Actors� 06/26/2019 1897 Load Checked �The Second Message: Life or Death� 06/26/2019 1896 Load Checked �Answer to Information Coming Out of Texas Republic � 06/25/2019 1895 Load Checked �Wrong Again� 06/25/2019 1894 Load Checked �Never Trust the Navy� 06/25/2019 1893 Load Checked �Note to Pope and Congress: There Are No 14th Amendment Citizens� 06/24/2019 1892 Load Checked �In the Engine Room� 06/22/2019 1891 Load Checked �Don't Claim Any Tribal Rights or Memberships� 06/21/2019 1890 Load Checked �Why NOT to Incorporate a Town� 06/22/2019 1889 Load Checked �This Week's Sickening Disinformation� 06/21/2019 1888 Load Checked �Situation Recap Report and Resolution� 06/21/2019 1887 Load Checked �Trading With the Enemy Act Deconstructed� 06/21/2019 1886 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 8.0� 06/20/2019 1885 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 7.0� 06/19/2019 1884 Load Checked �The Long and Short of It: the RFK Assassination Truth Reduced to Two Paragraphs:� 06/19/2019 1883 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 6.0� 06/19/2019 1882 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 5.0� 06/19/2019 1881 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 4.0� 06/18/2019 1880 Load Checked �Yes Virginia Incorporated Entities Are Trusts� 06/17/2019 1879 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 3.0� #N/A 1878 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 2.0� 03/23/2021 1877 Load Checked �Modus Operandi 1.0� #N/A 1876 Load Checked �About Small Contributions� 06/15/2019 1875 Load Checked �A Proclamation: To Attorney General Barr and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo� 06/15/2019 1874 Load Checked �The Irony and the Elephant� 06/14/2019 1873 Load Checked �The National Credit Redemption� 06/14/2019 1872 Load Checked �How the Jews Were Used and Why� 06/13/2019 1871 Load Checked �Proof in Their Own Words� 06/12/2019 1870 Load Checked �Same Set Up Different Day� 06/12/2019 1869 Load Checked �The Parts and Pieces of a State Assembly� 06/12/2019 1868 Load Checked �Our Debt to Jailhouse Lawyers - Good News for Criminals � 06/11/2019 1867 Load Checked �The Meek Plot - So-Called� 06/10/2019 1866 Load Checked �What the Evidence Suggests� 06/10/2019 1865 Load Checked �News Flash for the US Department of State....� 06/09/2019 1864 Load Checked �Know The Commonwealth History or Else� 06/09/2019 1863 Load Checked �A Word to John Best� 06/08/2019 1862 Load Checked �States vs. States of States� 06/08/2019 1861 Load Checked �The Act of 1871 -- A Correct Analysis by Team Law� 06/08/2019 1860 Load Checked �Dog Report and La-La-Land Again� 06/08/2019 1859 Load Checked �A Spiritual War� 06/07/2019 1858 Load Checked �Remembering RB Young� 06/06/2019 1857 Load Checked �Impersonation -- The Cause of World War I� 06/05/2019 1856 Load Checked �Translation Key For Everyone� 06/05/2019 1855 Load Checked �The Chicken and Eggs Identity Theft Gambit� 06/02/2019 1854 Load Checked �Bear With Me� 06/02/2019 1853 Load Checked �In The Tiger Suit� 06/02/2019 1852 Load Checked �The Big Baloney -- QE II and Pope Francis -- My Humble Suggestion� 06/02/2019 1851 Load Checked �Please Inform Mike Pompeo� 05/31/2019 1850 Load Checked � Tax Processing Centers --- Public Warning Notice --- Demand for Action� 05/31/2019 1849 Load Checked �Lawful Military Service v. Legal Military Service� 05/31/2019 1848 Load Checked �The Two Deals -- Not Just the New Deal� 05/31/2019 1847 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump --- May 29th 2019� 05/30/2019 1846 Load Checked �Flag With Blue Stripes � 05/30/2019 1845 Load Checked �State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies� 05/29/2019 1842 Load Checked �Daylight in the Swamp!� 05/28/2019 1841 Load Checked �Memorial Day Visitation� 05/28/2019 1839 Load Checked �Enough Arizona� 05/27/2019 1838 Load Checked �The Logic of It� 05/27/2019 1837 Load Checked �One Brilliant Deceit Too Many� 05/27/2019 1836 Load Checked �Gossip and Dangers in Common� 05/27/2019 1835 Load Checked �Court Action versus Private Arbitration� 05/25/2019 1834 Load Checked �Lawful Marriage� 05/25/2019 1833 Load Checked �Lawful People Lawful Money Lawful Remedy.....� 05/25/2019 1832 Load Checked �Title 50 Sole Relief and Remedy...� 05/24/2019 1831 Load Checked �The Smelly Roses -- Public Notice and Demand� 05/23/2019 1830 Load Checked �The Existential Problem� 05/23/2019 1829 Load Checked �Bottom of the Ninth....� 05/22/2019 1828 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 59 Lessons in Sovereignty� 05/22/2019 1827 Load Checked �The Plot Thickens� 05/20/2019 1826 Load Checked �Public Declaration of My Collective Entity� 05/20/2019 1825 Load Checked �Keep Calm and Get Even� 05/20/2019 1823 Load Checked �Crazy Like a Fox Wise as Serpents Gentle as Doves� 05/19/2019 1821 Load Checked �Proven Right Again� 05/19/2019 1820 Load Checked �The Banking Game� 05/18/2019 1819 Load Checked �What is SO Difficult About This Concept Tim � 05/18/2019 1818 Load Checked �Fake States� 05/18/2019 1817 Load Checked �We Take Exception� 05/18/2019 1816 Load Checked �In Our Names -- Prayer Order and Demand� 05/18/2019 1815 Load Checked �Enough is Enough: How to Deal With Nuisance Charges and False Claims and Harassment� 05/17/2019 1814 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 58 Reading the Constitutions Correctly� 05/17/2019 1813 Load