There are maxims inn LAW [Land, Air, and Water jurisdictions] that provide a fundamental basis in peace between sovereign nations. This natural LAW is not unlike the law of physics. The alternative is anarchy and the behavior of pirates. By international maxim, piracy does not change ownership. By the LAW of peace, any sovereign can stop a pirate from further acts of piracy.
Those 10 maxims of commerce are to bring forth a conflict and get it resolved. Once presented, it is the responsibility of the parties to Notice those that may be effected by the conflict. Since the Pope and Roman Curia control the Air jurisdiction by provenance and treaties, any fiction chartered or sub-chartered by the Pope must be directed to the Pope as Principal. All corporate assets and color of men as defined as hue+man humans are dead assets in Air jurisdiction. Thus Notice must go to the Principal, Pope, responsible for the fiactions and “legal persons” acting under civil law and not naural LAW where living men stand as equal sovereigns equal to the Pope.
By Maxim, 10 there are only 3 ways to satisfy a lien or claim in commerce. One is rebuttal. Every line item of the affidavit/statement must be addressed. The alternative of the claim made with skin in the game as truth directly under creator is that the unrebutted truth becomes law. The second method to resolve a claim is to bring witness to affirm or deny the facts. This is the basis of American Common LAW and expectation on the living on Land/soil jurisdiction that three witnesses gathered under the creator will make judgment to resolve the conflict. The final method is to pay the remedy claimed in the affidavit/statement.
As a living man or [wo]man, it is imperative that you know you natural and unalienable rights. In order to claim these rights you must not be a dead asset as a human under civil law and ownership as a slave to the Pope or other Principal. See to reclaim your birthright status as a living, sovereign man. Be prepared to answer and Affidavits/Statements served upon you. And Notice both Principals and Agents that are effected by the conflict and/or resolution of the conflict. This is the basis of being fiduciaries in the standard of the prudent man. We need to teach this. Please forward this as Notice to all. It is in our interest to discover our rights under our creator. Let us rise from centuries of slavery, removal from living jurisdiction by deceit, and learn to live in love and abundance as inherited by our creator. See to learn more about the gift of love waiting for you.