It has been a long and time consuming process to Notice Residents of Section 21 of 5 South 67 West Section 21, from 6th Prime Meridian Arapahoe County, Colorado. This post describes much of the process that was used in addition to the failed process to bring the issue of color of title to those residents of the section.

The process began with lawful claim of the Section by Michael Leigh Macgowan and Kimberly Ann Peer. You can find more information about this under the Home menu [union-pacific-railway company]. By last man standing maxim in international/global law we made claim to the land. In part we attached by making trade name recording of Union Pacific Railway Company. The STATE of COLORADO and COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE are sub-contractors under the government services corporations operating as the Territorial United States [1789 Constitution] and MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES [1790 Consitution] are simply trustees of the land trusts. They manage the trusts with their foreign law as a result of the declaration of interregnum of the land based united States contractor and living descendants of the living victors of the War for Independence as a result of the confusion surrounding the Civil War. All living men and women are unlawfully converted to dead legal persons in dead water jurisdiction and later as citizens of the 14th Amendment and slaves in Air jurisdiction by contract and misidentification. This operates much like a credit card thief. See and the dead baby scandal to learn more. This complicated fraud has been going on since at least the Civil War so there literally were no living Americans to make claim to the section of land that was part of a grant to the railroad for building a rail line to transfer troops and mail from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.

We made claim to the section as part of land grant #39 from what is now the Bureau of Land Managment because the former UP had been dissolved through bankruptcy and the new UP recorded a DISCLAIMER suggesting they had nothing to do with the land that was sold by the former UP. We know the DISCLAIMER cannot coexist in time with the grant and the deed to Rufus Clark because the former UP had gone through bankruptcy court and was missing when the land was granted. Since the foreign service providers are like a giant hamster wheel on top of the land and filled with water [LAW], the section literally became lost at sea. So when we made claim to a corporation doing business as a church, we were the only known Americans requesting use of the land as part of our inheritance from God and the founders by the treaties they secured on our behalf to be sovereign in our own right. This means we live in peace as owners of our own castles [see Cruden vs. Neale].

It is also important to note that Anna Maria Riezinger [fiduciay], and James Clinton Belcher [head of state/postmaster]d have been doing much to create standing before the Pope and Crown to create standing, provide provenance to the original Federation of union of States to be recognized and undo the contracts preventing Americans from making claim to the actual assets and credit of the land beneath the hamster wheel described above. Anna has made claim to it all, put it in an irrevocable trust and gifted it all to those that return to the land jurisdictions as living men and women. Please see the Globabl Family Bank to make claim.

Anna made claim to all. She claimed the assets, credit, debt, patents, the corporations, and everything of value to the living. The fraudulent sections sold by the former UP are within a set of assets that appear to be outside Anna’s claims and were truly lost at sea when we filed for trade name use of Union Pacific Railway Company and made claim through our trade name receipt of the first recorded use of the name since the land was granted for completed work under the delegated work of the foreign contractors under constitution. They cannot be claimed under the bankruptcies of the service providers because the authority for the grant is a legitimate service that was eventually copmpleted. There just wan’t any living man or entity to receive the grant for the rail that was approved. The grant of #39 land patent is sufficient to claim as well as the current use of the rail as work done and approved by the commission as per the Pacific Railway Acts. Since it was lost at sea, it is not part of the fraud and claims make on behalf of the living Americans.

While we hoped to have the victims of the crimes change their political status and come home to the land, none have done so. Since we are all made foreign to the land by our birth certificates, we must object to the crimes and undo our contracts based on the maxim, so a thing is done, so must it be undone. Those that objected and made title insurance claim had opportunity to trade with us for land under the land patent. The lawful chain of allodial title goes from the united States to Michael Leigh Macgowan and Kimberly Ann Peer doing trade as Union Pacific Railway Company. All other titles are under conflict by color of title and color of law which converted our allodial interest in land protected by treaties, and preserved by contract with armed governement service providers to trust management under color of title held by the King through royal estate renamed real estate.

We have now completed due process for Section 21. As per the ten maxims in commerce, we were only required to make one claim under a statement in the form of an affidavit. We provided multiple Notices as the Biblical natural law requires exhausted due process with two or three witnesses. It is important to note that our common natural law requires that we make notice to those that are effected. That is why Notices say: Notice to Principal is Notice to Agents. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. This way all that are effected must be told the truth which is sovereign in commerce. So when we asked the COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE to remove the effected land from their database, they had obligation to Notice residents. This is also true for the STATE OF COLORADO Secretary of State that was also Noticed. We also Noticed the DOT and both CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE and CITY OF CENTENNIAL. The city, county and state Notices complete three Notices.

There are many crimes that led to the trespass of Residents that is now claimed. We didn’t rely solely on the failed government contractors to make Notice to Agents. They failed in their fiduciary responsibility and if you are a resident, you may have claim against them. We also went door to door and posted Notices. This was our own skin in the game which is another maxim in commerce. We were threatened and the Heritage Condo Association attorney made statement that he would file suit on their behalf. We received an anonymous threat in the mail using false information as we did not send the post from ourselves. The issue is that legal persons were defined as dead assets of corporations to assign bankruptcy debt from you in order to steal the assets and credit from your family. Since you are declared “dead” the claims survive your death and are attached to your children as you convert them to the dead. The dead including corporate fictions have no treaty to own land. There merely have a hamster wheel on top of the land. Your real estate is worthless unless you undo your contracts and make claim in the living. Amnesty ends where truth begins. For those residents of Section 21, your time to make claim is expiring.

We just completed lawful Notice of Third and Final claim of Trespass to Residents of Section 21. We posted Notice via certificate of mailing by USPS the week of June 4th through the 7th from Florence, Colorado. We extended the deadline to make lawful claim by thirty days beginning with the date of post. After this time, you will have no lawful claim to remain on Section 21 although you may have claim against the service providers described above. You are required to leave the land in the shape it was when the fraud was made. Thus it must be natural vegetation and soil suitable for growing an Orchard as this is what Rufus Clark did when he was given a deed under color of title. We would still like to work with you as our intent is not to harm living men and women. See or for more information on reclaiming your birth right.

Third Notice

Certificate of Mailing

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Heritage Condo Association