Checked �The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations� 05/17/2019 1812 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 57 Expatriation and Repatriation� 05/16/2019 1811 Load Checked �For All the Jural Assemblies -- 56 The United States of America� 05/16/2019 1810 Load Checked �Colorado Confusion� 05/15/2019 1809 Load Checked �Lincoln and Illinois� 05/14/2019 1808 Load Checked �Counties Names and Government by Contract� 05/13/2019 1807 Load Checked �Special Maritime Territorial Jurisdiction� 05/13/2019 1806 Load Checked �More Corroboration -- From David Straight� 05/12/2019 1805 Load Checked �Please NOTE:� 05/12/2019 1804 Load Checked �Me Zim Threats � 05/12/2019 1802 Load Checked �Persons and Personage:� 05/12/2019 1801 Load Checked �Second Comment on Michigan General Jural Assembly� 05/11/2019 1800 Load Checked �The Last Men Standing� 05/11/2019 1799 Load Checked �Comment on MGJA Notice to Donald Trump� 05/10/2019 1798 Load Checked �Deadly Assessment Letter to End IRS False Claims� 05/10/2019 1797 Load Checked �My Update� 05/10/2019 1796 Load Checked �NOT Rocket Science But....� 05/10/2019 1795 Load Checked � Lawful in What Sense � 05/09/2019 1794 Load Checked �Lest We Forget --- and Continue Paying� 05/08/2019 1793 Load Checked �The Pope and I The Ten Commandments and the Five-Pointed Star� 05/08/2019 1792 Load Checked �Situation Update -- Fire in the Hole� 05/06/2019 1791 Load Checked �Would-Be Settlors� 05/05/2019 1790 Load Checked �Just MORE Evidence Against Them� 05/02/2019 1789 Load Checked �Yes You've Got It!� 05/01/2019 1788 Load Checked �Europe and America� 05/01/2019 1787 Load Checked � Why Do You Need Money � 05/01/2019 1786 Load Checked �Unraveling the Spider's Web� 04/30/2019 1785 Load Checked �The Push --- Assembly Coordinators and Current Listings� 04/29/2019 1784 Load Checked �A Very Important Grab Bag� 04/29/2019 1783 Load Checked �US Citizens Going to Jail for Insurrection� 04/27/2019 1782 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 55 MUNICIPAL COURTS DEATH and TAXES� 04/27/2019 1781 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 54 Two Courts Systems Neither One Ours� 04/27/2019 1780 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 53 The Actual Legislative History� 04/26/2019 1779 Load Checked �The German Idiom Fits� 04/26/2019 1778 Load Checked �For All the Jural Assemblies - 52 Committees of Safety � 04/24/2019 1777 Load Checked �Bombshell Indeed� 04/24/2019 1776 Load Checked �Guilt by Association� 04/24/2019 1775 Load Checked �For All the Jural Assemblies - 51 NAMES and Debts� 04/23/2019 1774 Load Checked �For All the Jural Assemblies - 50 Congresses� 04/23/2019 1773 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies- 49 Republic or Republican Civil or Civilian� 04/21/2019 1772 Load Checked �The Day Before Easter� 04/20/2019 1770 Load Checked �Fact One Fact Two....� 04/20/2019 1769 Load Checked �The GIFT - Pillar to Post� 04/19/2019 1768 Load Checked �For All the Jural Assemblies - 48 Banking Corrections� 04/19/2019 1767 Load Checked �For All the Jural Assemblies - 47 Actual Constitution and Codicils� 04/19/2019 1766 Load Checked � Beacon 37 Just New Version of the Same Old Scam� 04/19/2019 1765 Load Checked �Moving the Cheese� 04/19/2019 1764 Load Checked �There is More Than a Grain of Truth.... from Julian Rose Via Daisy Luther and The Garden Rebels� 04/19/2019 1763 Load Checked �The Original Equity Contract the Codicils and Us� 04/18/2019 1762 Load Checked �The Treaty of Versailles FDR and Us --- Not� 04/18/2019 1761 Load Checked �Grandma's Rewrite of The Three Little Pigs� 04/18/2019 1760 Load Checked �For Jenn and the White House� 04/18/2019 1759 Load Checked �To Make It Explicit:� 04/18/2019 1758 Load Checked �Roll Call! Listen Up!� 04/17/2019 1757 Load Checked �For America - Help!� 04/16/2019 1756 Load Checked �Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan Arch-Criminals� 04/15/2019 1755 Load Checked �Notre Dame - Pope Leo - A Letter to Pope Francis� 04/15/2019 1754 Load Checked �I'd Like to Help Donald Trump� 04/15/2019 1753 Load Checked �The Welfare Trap� 04/15/2019 1752 Load Checked �Be Forewarned� 04/15/2019 1751 Load Checked �The Practice of Gratitude� 04/15/2019 1750 Load Checked �The Federal and State Constitutions Vol. I United States-Alabama-District of Columbia - Online Library of Liberty� 04/13/2019 1749 Load Checked �A Very Powerful Tool and a Warning:� 04/13/2019 1748 Load Checked �The US Citizen Blues� 04/12/2019 1747 Load Checked �The Cost of Freedom� 04/11/2019 1746 Load Checked �Read It and Weep� 04/09/2019 1745 Load Checked �State Citizens v. US Citizens Status� 04/09/2019 1744 Load Checked �Three Keys One Chapter and One Psalm: Your Future � 04/07/2019 1743 Load Checked �Faces of the Cross� 04/05/2019 1742 Load Checked �Passing The Hat� 04/05/2019 1741 Load Checked �March 6 1933� 04/05/2019 1740 Load Checked �Why Are You Here Reading This � 04/06/2019 1739 Load Checked �A little dust-up at Rumor Mill News� 04/04/2019 1738 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies 46 -- No Pledges Ever� 04/04/2019 1737 Load Checked �It Is Simple Mr. Trump� 04/04/2019 1736 Load Checked �Why So MUCH Confusion � 04/04/2019 1735 Load Checked �Three Levels of Pecking Order� 04/03/2019 1734 Load Checked �Yes the FBI is Investigating State Assemblies.