We are in the process of requesting assistance to arrest the Mayor, city council and police chief of CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE for trespass. A number of living men showed up in support to the regular city council meeting. As the actual allodial title land owner, I was not served by public officers who are supposed to have an oath of office to serve the public. Dustin Varney as sometimes police chief responded to my writ by telling me my cheese had slipped its cracker. He also indicated he does not work for me. If not inland piracy and insurrection, it is clearly breach of contract and failure to honor the Constitution to which they all pledged allegiance at the start of the meeting. Please see links below for the writ that was sent by post to the sheriff of COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE and Major General David S. Doyle of Fort Carson.
Service to General Doyle was rejected by restricted service as registered mail. This is a violation of public service by whomever rejected the service. So the rejected mail was sent by priority mail with tracking to Fort Carson. A Second Notice Writ of Assistance requests details regarding the rejection of the previous service. The UPU will be Noticed as obstruction of mail is a crime. Living men and women domiciled on the united States are the employers of the service contractors existing on the land by contract under the Residence Act. No other fictions have treaty or agreement to exist on the Land as chartered by foreign incorporations meaning within the authority of Principals as sovereigns. All incorporations are the responsibility of the principal sovereigns that create said fictions. By maxims of LAW, the created is not greater than the creator. So a thing is bound, so must it be unbound. Treaties and international and global banking were established by The LAW of kinds [Genesis] and the original trust, Unam Sanctum that put the whole world in a trust pending the return of Jesus by the Pope acting as sovereign and trustee over the secular office of the church.