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American Federation Dollars are in part credit for crimes against the Americans for the last century and a half. This is the most complicated series of crime ever exposed. I bring you this truth to offer peace, value, and the return of your life.
Since an American Federation Dollar is roughly equal to $250 Federal Reserve Notes, much credit has been obligated to you if you choose to act. By so doing, you will help expose the lies and stand on your birthright protected by the founders of this country.
Our Federal government originally had three service contractors. There was the original Constitution and its unincorporated Republican style of government. This Congress adjourned in 1861 leaving the Territorial Congress that was established in 1787 as part of the Revolutionary War peace process. It became a for profit Scottish corporation and was delegated our Title IV flag with delegated authority for services to defend our territories and ships at sea. This foreign corporation operates as a democracy. Similarly, a Holy Roman Empire chartered corporation was set up in Washington D.C. as a services contractor for our global post and patent offices in 1790 as a theocracy. These for profit mostly foreign owned corporations are acting in their interest, not yours.
When our unincorporated land jurisdiction contractor adjourned in 1861, the other two contractors began a mercenary conflict which became the Civil War. They have been in collusion to steal our assets and credit ever since. Just like a credit card hacker, they used similar names and colluded with international banks to print unlawful debt notes. Do we let McDonalds print money? In order to pull off this massive scheme they borrowed the accounting system from Al Capone’s bookkeeper. Every IOU printed as a US dollar puts a unit in the “national debt” column. But since it is an IOU, there is an offsetting unit on the credit side of the equation just like in algebra. As long as you never get beyond sixth grade math and learn the truth, they keep stealing. The Civil War never ended so they have used this excuse to continue the identity theft of our county from every thing from “war on drugs” to “war on terrorism” to fly the war flag instead of our peace flag. They also took over our schools and the media so we won’t learn the truth that will cost them money and power.
They used international and commerce laws to bring their sea law [admiralty/maritime] onto our land because we were lost on purpose by them. Since we did not discover them as ordinary credit card hackers, they converted us to foreigners on our own land against the guarantees in the Constitutions. We were not disclosed the truth which is required by law. But we agreed to the crimes with every contract we sign. Search for American Common Law in the sixth [criminal] and seventh [civil] Amendments and “Republican” style government in Article IV Section 4 and know that something is wrong! Democracies are mob rule. Our government acts like a conversation at the dinner table with due process. All are treated equal. Our rights are preserved because anyone acting in government puts the needs of all before their own! Even if they offer a minimum income or stimulus package for all US Citizens, it will be a fraction of what they owe and what is sitting in the bank accounts. They do not want you to know because they can control you and steal from you, if you continue to believe the lies.
The great fraud continued by taking away our rights to make objection. We are made color of men = hue + man = humans where our unalienable rights under our creator are converted to rights dependent on the State where they can be revoked at will. We had to establish standing among other sovereigns in the world even though they were guaranteed in the peace treaties following the Revolutionary War. You are unlawfully converted at your birth when you are “registered” in a foreign jurisdiction of law. Instead of using your given name, a similar name with middle initial is set up in a trust. When you fail to collect this estate trust, you are deemed “lost at sea” and deemed a ward of the State by the secular office of the Pope. You are made a “legal person” and citizen of the US with obligations to the national debt described above. Meanwhile the crooks keep bankrupting the corporations, assign the assets to new corporations and leave the “legal persons” as dead assets of the corporation and owing the bill. Read the 14th Amendment and realize it is you that assumes the debt of the corporation.
The good news is that you can object to the crimes and return to the land jurisdiction as a Coloradoan if born in Colorado or a Texan if born in Texas. We object because we were not told that we would be trafficked as babies into foreign dead jurisdictions of law. They got away with the crime, because you did not know of the crime of personage, weren’t given full disclosure and did not exercise your right to object to the crimes.
It has taken decades to discover the truth. We have also taken the steps to reclaim our reversionary interest in the estates. The fiduciary of the unincorporated The United States of America has made claim in an irrevocable will on land jurisdiction with standing and provenance to the original Federation. Meanwhile, the Global Family Bank is being created as a trade bank, not commerce, system to manage accounts and transfer the wealth and assets that are being restored. The credit is like a prepaid gift card that we receive as a present! The credit is waiting if we all stand in peace, love and law. There many more of us then there are bankers, generals, Popes, and Monarchs in the world. Tag you are it! Help spread the word and help discover the quadrillions that have been stolen and are sitting on account. And they have been charging interest for the assets and credit they borrowed from us. Who does that make sense to?
Even though your coupon may not be worth many American Federation Dollars, there are many more waiting for all that return to the land and make claim. In fact, we are receiving 5k AFD per month per man just by claiming to be alive as men and women at peace. This is over one million dollars of asset backed money unlike the worthless green Federal Reserve Notes that are probably in your purse, wallet, or account.
If we all declare peace and expose the truth, we can use the existing law to force the criminals to give back what is rightfully ours. It was given by our creator and preserved by the founders. Those that were obligated to protect us by contract are in breach of trust.
You cannot undo what you have just read. You can go forward, learn more about the truth, and begin the long process to restore our actual land government and natural rights. If you do nothing, you become complicit in the crimes as an accomplice. Amnesty ends when you are presented the truth. The simple truth is that we have a moral responsibility to do no harm to others and report crime. And since they have made so many poor and have tried to kill their employers, the foreign contractors have many reasons to avoid the truth. But we know that after WWII, the military could not use “I was following orders” as an excuse. Will you?
You can read thousands or articles about the truth that has been discovered at annavonreitz.com. You can return to the land, set up a bank account and start receiving AFD at Global528.com. You can join your local assembly at TASA.AmericanStateNationals.org.
I would be happy to help you walk through this. That is why I gave you a coupon to redeem AFD for a service you provided. Thank you. Please email me [see coupon] or contact me through this website. Put “land land land” in the subject line, so that I know this is not spam. I look forward to corresponding with you.
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If you prefer to watch videos, I made a presentation here [Watchman Notice]
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