� 04/03/2019 1733 Load Checked �Maxims of Law for Americans� 04/03/2019 1732 Load Checked �These Aren't EMP Attacks� 04/03/2019 1731 Load Checked �I Repeat and Repeat...� 04/03/2019 1730 Load Checked �No Applications for DBAs for NAMES!� 04/03/2019 1729 Load Checked �How To Tell Bears From Buckwheat� 04/02/2019 1728 Load Checked �Advantages of Being an American -- And Not Being a US Citizen � 04/02/2019 1727 Load Checked �I Am Stunned by The Evil� 04/03/2019 1726 Load Checked �Confederate States v. Federation States� 04/02/2019 1725 Load Checked �What Are The States and Why Do We Need to Assemble Them � 04/01/2019 1724 Load Checked �For The Confused Texans� 04/01/2019 1723 Load Checked �Especially For Lawyers --- Public Notice� 04/01/2019 1722 Load Checked �Heads Up Federal Civil and Military Retirees!� 04/01/2019 1721 Load Checked �Update on the Money Situation� 03/31/2019 1720 Load Checked �Update on the Money Situation� 03/31/2019 1719 Load Checked �Linus Pauling Was No Fool� 03/31/2019 1718 Load Checked �Adrenalin Addiction Crisis� 04/01/2019 1717 Load Checked �The Army Mules Are Here� 03/31/2019 1716 Load Checked �A Further Insight About Amorica� 03/30/2019 1715 Load Checked �Amorica and America� 03/29/2019 1714 Load Checked �The American National Credit� 03/29/2019 1713 Load Checked �American. Proud of It.� 03/29/2019 1712 Load Checked �Why So Many Lies and So Many Liars � 03/29/2019 1711 Load Checked �Carts and Horses� 03/28/2019 1710 Load Checked �History Lesson for Marilyn of Minnesota� 03/27/2019 1709 Load Checked �Warning to All True State Assemblies� 03/27/2019 1708 Load Checked �FBI Rumors� 03/27/2019 1707 Load Checked �RED ALERT! BWAH! BWAH! [Fire Alarm Sounds] Kurt Kallenbach is Right -- Protect Your DNA and the RV!� 03/26/2019 1706 Load Checked �Fiduciary Deputies v. Representatives � 03/26/2019 1705 Load Checked �Factoids From Tonight's Conference Call -- March 25 2019� 03/25/2019 1704 Load Checked �The Jester's Defense� 03/25/2019 1703 Load Checked �About Law and Lawyers and Practice Thereof� 03/25/2019 1702 Load Checked �Ron Vrooman is Simply Wrong� 03/25/2019 1701 Load Checked �The Reason for All the Paperwork� 03/25/2019 1700 Load Checked �My Nightstand� 03/24/2019 1699 Load Checked �The Truth About Southern Poverty Law Center � 03/24/2019 1698 Load Checked �Who to Trust � 03/24/2019 1697 Load Checked �An Apology to Robert� 03/24/2019 1696 Load Checked �The Mueller Nuthin� 03/23/2019 1695 Load Checked �Helpful Forms 2� 03/23/2019 1694 Load Checked �New Helpful Forms and Examples� 03/23/2019 1693 Load Checked �What Virgo Triad Means:� 03/23/2019 1692 Load Checked �PAGs Are Wonderful But No Solid Answer Yet� 03/23/2019 1691 Load Checked �Anatomy of a Birth Certificate - What It Means� 03/23/2019 1690 Load Checked �Recipe for Disaster:� 03/23/2019 1689 Load Checked �No It's Not Simple But..... It Is Do-Able� 03/21/2019 1688 Load Checked �BC Witnesses� 03/21/2019 1687 Load Checked �The Service Contract(s)� 03/20/2019 1686 Load Checked �Anyone Who Calls Me Mrs. Belcher Had Better Be Prepared...� 03/20/2019 1685 Load Checked �The US National Debt vs. The American States National Credit� 03/20/2019 1684 Load Checked �The Power of the Paperwork -- Private v. Public Ownership� 03/20/2019 1683 Load Checked �For All the Jural Assemblies - 45 Religion and State Assemblies� 03/20/2019 1682 Load Checked �The Hornet's Nest� 03/19/2019 1681 Load Checked �Why Q Anon Matters� 03/19/2019 1680 Load Checked �Good News for Colored People� 03/18/2019 1679 Load Checked �More Sanctimonious Garbage from Unknown Sources � 03/18/2019 1678 Load Checked �March 17 2019: Dear Mr. Trump� 03/17/2019 1677 Load Checked �The American States Assembly Reminder� 03/17/2019 1676 Load Checked �Get YOUR BC's Now� 03/16/2019 1675 Load Checked �Proof that Sun-Tzu Can't Read and My Comment on MGJA� 03/16/2019 1674 Load Checked �The Situation the Ledger and You� 03/15/2019 1673 Load Checked �You Cannot be a PAG and a State Citizen at the Same Time� 03/15/2019 1672 Load Checked �The International Trade Bank Answer� 03/14/2019 1671 Load Checked �Logic Logic Logic....� 03/14/2019 1670 Load Checked �Horribly Misrepresented� 03/13/2019 1669 Load Checked �Outting Arnie Rosner (Scanned Retina)� 03/12/2019 1668 Load Checked �Recap of Our Maiden Voyage� 03/12/2019 1667 Load Checked �Two Occupying Forces� 03/12/2019 1666 Load Checked �To The Supreme Commander of the Joint British Armed Forces� 03/11/2019 1665 Load Checked �The Maiden Voyage� 03/10/2019 1664 Load Checked �Virtually All Arguments Based On or About The Constitutions� 03/10/2019 1663 Load Checked �Useful Historical Data Site for State Assemblies/Jural Assemblies� 03/10/2019 1662 Load Checked �Don't Blame Trump --- Blame the Pig Farmers� 03/10/2019 1661 Load Checked �Do I Have to Draw You Guys a Picture � 03/10/2019 1660 Load Checked �Hats Off� 03/10/2019 1659 Load Checked �Open Challenge� 03/09/2019 1658 Load Checked �Cheat Sheet to End Confusion� #N/A 1657 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 44 Legal Persons and Territorial Courts� #N/A 1656 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 43 Legal Persons� 03/08/2019 1655 Load Checked �The Continuing Debacle and The Remnant� 03/06/2019 1654 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump On This Day� 03/06/2019 1653 Load Checked �Ours v. Theirs� 03/06/2019 1652 Load Checked �Points of View Terms of Art and Where Pedal Meets Metal� 03/06/2019 1651 Load Checked �Dear Bobby...