Why i Autograph the way i do

)ConIssue: Whether or not a “PERSON” or a “person” has rights and whether or not i should “Sign” your “Legal” instrument or “Autograph” a “Lawful” one?

The following are Statements of Fact yet-to-be Lawfully rebutted by any B.A.R. member:

1) The oxymoron “Sovereign Citizen” refers to a Political Status that does not exist under your law as it relates to Political Status descriptions [8 U.S.C. 1101 et. seq.] and is well-known as a tool used to confuse an uneducated Public.

2) There are numerous American History references that describe the fundamental differences between “Civil law” and “[American] Common Law”; Excellence of the Common Law by: Brent Winters; a Lawyer, is one such reference. “The systemizing of civil law ideals began at Babylon…Roman…became a popular adjective for civil law because the Roman emperor Justinian first compiled and organized Babylon’s tradition of law…” pg. 125

3) 1822: Treaty of Verona, 1822, American Diplomatic Code, 1778 – 1884, vol 2; Elliot, p. 179 and CONGRESSIONAL RECORD – SENATE., 64th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION, VOLUME 53, PART 7, Page 6781, 25 April 1916, in which the Higher Contracting Powers agreed to undermine the American government.

4) 1860: When Abraham Lincoln ran for Office in 1860, he was a B.A.R. Attorney who was technically ineligible to run for the Office of “President of The United states of America” by the then fully-ratified Original 13th Amendment, which barred those with Titles of Nobility (viz. Esquire) from serving in Public Office.

5) 1862: The word “person” was re-defined from “people” to “corporation”. See your 37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68; 1862.

6) The Clearfield Doctrine and USC Title 22: When a government operates as a commercial corporation it descends to the level of all such corporations and has no special powers or attributes. It is only when acting as a properly formed unincorporated Body Politic [such as The Colorado Assembly which is comprised of American State Nationals and American State Citizens] that a government exercises sovereign power of any kind.

7) The previously mentioned code [8 U.S.C. 1101(a), (3), (21), and (22) and Public Law, 15 U.S. Stat., Chapter 249, pps 223-224. Under your Federal Code (the internal “law” of the United States of America, Inc.) there is no such thing as dual citizenship.

8) Again, under your code; [8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(21), the birthright status of “American Nationals” is recognized. Under the statutory law of the United States of America, Inc. there is absolute distinction between “U.S. citizens” and “American Nationals”.

9) 1967: Section 4. Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646 – “A ‘citizen of the United States’ is a civilly dead entity operating as co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive Cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc.“, .., ,

10) “Commerce” is business conducted between corporations while “Trade” is business conducted between people, associations, sole proprietors…and other unincorporated business structures.

11) Congress declares in Document 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session “The ownership (trusteeship) of all property is in the State (which “State”?); individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to merer user, and use must be in accordance with law an subordinate to the necessities of the state.”

Argument: While it is impossible to provide you with an exhaustive and complete list of Statements of Fact, it should now be clear from the few statements above that i am man or [wo]man. i am *not* any type of CIVILLY-DEAD entity nor does my Lawful Political Status fall within any jurisdiction of any of your Babylonian Civil law; which includes your Ecclesiastic law, your Equity law, or any other law forms used by any of your STATE OF [STATE], Inc. franchises (please read Brent Winter’s book).

Conclusion: man or [wo]man have the unalienable rights provided by his/her creator – PERSONS/persons do not. Therefore; if you simply choose to act in your capacity as man (or [wo]man), we can simply come to a simple trade agreement for our mutual benefit – acting under our Public Law we would enforce said agreement. Our Public Law is now; and always has been, superior to any Civil law.