We are busy restoring our lawful interest on the Land with unalienable rights as inheritance from our creator and preserved through our Declaration of Independence and Treaties following the Revolutionary War as War for Independence. Remember following the Unam Sanctum by Pope Boniface the world economies and peace were organized in a global trust. Thus the provenance and standing of all depend on these agreements that date back to organization of the Biblical LAW of kinds in Land, Air, and Water (sea) as LAW.

Since we have returned to Land jurisdiction (see TASA.AmericanStateNatonals.org or TheColoradoAssembly.org to learn our real history, claim your birthright and make claim to the crimes.) we made claim to Section 21 on Arapahoe County to fund the Combolisk Project. We have been busy Noticing the over 400 residents and commercial businesses that exist on the section by color of title. See the Home menu and Union Pacfic Railway Company to learn more.

We completed Third Notice to AMG NATIONAL TRUST BANK as part of our effort to exhaust due process and establish ourselves as lawful owners of the section. Three Notices are required as part of our American Common LAW preserved as protected under 6th and 7th Amendments of all three Constitutions. In reality only one Notice is necessary under law merchant as the land method to access commerce through the land to air jurisdiction rather than the admiralty and maritime law of our contractors who have brought their law on the land via unlawful claim that the land jurisdiction is interregnum.

AMG NATIONAL TRUST BANK has thirty days for a Principal on living land jurisdiction to respond or due process is complete with them leaving the battlefield. Remember and incorporation is a charter by a Principal who olds accountability for the fiction. Ultimately the Pope and Roman Curia own all in + corporations under charters of charters linking back to the the global trust and treaties in air jurisdiction giving us the UCC code.

We are determined to force AMG NATIONAL TRUST BANK off the property or allow them to convert to a trade bank system under Land jurisdiction. We are happy to grant use of the property for this use and want to let the living on Colorado that we are ready with this gift as published here as our intent.

Here is the record of the Third Notice Service to AMG NATIONAL TRUST BANK.