� 03/06/2019 1650 Load Checked �A Repeat of Answers Already Given� 03/06/2019 1649 Load Checked �Big Announcements and Things I Have to Ask Myself� 03/06/2019 1648 Load Checked �Help Is Here!� 03/05/2019 1647 Load Checked �The Reason Why� 03/04/2019 1646 Load Checked �Act of State is Insufficient� 03/04/2019 1645 Load Checked �Correction: Notaries Cannot Lose Their Bonds� 03/04/2019 1644 Load Checked �Red Alert - Which Came First � 03/04/2019 1643 Load Checked �Thoughts About Undeclared Federal Agents� 03/03/2019 1642 Load Checked �Actual Reader Response From Colorado -- The Truth Again� 03/03/2019 1641 Load Checked �Special Note to The Seven Grumpy Old Men� 03/03/2019 1640 Load Checked �Basic Nomenclature� 03/03/2019 1639 Load Checked �Liars Liars Pants on Fire. Good-bye MGJA� 03/03/2019 1638 Load Checked �The Philippines MacArthur and Our Gold - International Notice� 03/03/2019 1637 Load Checked �Cattywumpus Catawumpus and Kittywimpus� 03/02/2019 1636 Load Checked �About Social Security....� 03/01/2019 1635 Load Checked �Baseball or Football � 03/01/2019 1634 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 42 The United States Raj� 02/28/2019 1633 Load Checked �How To Use Your Paperwork� 02/28/2019 1632 Load Checked �Civil is Not Civilian - A Short Explanation of Corporate Feudalism� 02/28/2019 1631 Load Checked �Sovereignty and Why Spain is Ultimately Important� 02/28/2019 1630 Load Checked �Attempt to Repeat Past History� 02/28/2019 1629 Load Checked �What's Right Not Who Is Right - Me and the Military� 02/27/2019 1628 Load Checked �Use Your Heads� 02/27/2019 1627 Load Checked �Just Confirmed� 02/26/2019 1626 Load Checked �Wet Cats vs. The United States of America� 02/26/2019 1625 Load Checked �For All The State Jural Assemblies - 41 Who Owns What� 02/26/2019 1624 Load Checked �Why What We Are Doing Is Different� 02/26/2019 1623 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies Handbook Volume One Published� 02/25/2019 1622 Load Checked �Attacks Against President Trump - The Wrong Focus� 02/25/2019 1621 Load Checked �For All The State Jural Assemblies - 40 Grocery Shopping� 02/25/2019 1620 Load Checked �Wet Cats - Final Word on Destry and MGJA� 02/25/2019 1619 Load Checked �Third Time and Out --- PaperUpNow.Com� 02/25/2019 1618 Load Checked �Great Address to the Rhode Island State of State House� 02/25/2019 1617 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies -39 Parting of the Waters� 02/25/2019 1616 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 38 The American Government Structure� 02/24/2019 1615 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 37 The Interface� 02/24/2019 1614 Load Checked �Please Note:� 02/24/2019 1613 Load Checked �Close But No Banana� 02/24/2019 1612 Load Checked �About T-ROH and Their Garbage� 02/24/2019 1611 Load Checked �Confusion About Gun Control Legislation� 02/23/2019 1610 Load Checked �Please Remove All References to Destry Payne and His Organizations� 02/24/2019 1609 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 36 State Assemblies� 02/23/2019 1608 Load Checked �To Comfort You� 02/22/2019 1607 Load Checked �Reply to Sun-Tzu's Von Reitz's Cock Block Road Block -Poppycock� 02/21/2019 1606 Load Checked �More Idiocy from Jeff Dougherty aka Sun-Tzu� 02/21/2019 1605 Load Checked �For Eric Jon Phelps� 02/21/2019 1604 Load Checked �Beware the Words Civil Liberties � 02/21/2019 1603 Load Checked �5 G --- the Stupidest Idea in the History of the World � #N/A 1602 Load Checked �Residency Public and Free� 02/21/2019 1601 Load Checked �The Fence� 02/21/2019 1600 Load Checked �Why Federal Dual Citizenship Does Not Protect You� 02/21/2019 1599 Load Checked �Minnesota Rule 220� 02/21/2019 1598 Load Checked �Reply IV to Sun Tzu aka Jeff Dougherty� 02/20/2019 1597 Load Checked �Today February 19 2019� 02/19/2019 1596 Load Checked �No You Can't Charter Yourselves� 02/19/2019 1595 Load Checked �Soros Corporations in Alphabetical Order via a PDF file.� 02/19/2019 1594 Load Checked �Third Reply to Sun-Tzu� 02/19/2019 1593 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 35 Lawful Persons� 02/19/2019 1592 Load Checked �From Paul Hellyer� 02/18/2019 1591 Load Checked �Go Viral = Fly My Monkeys Fly!� 02/18/2019 1590 Load Checked �Hear the Birds Sing All You Citizens � 02/18/2019 1589 Load Checked �Use Your Eyes� 02/18/2019 1588 Load Checked �Idiots Abound -- Basic Facts About Citizenship� 02/18/2019 1587 Load Checked �Second Reply to Sun-Tzu� 02/18/2019 1586 Load Checked �For the Pope and All My English Friends� 02/17/2019 1585 Load Checked �Reply to Sun Tzu� #N/A 1584 Load Checked �Do We Really Have to Reconstruct the Federal States of States � 02/17/2019 1583 Load Checked �Quick Permanent Remedy� 02/17/2019 1582 Load Checked �Clearing the Air� 02/17/2019 1581 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 34 Reconstruction: Your Mission� 02/16/2019 1580 Load Checked �My Situation: February 15 2019� 02/15/2019 1579 Load Checked �Against Fear� 02/15/2019 1578 Load Checked �Necessary Paperwork to Establish State National and State Citizen Status� 02/15/2019 1577 Load Checked �For All The State Jural Assemblies - 33 The American Civil War� 02/15/2019 1576 Load Checked �For All The State Jural Assemblies - 32 The Federal States of States� 02/15/2019 1575 Load Checked �For All The State Jural Assemblies - 31 Mandatory Citizenship Requirements� 02/15/2019 1574 Load Checked �National Assembly Call� 02/15/2019 1573 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 30 The Constitutions� 02/13/2019 1572 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 29 The Confederation of States� 02/13/2019 1571 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 28 Global Municipal Jurisdiction� 02/13/2019 1570 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 27 International Jurisdiction� 02/12/2019 1569 Load Checked �For All The State Jural Assemblies - 26 The National Jurisdiction: Soil� 02/11/2019 1568 Load Checked �By Their Works� 02/11/2019 1567 Load Checked �For All The State Jural Assemblies - 25 State Electors State Nationals and State Citizens� 02/11/2019 1566 Load Checked �Answers to Common Questions and Misconceptions for the Jural Assemblies� 02/11/2019 1565 Load Checked �No Valid Convention of States Possible� 02/10/2019 1564 Load Checked �Comment On Pope's Agreement With Imam� 02/09/2019 1563 Load Checked �The Tale of Two Governments� 02/09/2019 1562 Load Checked �Letter to Destry and the National Assembly Effort in Total� 02/08/2019 1561 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 24 The American Government� 02/08/2019 1560 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 23 Prior and Concurrent Assemblies� 02/08/2019 1559 Load Checked �Praying Without Words� 02/08/2019 1558 Load Checked �The Last American Judges� 02/06/2019 1557 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 22 Overcoming Indoctrination� 02/06/2019 1556 Load Checked �No Such Thing As An American Constitutional Citizen � 02/05/2019 1555 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies -- 21 Capacity of the People� 02/05/2019 1554 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 20 Jurisdiction of the People� 02/04/2019 1553 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 19 The Public and Organic Law� 02/03/2019 1552 Load Checked �The Duplicity of Evil� 02/03/2019 1551 Load Checked �Note About The Great Abomination� #N/A 1550 Load Checked �The Fountain of Broceliande� 02/03/2019 1549 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 18 Jurors and Citizenships� 02/02/2019 1548 Load Checked �Exactly Why You Must Return Home� 02/02/2019 1547 Load Checked �But Who is the Anti-Christ � 02/01/2019 1546 Load Checked �To Democrat True Believers� 02/01/2019 1545 Load Checked �ICB's More Dangerous Than ICBMs� 02/01/2019 1544 Load Checked �Confusion About In Order to Form a More Perfect Union � 01/31/2019 1543 Load Checked �My Status� 01/31/2019 1542 Load Checked �Reply to Video Attacks--If I Am a Fake� 01/31/2019 1541 Load Checked �Wake up Beijing!� 01/31/2019 1540 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies -17 Clerks and Bondsmen� 01/31/2019 1539 Load Checked �The Missing Pieces� 01/29/2019 1538 Load Checked �Manna vs. Why I Am Here� 01/29/2019 1537 Load Checked �What Have You Done For Your State � 01/28/2019 1536 Load Checked �A Big Thank You!� #N/A 1535 Load Checked �Fairytales � 01/27/2019 1534 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump - January 27 2019� 01/27/2019 1533 Load Checked �Another Newsflash!� 01/27/2019 1532 Load Checked �Newsflash!� 01/26/2019 1531 Load Checked �To All The Jural Assemblies - 16 Notaries� 01/26/2019 1530 Load Checked �Do I Miss Them Yet Do You � 01/26/2019 1529 Load Checked �To All the Jural Assemblies - 15 Coroners� 01/26/2019 1528 Load Checked �Regarding the BIG Arbitration Award.... the Quadrillion Dollar Question� 01/26/2019 1527 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 14 Sheriffs State Militias and Marshals� 01/26/2019 1526 Load Checked �Is Nancy Pelosi Roman Catholic Or Roman-Catholic � 01/25/2019 1525 Load Checked �For the Texians:� 01/25/2019 1524 Load Checked �Pernicious Ignorance -- For Richard� 01/25/2019 1523 Load Checked �Payseurs Revisited� 01/25/2019 1522 Load Checked �It's This Simple� 01/24/2019 1521 Load Checked �Deegan Recants� 01/24/2019 1520 Load Checked �Go Figure� 01/24/2019 1519 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 13 Judges Justices and Hired Jurists /Judge Anna Blows the Whistle on the Whistle Blowers� 01/26/2019 1518 Load Checked �Ah So Now I Am a Filthy C--t � 01/23/2019 1517 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 12 Recordkeepers� 01/22/2019 1516 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 11 Committees of Safety � 01/22/2019 1515 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies 10 - Existing Contracts� 01/22/2019 1514 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and Responses Debunked� 01/22/2019 1513 Load Checked �Why I Use the Description Our Father � 01/21/2019 1512 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies -8 A Nation of Bastards � 01/21/2019 1511 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies -7 Discipline� 01/20/2019 1510 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 6 Pointers and Questions� 01/20/2019 1509 Load Checked �Uh-Duh....� 01/20/2019 1508 Load Checked �To All The Jural Assemblies 5 - Mission Statement and Membership Agreement� 01/20/2019 1507 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies 4 - Juror Qualifications and Membership� 01/20/2019 1506 Load Checked �For Targeted Individuals� 01/19/2019 1505 Load Checked �Oh For Once and All Time.... The Godhead of Freemasonry� 01/19/2019 1504 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies - 3 This is Not Opinion � 01/19/2019 1503 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies 2 -- Law and Religion� 01/19/2019 1502 Load Checked �For All The Jural Assemblies� 01/18/2019 1501 Load Checked �$950T Owed to You and Me� #N/A 1500 Load Checked �The Payseur Myth� 01/16/2019 1499 Load Checked �Owning Trillionaires -- Read This Conversation� 01/16/2019 1498 Load Checked �You Are in School� 01/15/2019 1497 Load Checked �Living People Are the Creditors; Corporations Are the Debtors� livingcreditors 1496 Load Checked �A Hint to Donald J. Trump� 01/14/2019 1495 Load Checked �The Terms of the Gift � 01/14/2019 1494 Load Checked �Authority of Executive Orders is Limited to Fictional Entities� 01/14/2019 1493 Load Checked � Municipal Bankruptcy Means Municipal Bankruptcy� 01/14/2019 1492 Load Checked �Replies to World Leaders� 01/13/2019 1491 Load Checked �Emergency Powers � 01/13/2019 1490 Load Checked �Judas Iscariot� 01/13/2019 1489 Load Checked �Thank You SOTN and AIM� 01/13/2019 1488 Load Checked �Important! State of the Nation! T R E A S O N !! CROWNGATE� 01/13/2019 1487 Load Checked �Thirteen Angry Democrats� 01/12/2019 1486 Load Checked �An Innocent Question� 01/12/2019 1485 Load Checked �About the Christians and the Bankers� 01/12/2019 1484 Load Checked �Dear Mister Trump --- January 11 2019� 01/11/2019 1483 Load Checked �The Exchange Stabilization Fund� 01/11/2019 1482 Load Checked �Think of it as Rival Gangs� 01/11/2019 1481 Load Checked �800 000 Non-Essential Employees � 01/10/2019 1480 Load Checked �Swindle School 101� 01/10/2019 1479 Load Checked �Man or Human Self-Test� 01/10/2019 1478 Load Checked �The Basement 2.0� 01/09/2019 1477 Load Checked �Walking the Walk� 01/09/2019 1476 Load Checked �My Father's Question� 01/09/2019 1475 Load Checked �Border Security Of For and By� 01/08/2019 1474 Load Checked �So Now The Payseur Myth� 01/08/2019 1473 Load Checked �The Big Con� 01/08/2019 1472 Load Checked �Two Foreign Governments� 01/07/2019 1471 Load Checked �True and False Nobility� 01/06/2019 1470 Load Checked �The Principle of Substitution� 01/04/2019 1469 Load Checked �Their Satanic Majesties � 01/04/2019 1468 Load Checked �Passing Along CROWNgate and More....� 01/04/2019 1467 Load Checked �Basic Misunderstanding� 01/03/2019 1466 Load Checked �Notice and Demand X Three� 01/03/2019 1465 Load Checked �The Kingdom of the Dead� 01/03/2019 1464 Load Checked �Bearing Public Office� 01/02/2019 1463 Load Checked �Ordo ab Chao� 01/02/2019 1462 Load Checked �2019 Awakening� #N/A 1461 Load Checked �A Question For You� 12/31/2018 1460 Load Checked �Blue Beam Green Beam and Now White Beam� 12/31/2018 1459 Load Checked �Clinton Indictment� 12/31/2018 1458 Load Checked �And Now Comes the Basement....� 12/31/2018 1457 Load Checked �Why Subrogation Provides Relief But Not Remedy....� 12/30/2018 1456 Load Checked �Statesmen Three! -- The 100 Billion Dollar Robbery� 12/30/2018 1455 Load Checked �The Short Explanation � 12/29/2018 1454 Load Checked �What They Do What You Do� 01/01/2019 1453 Load Checked �Government Shut Down Do Your Miss Them Yet � 12/29/2018 1452 Load Checked �And Speaking of Tavistock� 12/28/2018 1451 Load Checked �Speaking of Tin Hats....� 12/28/2018 1450 Load Checked �What I Know About Warnings and Arrests� 12/27/2018 1449 Load Checked �1862� #N/A 1448 Load Checked �Tin Hats United� 12/24/2018 1447 Load Checked �Why Fight So Hard for the Life of a Dog � 12/24/2018 1446 Load Checked �Over the Hills and Far Away� 12/24/2018 1445 Load Checked �Are You One of Those Appointed � 12/21/2018 1444 Load Checked �The Danger of Fraternal and Secret Organizations� 12/20/2018 1443 Load Checked �Committee of 300 v. 7 000 000 000 Victims� 12/17/2018 1442 Load Checked �� 12/17/2018 1441 Load Checked �The Fastest Move Ever Against The IRS� 12/17/2018 1440 Load Checked � National Bankruptcies and Qanon� 12/17/2018 1439 Load Checked �ET Propaganda and the Seventh Seal� 12/17/2018 1438 Load Checked �In Memorium: Paradise California� 12/16/2018 1437 Load Checked �Agencies --- A Clarification for Boneheads� 12/16/2018 1436 Load Checked �Kill the IRS It's Already Dead� 12/15/2018 1435 Load Checked �As Regards Martial Law� 12/15/2018 1434 Load Checked �Michael Hayden: Post-Truth Society � 12/15/2018 1433 Load Checked �Calling Out the Roman Curia� 12/15/2018 1432 Load Checked �Why PARSE is Another Fraud� 12/15/2018 1431 Load Checked �Money and Favorite Uncles� 12/12/2018 1430 Load Checked �Dorothy Come Home!� 12/12/2018 1429 Load Checked �Name One -- Day Eleven� 12/11/2018 1428 Load Checked �Anna Quote for the Day� 12/10/2018 1427 Load Checked �My Predictions� 12/10/2018 1426 Load Checked �Day Nine Grandma's Christmas� 12/09/2018 1425 Load Checked �The Implications for Police� 12/09/2018 1424 Load Checked �Motors Running� 12/09/2018 1423 Load Checked �Why No Political Organization � 12/09/2018 1422 Load Checked �Eight Days In� 12/08/2018 1421 Load Checked �Please Note:� 12/08/2018 1420 Load Checked �Yes of Course I Noticed.....� 12/08/2018 1419 Load Checked �Co-Inhabiting Nations� 12/08/2018 1418 Load Checked �December Seventh Seventy-Seven Years Ago Today� 12/07/2018 1417 Load Checked �So How Am I � 12/07/2018 1416 Load Checked �The Federal Code is Dead� 12/07/2018 1415 Load Checked �Arkansas is Blowing Apart � 12/07/2018 1414 Load Checked �Just One Bird� 12/06/2018 1413 Load Checked �Yes It's True� 12/06/2018 1412 Load Checked �Modus Operandi� 12/06/2018 1411 Load Checked �The Saga of the Philippine Gold� 12/05/2018 1410 Load Checked �A Fundamental Understanding� 12/05/2018 1409 Load Checked �Day Six Disaster Update� 12/05/2018 1408 Load Checked � To Live and Not Die � 12/05/2018 1407 Load Checked �Before Anyone Misunderstands or Misinterprets....� 12/05/2018 1406 Load Checked �Day Five Disaster Update -- Incoming� 12/04/2018 1405 Load Checked �Fall Guys� 12/04/2018 1404 Load Checked �Parse Syntax Memes and Men� 12/04/2018 1403 Load Checked �What Is Important About December 5th � 12/04/2018 1402 Load Checked �News For Knotheads� 12/04/2018 1401 Load Checked �Why Can't President Trump Stop This � 12/03/2018 1400 Load Checked �Disaster Update Day Four� 12/03/2018 1399 Load Checked �The Final Straw � #N/A 1398 Load Checked �Disaster Update� 12/02/2018 1397 Load Checked �Parting Shot From Poppy Bush and Threats from the Treasury� 12/02/2018 1396 Load Checked �Status Report - December First 2018� 12/01/2018 1395 Load Checked �Make No Mistake� 11/30/2018 1394 Load Checked �Dear Mr. Trump: November 29 2018� 11/30/2018 1393 Load Checked �Trustees My Rump and the Price of a Cup of Coffee� 11/30/2018 1392 Load Checked �False Gods� 11/29/2018 1391 Load Checked �The SPLC and What to Do � 11/28/2018 1390 Load Checked �A Different Kind of Royal Service Award� 11/27/2018 1389 Load Checked �Christmas Turkeys� 11/27/2018 1388 Load Checked �Chicken or Egg Attaching Value to Things--- and People� 11/26/2018 1387 Load Checked �More Than Two Billion Years Ago� 11/26/2018 1386 Load Checked �Like I Said Months Ago -- It's Not the Russians It's the Brits Again� 11/24/2018 1384 Load Checked �Tips for Healing the Earth� 11/24/2018 1383 Load Checked �Unincorporated Corporate and Incorporated� 11/24/2018 1382 Load Checked �Hopefully Final Comment on the Manna World Holdings Trust� 11/23/2018 1381 Load Checked �A Perilous Thanksgiving� 11/23/2018 1380 Load Checked �Answers for Critics� #N/A 1379 Load Checked �Money As Language� 11/20/2018 1378 Load Checked �Status Report November 19 2018� 11/19/2018 1377 Load Checked �The Siege of Seal 7� 11/18/2018 1376 Load Checked �The Right Way the Wrong Way and No Way� 11/17/2018 1375 Load Checked �Paper Monsters� 11/17/2018 1374 Load Checked �Hold The Presses! -- This is Incredible 3.0 Recap -- The Public Trust� 11/17/2018 1373 Load Checked �Nineteen Services � 11/16/2018 1372 Load Checked �For Uriah the Hittite� 11/16/2018 1371 Load Checked �Hold the Presses -- This is Incredible 2.0 Recap� 11/15/2018 1370 Load Checked �Call Out to Ken Cousins! --- It's Time! � 11/15/2018 1369 Load Checked �Pedigree of the IRS� #N/A 1368 Load Checked �Hold the Presses! This is Incredible 1.0� 11/14/2018 1367 Load Checked �The Druid's Last Defense� 11/13/2018 1366 Load Checked �Red Light Green Light....� 11/13/2018 1365 Load Checked �RFID Beat Them With Their Own Stick.� 11/13/2018 1364 Load Checked �Ah-ha Moment Regarding Health and the DOD� 11/13/2018 1363 Load Checked �Clarifications About Kim's Problem Oil and Money Systems� 11/13/2018 1362 Load Checked �Dear Kim -- A Reply November 12 2018� 11/12/2018 1361 Load Checked �Counter-Offer to Manna World Holdings Trust November 11 2018� 11/12/2018 1360 Load Checked �Veteran's Day 2018� 11/12/2018 1359 Load Checked �P.S. About Ram-Bubba.... and My Position Regarding Manna Trust� 11/12/2018 1358 Load Checked �Securitization is Illegal and Unlawful� 11/12/2018 1357 Load Checked �For the Bar Members to See and Know--- And Everyone Else Too� 11/11/2018 1356 Load Checked �What ISN'T There 5.0� 11/11/2018 1355 Load Checked �What ISN'T There 4.0� 11/11/2018 1354 Load Checked �What ISN'T There 3.0� 11/11/2018 1353 Load Checked �What ISN'T There 2.0� 11/11/2018 1352 Load Checked �More Smoke and Mirrors from Manna World Holdings Trust� 11/11/2018 1351 Load Checked �The Missing Republic Found!� 11/11/2018 1350 Load Checked �Manna World Holdings Trust --- Fraud and Piracy Explained� 11/11/2018 1349 Load Checked �Moms of America� 11/11/2018 1348 Load Checked �For Richard: A Good One From Benjamin Bengal:� 11/11/2018 1347 Load Checked �The Trial of the Century -- Your Opinions Please � 11/09/2018 1346 Load Checked �The Brother's Keeper Government� 11/09/2018 1345 Load Checked �The Iteration Method of Stopping Any Court Action Before It Starts� 11/08/2018 1344 Load Checked �Your History� 11/08/2018 1343 Load Checked �Acceptance of Titles -- International Notice� 11/06/2018 1342 Load Checked �Who Owns the Philippines � 11/06/2018 1341 Load Checked �A Note About Roman Civil Law� 11/05/2018 1340 Load Checked �What Elections � 11/05/2018 1339 Load Checked �Judge Not Indeed� 11/05/2018 1338 Load Checked �Letter of Notice and Demand to the Pope and Elizabeth II� 11/04/2018 1337 Load Checked �Analysis of FDR's First Inaugural Speech - Why No American Should Vote Democrat. Ever.� 11/02/2018 1336 Load Checked �Dual Versus Singular Citizenship� 11/02/2018 1335 Load Checked �$100 Reward --- Find the Missing Republic � 11/02/2018 1334 Load Checked �The Wage of Fraud� 11/01/2018 1333 Load Checked �IMF Take Over of Federal Reserve� 10/30/2018 1332 Load Checked �Urgent Message to Americans Age 80 and Over� 10/30/2018 1331 Load Checked �Notice to All Wannabe Interlopers:� 10/30/2018 1330 Load Checked �Yes He Can and No He Can't� 10/30/2018 1329 Load Checked �Getting Wise to It� 10/29/2018 1328 Load Checked �Bretton Woods 2 � 10/29/2018 1327 Load Checked �Regarding the Treaty of Paris 1947� 10/29/2018 1326 Load Checked �Good News� 10/29/2018 1325 Load Checked �The Maxim of Law That Applies� 10/29/2018 1324 Load Checked �It's Almost Dark� 10/28/2018 1323 Load Checked �Your Grandfather's Clock� 10/27/2018 1322 Load Checked �So Much for the Goldfish Report....� 10/27/2018 1321 Load Checked �Hot Foot It� 10/24/2018 1320 Load Checked �A Quick ReCap� 10/24/2018 1319 Load Checked �Common Sense 2018� 10/24/2018 1318 Load Checked �About Winston Shrout� 10/25/2018 1317 Load Checked �The Accounting� 10/24/2018 1316 Load Checked �Abel Danger to the Rescue� #N/A 1315 Load Checked �More Pollocks Needed� 10/23/2018 1314 Load Checked �Helpful Analogies for President Trump and the General Staff� 10/21/2018 1313 Load Checked �About Federal Code....� 10/20/2018 1312 Load Checked �For the General Staff About Nathan Rothschild� 10/20/2018 1311 Load Checked �The Paperwork Debate� 10/20/2018 1310 Load Checked �Get It Together People� 10/18/2018 1309 Load Checked �Weep With Me� 10/17/2018 1308 Load Checked �How Simple Is This Really � 10/17/2018 1307 Load Checked �No Hate or Fear Mongering Here� 10/17/2018 1306 Load Checked �France Liquidate the UN Corp and All Successors and Derivatives� 10/17/2018 1305 Load Checked �American Armed Forces. See That Word--- American � 10/17/2018 1304 Load Checked �A Donation and Something More Precious Than Gold --- Thank You!� 10/17/2018 1303 Load Checked �Note to the Rest of the World:� 10/16/2018 1302 Load Checked �For Those Just Now Awakening� 10/16/2018 1301 Load Checked �Christmas TROVE from FEMA� 10/15/2018 1300 Load Checked �Come On Donald Trump. You Are a Smart Man.� 10/15/2018 1299 Load Checked �Stop Talking About The Republic. There Isn't One.� 10/14/2018 1298 Load Checked �Why There is No Change in Treaty Status and Why There is No Numbers Requirement� 10/14/2018 1297 Load Checked �A Note of Explanation For Melania Trump:� 10/13/2018 1296 Load Checked �The Historic Trusts� 10/13/2018 1295 Load Checked �A Tale of Four Companies� 10/11/2018 1294 Load Checked � The National Credit -- My First YouTube Video -- By Me -- Ever� 10/11/2018 1293 Load Checked �White Hats-- Get This to Trump ASAP Please � 10/09/2018 1292 Load Checked �The Seventh Angle and the 45th Day � 10/09/2018 1291 Load Checked �Important Message About Karen Hudes� 10/09/2018 1290 Load Checked �Changing Jurisdiction� 10/07/2018 1289 Load Checked �About Foreclosure -- a Simple Plan to Get the Upper Hand� 10/06/2018 1288 Load Checked �More Reminders: For the Generals the Popes and the Monarchs:� 10/06/2018 1287 Load Checked �Martial Law Schmartial Law� 10/05/2018 1286 Load Checked �Your Own Experience� 10/05/2018 1285 Load Checked �Additional P.S. For the Generals the Popes and the Monarchs:� 10/04/2018 1284 Load Checked �Stealing Title to Babies� 10/04/2018 1283 Load Checked �For All the Generals the Popes and the Monarchs:� 10/04/2018 1282 Load Checked �Don't Petition and Don't Register� 10/04/2018 1281 Load Checked �Words and Labels Create Delusions� 10/04/2018 1280 Load Checked �Did You Go to Law School or Legal School � 10/03/2018 1279 Load Checked �The War You Haven't Known About� 10/02/2018 1278 Load Checked �Remember Henry George� 09/30/2018 1277 Load Checked �Pernicious Claims of Incompetency in Conflict of Interest� #N/A 1276 Load Checked �Who or What is [Wrongly] Holding Equitable Title to Your Name and Estate � 09/30/2018 1275 Load Checked �It's Official. Hell Has Frozen Over.� 09/30/2018 1274 Load Checked �The Pillar and Post Revisited� 09/28/2018 1273 Load Checked �Mr. Trump What's Wrong With This Picture � 09/28/2018 1272 Load Checked �Which Supreme Court � 09/27/2018 1271 Load Checked �The Other Side of The Law� 09/27/2018 1270 Load Checked �The Problem: Nobody Knows the Value of Anything � 09/26/2018 1269 Load Checked �Remember George Bailey � 09/25/2018 1268 Load Checked �Backwash --- Initial Emergency Alert� 09/25/2018 1267 Load Checked �They Raped Me� 09/25/2018 1266 Load Checked �Why The Articles of Confederation Matter -- Today� 09/24/2018 1265 Load Checked �Karen Hudes Tries Selling Another Big Fat One� 09/24/2018 1264 Load Checked �The Baby and the Bath Water -- The Church and the Temple of Ba'al� 09/23/2018 1263 Load Checked �Notice and Demand Issued to Westminster� 09/23/2018 1262 Load Checked �Attention Please! This is Crucial Information for All Concerned....� 09/23/2018 1261 Load Checked �But Which God � 09/21/2018 1260 Load Checked �Lazy Man's Guide to the Last 150 Years in America� 09/21/2018 1259 Load Checked �Witches V. Satanists� 09/21/2018 1258 Load Checked �Light Unto the Peacekeepers� 09/20/2018 1257 Load Checked �Ignorance as a Defense --- A Reply for Eeyore 2.0 � 09/19/2018 1256 Load Checked �My Bad Attitude� 09/18/2018 1255 Load Checked �Your Land One Two Three....� 09/18/2018 1254 Load Checked �First Fraud Second Fraud Kavanaugh Proves His Prowess --- and Gets My Approval� 09/17/2018 1253 Load Checked �The Queen Found Guilty� 09/16/2018 1252 Load Checked �A Plea for Common Sense and Brotherhood� 09/16/2018 1251 Load Checked �How Do You Want and Need to Operate � 09/14/2018 1250 Load Checked �The History and Current Status of The White Snake� 09/11/2018 1249 Load Checked �Prepare Your Minds and Hearts� 09/11/2018 1248 Load Checked